Скидки my singing monsters

My Singing Monsters Деньги, Бесплатно, секретные коды, советы

Скидки my singing monsters

Бесплатно бриллианты, еда и монеты подарит взломанный My Singing Monsters на Android & iOS. Без скачивания модов, чит коды на деньги и остальные ресурсы. Следуйте советам в инструкции и получайте много денег на счет бесплатно. Разблокируйте все острова, и повышайте уровень своих монстров. Создать уникальный и большой оркестр, мечта каждого игрока и это возможно получить без покупки ресурсов в игровом магазине.

Начало игры начинается с обучения, где вы научитесь выводить My Singing Monsters монстров и создавать оркестры. Сложности появятся в дальнейшем, получить монстров высокого уровня непросто, да и прокормить все едой будет трудно без игровых покупок. Но для прохождения требуется создавать новые мелодии, комбинировать монстров и просто наслаждаться процессом. Игра имеет уникальный геймплей и играть в нее можно долго.

Коды My Singing Monsters на Android и iOS:

Размножайте монстров без ограничений, комбинируйте их и создавайте новые виды. Используйте неограниченные ресурсы и повышайте уровень монстров. Помните, чем выше уровень, тем больше еды и сладостей требуется любимцу. Главное вырастить монстра до 4 уровня, после чего можете использовать все его возможности. Игра является прекрасным примером длительной популярности. Аналогий подобной музыкальной фермы отсутствует на рынке мобильных игр.

Гайд по игре, секреты прохождения

Уникальный музыкальный симулятор имеет мультяшную графику и много музыки. Здесь вы будете ее создавать, а делать ее будут ваши питомцы. Выводите их на сцену, объединяйте и получайте уникальное звучания. Оно будет зависеть не только от комбинации любимцев, но и от уровня каждого. Игрок получает возможность создать множество островов и заселить их разными питомцами.

В игре My Singing Monsters имеется более 100 видов монстров, каждый обладает уникальным звуком. Создавайте уникальные и любимые мелодии. Чтобы сделать что-то реально крутое, требуют монстры высокого уровня, получить их можно с помощью бриллиантов. Монеты понадобятся для проведения улучшения и повышения их уровня.

Скидки my singing monsters

Что касается управления, оно достаточно простое и понятное. Пройдя обучающие уровни вы будете знать как выводить монстров, создавать новых и получить редких. Выполняйте задания и получайте доступ к новым островам и миссиям. Взлом My Singing Monsters позволит сэкономить много денег и времени на игре. Ускоряйте процессы с помощью бриллиантов, покупайте украшения и арки на острова, чтобы создать уникальный стиль.

Как выводить монстров, советы и хитрости

Игра набрала популярность очень быстро, многие только сейчас скачивают ее. Главными героями данной игры являются монстры и все они не прочь попеть. Обустройте остров, выводите и комбинируйте их и получайте уникальную музыку. За заботу игрок получает монеты и может тратить их на повышения уровня и открытия новых островов.

Кроме этого нужно следить за счастьем питомца и увеличивать его, вкусно кормя и покупая нужные предметы. Читы My Singing Monsters позволят быстрее разводить монстров и выводить новые виды. Мощные персонажи появятся в вашей команде с ростом уровня самого игрока. Некоторых особей можно скрещивать и получать новые виды. Цена монстра может быть высока, но и монет от будет приносить больше. Драгоценные камни позволят покупать платные предметы игры и разблокировать монстров высокого уровня.

Несмотря на полученные деньги My Singing Monsters игроку стоит следить за всеми показателями, иначе монстры будут несчастливые, а вы потратите ресурсы впустую. Использовать коды можно несколько раз, делитесь с друзьями и получайте еще больше удовольствия от игры.



Скидки my singing monsters

The Market is the area in which most in-game purchases can be made. One can buy Monsters, their Eggs, Decorations, Structures, Islands, Costumes, In-game Currencies (using real money, or exchanging other game currencies), and Merchandise. It is in between the friends list and options, in the bottom right corner. The prices of things listed on the Market are not completely fixed; they are sometimes altered temporarily by Daily Deals.

Скидки my singing monsters



Players can buy basic monsters here using coins, and hybrid monsters with diamonds. For the five Natural islands, buying the one-element monsters is the first step in populating each island.

As of game version 1.2.4, players can also use this section to buy back the last monster that they have sold while in the current Island, to recover from accidental sales of monsters. This is called «Buyback». Monsters bought back into the game have the same level as before they were sold, and are purchased for the same sum of money that was received from selling it.

Before 2.0.4., in this section of the market, the text: «All monsters can be bred for free» was shown at the bottom of the screen. It was removed, due to the Werdos only being obtainable through purchase with Relics.


Decorations can be bought in this section to help decorate the archipelago.

Decorating affects the income generation of some monsters depending on the «likes» of the monsters and which decorations are chosen.


Structures do more than just decorating, and explicitly help the development of the monster archipelago.

Important buildings may be bought in this section, including the Breeding Structure, Mini-Mine, and Unity Tree, which ease the task of adding new monsters to the islands and help raising current ones.

Also the Humble Hotel, the Recording Studio, and the Storage Shed are buildings. The Time Machine slows down and/or speeds up the tempo of your music. The Wishing Torches make your breeding chances better if they’re lit.


New Islands can be bought here, starting at level 4. New islands can hold monsters unavailable on the previous ones. After purchasing the first available island, the Map can take the place of this section.

For app players only (PC players don’t have this ability), the music of the completed islands can be bought with actual money here.


In-game currency such as coins or diamonds can be bought with real money here.

In-App Purchases (IAP)

Thank you for making a purchase and supporting the Monster-Handlers!
Thank you note from Furcorn

In App Purchases, known sometimes as IAP, are what everybody knows as things you buy in apps using real life money. This game provides many of these purchases, with some seemingly unwise as there are better in-game methods of obtaining the resources.

Making your first IAP will provide the following benefits in addition to getting the resources for that purchase:

These are the usual values that must be paid in real money for in-game currency to be bought via the marketplace, without allowing for Daily Deals. Daily Deals may sometimes increase the value of each package. They also may occasionally decrease the price of a package. Values may vary over time and will vary depending on your country / real world currency used due to a combination of local and international law.

Note that «keys» are only used for buying Dipsters, a special type of monster.

Скидки my singing monsters

Vault of Diamonds

Name of PackageContentsPrice (USD)
Скидки my singing monsters
Coin Purse
500,000 Скидки my singing monsters$0.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Piggy Bank
1,200,000 Скидки my singing monsters$1.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Crate of Coins
3,000,000 Скидки my singing monsters$4.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Drum of Dough
7,000,000 Скидки my singing monsters$9.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Kegs of Cash
20,000,000 Скидки my singing monsters$24.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Boatload of Money
45,000,000 Скидки my singing monsters$49.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Carousel of Coinage
102,500,000 Скидки my singing monsters$99.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Ladle of Diamonds
20 Скидки my singing monsters$0.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Cup of Diamonds
40 Скидки my singing monsters$1.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Bucket of Diamonds
105 Скидки my singing monsters$4.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Treasure Chest
220 Скидки my singing monsters$9.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Cart of Diamonds
560 Скидки my singing monsters$24.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Diamond Dumpster
1,200 Скидки my singing monsters$49.99
3,000 Скидки my singