таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

Assassin’s Creed: Rogue

Таблица для Cheat Engine (+16) [1.0]

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

Список читов и скриптов

* Возможны и большие значения, но пока не известно, для каких именно читов.

* Автор исходной таблицы Zanzer с форума Cheat Engine, я лично только упорядочил читы, немного подчистил скрипты и адаптировал для русскоговорящих обитателей PlayGround.ru

Скачать CheatEngine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь.

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таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

Кто может дать описания читов? У меня открыто только от МЁРТВЫЕ НЕ КУСАЮТСЯ до БОЛТУН

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таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

как его включить? для чайников, пожалуйста.

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таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

А, я понял. Это читы из меню, только в СЕ с сохранением статы. Отлично. Только у меня половина читов не открыто, описание для них где прочитать?

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Скрин сделал молодец а дальше что? В описании не написано ничего. Я запустил читенерги и что дальше?

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адаптировал для русскоговорящих и что это всё значит? Я нифига не врубаюсь в названия.

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1oGGer, запустить игру, открыть таблицу, выбрать процесс ACC.exe, поставить крестик на активации, дальше все выше написано, как активировать нужные читы. -Al-ex-, выше я написал, что означают читы.

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таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

Пожалуйста помогите. Все выполнил по инструкции. Таблица прогрузилась-открылся список читов, выбрал процесс АСС. Но читы не активируются, крестик активации в главном скрипте («активация читов») не ставится. В чем может быть проблема?

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таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

ктонибудь может подсказать почему у меня больше никачается ниодин файл пишет что заблокировано либо вирус если кто может подсказать напишите в личку заранее спасибо


Assassin’s Creed: Rogue

Таблица для Cheat Engine (+16) [1.1.0]

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

* Для того, чтоб игра сохранялась ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО активируйте первый в списке скрипт;

* Активация нужных Вам читов производится во внутриигровом меню Испытания «Абстерго» > Читы

* Автор исходной таблицы SunBeam с форума Cheat Engine, я лично только упорядочил читы, немного подчистил скрипты и адаптировал для русскоговорящих обитателей PlayGround.ru

Скачать CheatEngine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь.

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таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

В миссиях, как известно, читы недоступны. Но во время миссии можно изменить значение первых четырех (имхо, вполне достаточно для миссий) значений на 2, тем самым включив их независимо от переключателей в игре. Идеальный порядок для таблицы: открытие таблицы > запуск игры > ALT-TAB и активация первого скрипта в главном меню игры > загрузка сохранения > использование читов.

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

WorLing Это название чита в игре если хочешь узнать что за чит ты просто его открой в игре и прочитай описание.Всё нормально написано просто ты не понял что читы делятся на внутриигровые и на не внутриигровые.

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

Перевод читов на пользовательский язык ;D

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

1-Беск. жизнь 2-беск боеприпасы 3-без перезарядки 5-попутный ветер постоянно 6-бесконечное масло этого достаточно, ибо дальше я хз


FearLess Cheat Engine

Community Cheat Tables of Cheat Engine

Assassin’s Creed Rogue

таблица для чит энджин ассасин крид рогуе

Assassin’s Creed Rogue

Post by STN » Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:35 am

Zanzer’s table:
Unlimited Health
Unlimited Items
No Reload
Master of the Wind
Burn Them!
Big Mouth
Endurance Challenge
Cailleach’s Gift

Unlimited Resources
Unlimited Selling (Sell Cargo for Money)
Naval Missions Instantly Complete
Naval Missions Instantly Available
No Fall Damage

Teleport Script:
Save Current Location (Hotkey ‘F5’)
Load Saved Position (Hotkey ‘F8’)
Teleport to Waypoint (Hotkey ‘F9’)
Use Alternate Z-Axis for Waypoint

Time of Day Script:
Pointer for the 24-Hour Value
Adjust value using ‘[‘ and ‘]’ hotkey
Freeze Time of Day

Camera Script:
Hotkeys ‘G’ and ‘J’ to Move Left and Right
Hotkeys ‘Y’ and ‘H’ to Move Forward and Backward
Hotkeys ‘T’ and ‘U’ to Move Up and Down
Hotkeys ‘+’ and ‘-‘ to Zoom In and Out

Allow Saves While Using In-Game Cheats
Unlock All In-Game Cheats
Complete All Challenges

Tested on the CODEX release.

Special thanks to jim2point0, SunBeam, and gir489 for their contributions and insight!

Release of the first version of the handler, along with anti-save disabled when using cheats.

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6. Note that whenever you load/reload the game (or teleport to Ctrl locations), the cheat is disabled. The same thing happens after some cutscenes. Keep an eye out Smile You’ll have to use the hotkey again.

Let me know if you have any issues. Now I can move on to Unity.

Similar to this thread, releasing the Cheat Handler that operates some of the internal Debug Menu functions. Extra, windowed mode and a disabler for the in-game save game disabler, when using cheats. I am using this release for now: Assassins.Creed.Rogue.v1.1.0.Steam.Deluxe.Edition.Cracked-3DM. Will move to the official one if I consider it’s worth spending le bucks on it Smile

Posting as I progress, throughout the day.

I started with running the game executable (ACC.exe) in x64_dbg and breaking on CreateWindowExA. We’re interested in this function:

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Now, the BOOL we’re looking to change is (in my case) the value stored in 0x14329BB73. This value is 0 upon opening the executable, gets set to 1 further along and game starts in fullscreen mode. If you’re to set it to 0, you get windowed mode.

Since I couldn’t manage getting x64_dbg to break on what writes value 1 to that BOOL, I did this instead:

— open game executable in x64_dbg;
— press F9 or Shift+F9 one or two times so you get to OEP:
0000000140E5E214 | 48 83 EC 28 | SUB RSP,28 |

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— add 14329BB73 to list and «Find out what writes to this address»;
— remove breakpoint on OEP, patch back the instruction to «sub rsp,28»;
— hit F9 so game starts;

Once you do the above steps, this happens:

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And this is the final result, once patching (remember to create a backup of ACC.exe first!) and setting resolution to 800×600:

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[ Disable save-game disabler ]

Past the Abstergo rebooting and gay tutorial inland with the trio, managed to get on the Morrigan. Once by sea, don’t remember what I did, but game let me know that cheats are now available. The whole explanation of the cheat system and how it works in AC4 is detailed in the thread indicated in the beginning of this post.

I started with looking for PreCheatSaveGame string in x64_dbg:

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Checking out the references for function’s prologue leads me to this:

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Backtraced some more to find the caller for the pointer we’re going to use to access all of the cheats Wink And found its location here:

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First things first. To disable the god damn disabler, you will have to tamper SETE AL instruction. Whenever AL is 0, SETE AL makes it 1. If it’s 1, it will make it 0. Whenever you enable a cheat, this function is called in upon pressing Esc to exit Cheats menu. You can imagine how the shifting works.

As such, SETE AL has to become XOR AL,AL (we’ll always keep it 0):
0000000140F211C9 | 0F 94 C0 | SETE AL |

0000000140F211C9 | 30 C0 | XOR AL,AL |
0000000140F211CB | 90 | NOP |

Now, on with building up the cheats table. As I was saying, base pointer is acquired here:
0000000140EF0C70 | 48 8B 05 41 7B 40 02 | MOV RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[1432F87B8] |
0000000140EF0C77 | C3 | RET |

In my case, address it holds is 0x166C5320.

Further along, this address gets adjusted:
0000000140F21470 | 48 83 C1 40 | ADD RCX,40 |

Assassin’s Creed Rogue

Post by Paul44 » Sat May 19, 2018 9:20 am

— Health (incl Godmode & Invisibility)
— Inventory Supplies: manage amounts. (see help

— Teleport & Coordinates (incl teleport, free roam, cam distance)
— Ship Status (health, Invisible, ship battles)
— Fleet Missions: manage all resources
— Freeze Mission Timer.
— Abstergo Challenges: allows to edit/complete/reset any of the challenges
— Time Of Day.
— Tools. (Build Icon Lists)

* Help (and readme file) are included.
* Bonus: table with xyz coordinates of all (minus a few) templar relic locations
(see [ [Link] ])

Sidenote: AC Rogue uses an ‘obfuscation’ routine to en/decrypt values for all inventory supply amounts. For anyone interested, hereby some ‘minimal’ research: see [ [Link] ]

Important: during my final testing this morning, I crashed the game each time I tried to steal money?! This ‘bug’ (?) is solved (logically it should not use that part of the routine), and I did some other additional testing. That said: if your game (instantly) crashes with ‘Inventory’ cheat enabled, try to pinpoint your exact actions, and pm me your findings. Would be much appreciated.

Also added batchfile to create Windowed version (but probably more ‘manageable’ using DxWnd). See also here: [ viewtopic.php?f=23&t=11869 ] (you’ll need to download SFK = Swiss File Knife yourself)

as always: leave a message/pm me if something (and add some minimum info) is not working for you.


Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey: Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 18.10.2018]

— updated undead (actually the enable script). changed the pet fetching process, should be more stable now.
— updated one-hit-kill mod key. the damage bar visual of bow aiming would be updated as well when the mod key is pressed.
— added link to Z28Scott’s damage multipliers table (see top of the post).
— added Ikaros teleport. not tested thoroughly. report

— updated movement mod key. changed the script default keys, also it allows you to choose the key from a dropdown list now.
— note that enable script is updated for the stealth script. it may not be as stable as previous update. so, again, report

— updated inf. arrow. increased min. arrows from 1 to 4, a cheap by-pass for the multi-arrows-shoot ability. to have the ability available with 3 or lesser arrows, I have to patch another 9+ places (5 for on draw check, 2 for on multi=arrows aim check, 1 for on multi-arrows shoot check, 1+ for after multi-arrows shoot check), which means at least 9 more aobscans. as a day one patch is expected for the actual release I presume, the cheap by-pass applied seems a better idea.. an alternate approach is just patch the arrows read code with «for on-screen quantity» readS filered, lesser aobscans are needed this way, but when I find the quiver doesn’t actually visually show how many arrows left this time, I think I can live with >=4 approach.
— added inf. adrenaline and instant abilities cooldown
— added ignore ability points
— added inf. oxygen
— added inf. arrow and instant bow charge.
— added ignore drachmae/resources.
— updated walk key to movement mod key, added the key for jogging (slower run, no need to sprint always when you move. ).
— added time of day mod and walk key
— updated undead. was lazy and thought of just porting the old script. re-wrote the script, using another injection point. it works as it should now.

[human battle]
(up) undead (table Update11.1)
inf. oxygen
inf. adrenaline
inf. arrow
instant abilities cooldown
instant bow charge
(up) one-hit-kill mod key (table Update11.1)

ignore ship health
inf. ship stamina

stealth mod
ignore drachmae/resources
ignore ability points
exp multiplier
time of day mod
movement mod key
Ikaros teleport

[human battle]
— health still drop when being hit but you won’t die.
— by script default, it applied to both you and your pet (tamed animal).

inf. oxygen
— as title says

inf. adrenaline
— adrenaline won’t drop below 3 bars.

inf. arrow
— arrows still drop when you fire your bow but it won’t drop below 4 (>=4).

instant bow charge
— as title says.

one-hit-kill mod key
— when activated, hold the specified mod key to attack (melee, assassin, shoot, skills. etc.) to land an one-hit-kill on the enemy.
mod key can be changed by choosing from the drop-down-list.
mod key default: CapsLock key.

ignore ship health
— ship health still drop when damaged but it won’t be sunk.

inf. ship stamina
— stamina stays full always.

stealth mod
— when activated, you can choose from 2 stealth method: «in sneak» or «always».
— default method on script activation: «in sneak».
— «in sneak» : no one can sense your presence when you are crouching, «in sneak» if you will. even if you’re in battle with them already, they would lost track of you immediately when you enter sneak.
— «always» : as name suggested, you’re always in stealth and no one can sense your presence, including other ships.
— CE’s hot-keys are set for in-game method changes:

— if you don’t like the voice when you press the hot-keys, you can always disable them yourself by editing the hot-keys of the entry «status».
— the entry «status» shows what method you’re using.

ignore drachmae/resources
— you can buy/upgrade/engrave in the Blacksmith, do ship upgrade, payout bounty, and craft arrows, regardless of the current drachmae/resources.
— drachmae/resources still decrease until they reach zero when you buy/(ship)upgrade/engrave/pay bounty/craft arrows.

ignore ability points
— you can learn abilities regardless of your current ability points.
— on-screen ability points still drop until it reaches zero when you learn skills.
— pointers to the ability points can be found after you activated the script, in case you want to edit it manually. access Abilities menu to populate the pointers.

exp multiplier
— exp gained would be multiplied by the specified multiplier, which can be changed by editing the entry «x?».
— quest/explore gained exp shown would still be the original value upon receiving (big +number on the centre of the screen), but the actual gaining value shown (small +number on the top-right hand corner of the screen) would be the multiplied value.
— exp multiplier default: x4, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.

time of day mod
— hold CapsLock and PageUp to rewind time.
— hold CapsLock and PageDown to advance time.
— time of day would advance normally without pressing any of the above keys.
— the value of current time of day can be changed manually, just a simple 24 hours value.

movement mod key
— funny they either set the walk speed too slow or too fast. this time the walk speed is too fast that makes the walking animation looks unnatural for my taste.. (*updated* after game patch v1.03, they fixed the walk speed, now it back to the usual «too slow for me»)
— applies to on-foot and horse riding.
— hold X1 Mouse Button and move to walk.
— hold X2 Mouse Button and move to jog, the normal running speed, which is slower than the default sprint-like moving speed.
— you can change the keys by editing the entries «walk key» and «jogging key».
— by script default, the walking speed is 0.3 (faster the game’s own walk key), can be changed via the entry «walk speed»; the jogging is 0.68, can be changed via the entry «jogging speed».

Ikaros teleport
— when activated, call Ikaros, then hold CapsLock and create a CUSTOM waypoint to teleport Alexios/Kassandra there immediately.
— filter is implemented so that you won’t be teleported accidentally by creating waypoint in the Map menu.
— you can’t be teleported properly when Alexios/Kassandra is in water. it may brings you to the nearest shore only.
— a cheap collision by-pass is implemented, blockage between you and the destination won’t stop you from teleporting to the destination.
— if you teleport when the aim DOT is ON Ikaros, you may be teleported to where Ikaros are and you’d drop from mid-air. you’re advised to teleport when Ikaros is hovering (holding the aim button when flying Ikaros).

Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, «Load» и выбрать таблицу
2. «Select a process to open», выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

Скачать Cheat Engine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь.


Assassin’s Creed: Origins: Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 06.02.2018]

— health still drop when being hit but you won’t die.
— health will stop decreasing when it reaches the «min health block» threshold specified.
— most, if not all, script-kill should be covered. still need testing though.
— beware of the continuous-damage though (e.g., poison, on-fire, etc.), they may kill you if you set the min health block too low (depends on your level). don’t set it smaller than 0.5 block of health and you should be fine.

ignore adrenaline
— allows you to use Overpower Attack any time, regardless of how much adrenaline (both blue and yellow bar) you have.

instant charged heavy attack
— works on all melee weapons, including «unarmed».

instant bow charge
— works on both Hunter Bow and Warrior Bow.
— may works on Enemies when they use these 2 types of bows as well, not tested.

rate of fire mod
— works on Light Bow.
— when activated, it forces the game to use the specified custom rate of fire. the smaller the value the faster.
— setting custom rate of fire to zero would use the standard rate of fire the game use (slower).
— by default, the custom rate of fire is 0.001 (level 4 Rate of Fire of a Light Bow is 0.55).
— if you want set the custom rate of fire real fast (like the script default 0.001), you should activate light bow arrow «clip» mod together so that you can shoot longer.

light bow arrow «clip» mod
— allows you to force set the arrows you draw when using Light Bow.
— best use together with inf. ammo script if the # of arrows to fetch per each draw you set is bigger than your quaver.

ignore curse health-penalty
— when activated, cursed weapon’s health-penalty would be removed.

ignore resources
— allows you to craft anything in the Gear Menu without any resources.
— resources used still decrease upon crafting until they reach zero.

easy chariot race
— player has infinite usage of boost.
— non-player can’t use boost at all, meaning they will be much slower with this script activated.

sync equipments level / reset outfit quantities ***REMOVED on patch 1.20***
— when activated, hold Shift and CapsLock keys together and enter the Gear menu, and all the equipments’ level would be sync with your current level, as long as they have a equipment level higher than 1, and the equipment level is not higher than your current level. could be useful if you have a lot of equipments on you, and you don’t want to spend minutes to upgrade all of them every time.
— note that if the equipment synced is equipped already, it’ll be de-equip and you’ll have to equip it again.
— if somehow you have have 2 or more of the same outfit, you can use this script to reset them to 1, just hold Ctrl and CapsLock keys together and enter the Gear menu.

inf. ammo
— activate item quantity mod first.
— all ammo still decrease when being used until they reach 1.
— for Warrior Bows, you can still shoot multiple arrows when you have 1 arrow left.
— for Light Bows, you can still fetch multiple arrows to shoot without re-fetching arrow for each shot when you have 1 arrow left.

inf. all items
— activate item quantity mod first.
— all items, including ammos, weapons, resources, still decrease when being used/sell/dismantle/craft until they reach 1.
— as the quantity stop decreasing at 1, it’s not meant to be an «infinite crafting» script. check ignore resources if you want that.
— also, not tested on the QUEST ITEMS, it may or may not break the game plot on handling QUEST ITEMS, so I don’t recommend using this for gaming session, but for experiment only.

exp gained multiplier
— exp gained would be multiplied by the specified multiplier, which can be changed by editing the entry.
— quest/explore gained exp shown would still be the original value upon receiving (big +number on the centre of the screen), but the actual gaining value shown (small +number on the top-right hand corner of the screen) would be the multiplied value.
— exp multiplier default: x4, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.

time of day mod
— hold CapsLock and PageUp to rewind time.
— hold CapsLock and PageDown to advance time.
— time of day would advance normally without pressing any of the above keys.
— the value of current time of day can be changed manually, just a normal 24 hours value.

walk key
— activate movement mod first.
— when activated, hold CapsLock and move to walk.
— by script default, the walking speed is 0.525 (while the game’s default walking speed when using keyboard is 0.4), can be changed via the entry «walk speed».

senu teleport
— activate movement mod first.
— when activated, call Senu, then hold CapsLock and create a CUSTOM waypoint (won’t work if selecting an existing map icon or people) to teleport Bayek there immediately.
— Map menu check is implemented, you won’t be teleported accidentally by creating waypoint in the Map menu.
— you can’t teleport when Bayek is wet. if you’ve just get out of the water, wait a while until you’re dry and try again.
— it’s possible Bayek would fall through walls if you choose to teleport to the other side of a wall (just don’t teleport to a wall and you should be fine).
— if you teleport when the aim DOT is ON Senu, you may be teleported to where Senu are and you’d drop from mid-air and result in desynchronise.

— activate movement mod first.
— when movement mod is activated, press numpad0 and numpad- to toggle no-clip.
— when activated, use keyboard+mouse to fly around. using the walk key allows you to move slower.
— may work with controller as well, report

— you may get hurt or even desynchronized if you deactivate no-clip in mid-air if you’ve fly for a long time already.
— only deactivate the script when you’re «landed» and you should be fine.
— in short, use with caution.

slow motion on bow aim
— when activated, hold CapsLock during bow aiming would enter slow motion (using CE’s Speedhack).
— if it crash the game when you activate it, try to enable CE’s Speedhack manually at the «Press Any Key» screen, because it’s possible the game would crash if you enable CE’s Speedhack in-game.

weapon editor
— for testing purpose only, BACKUP SAVES FIRST. and CRASH is expected if you edit a value that you’re not supposed to touch.
— as it’s for testing purpose for now, it’s separated from the main «enable» script.
— when activated, equip the weapon (or re-equip if you’re equipping that weapon already) you want to edit to populate the pointers.
— you can’t add new properties to the weapon, you can change the property itself or edit the modifiers of the existing properties.
— the modifiers are property-dependent. e.g., if you changed the modifiers of the CURSE property to zero, all weapons that have the CURSE property would be benefit from the change.
— if the pointer is GREY in colour, DO NOT edit them. they are for reference only.
— if the «# of properties» of a weapon is 4, only edit the first 4 properties presented; «[property 5]» is actually the first property of another gear.
— so far I’ve seen a maximum of 5 properties on a weapon, so I’ve only set up 6 «[property x]», if a weapon has more than 6 properties, examine the «[property x]» pointers and add more yourself.
— the above 2 points also applicable for «[modifier x]» pointers.
— for some modifiers have different values depends on the weapon’s level (even though they are all the same most of the time). the «modifier» pointer would most likely be invalid. if it’s the case, use the «[modifier x]» pointers instead.
— if the modifier doesn’t change depends on the weapon’s level, «[modifier 2]» pointers would most likely be invalid, just use the «modifier» pointer instead.
— [base property] probably holds the base damage info of the weapon.
— the sub-properties start at [property 2].
— to change a property it self:
— in every «[property x]», the first pointer would be «base», let say the weapon you’re editing have only one sub-property «Level 1 Critical Hit Rate», navigate to «[property 2]», the value should looks something like this: «0x000000000DF9F0F8».
— to change it to «Level 2 Critical Hit Rate», add 0x18 to the value, it’d become something like this «0x000000000DF9F110». then exit the Gear menu and re-enter, the weapon order should be changed as its quality is upped, and you should see the weapon’s sub-property should be changed to «Level 2 Critical Hit Rate» then.
— to change the modifieres of a property, e.g. if the weapon has only one sub-property and it’s «Level 2 Critical Hit Rate»:
— its modifiers can be found in [property 2].
— [modifier 1] would holds the actual critical hit rate. if the weapon is Lv28, change the value of «level 28».
— [modifier 2] have a (float)1.7 as long as the property is «Critical Hit Rate», don’t know what it affects. feel free to test it yourself

— the changes would apply to all weapon that uses «Level 2 Critical Hit Rate».
— the changes doesn’t visually change the «Level 2 Critical Hit Rate» icon, it would still have 2 bars on-screen. look above if you want to change the property itself.
— it was fun to locate the structure, but I’m getting bored to refine the pointers. probably won’t update them myself. still feel free to share your findings and I’ll try to update the table later. or if you’re familiar with lua script, feel free to build an editor with UI and I’ll link to your post. here’s the start of the properties retrieval loop (game v1.03): «ACOrigins.exe»+1B363F0

Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, «Load» и выбрать таблицу
2. «Select a process to open», выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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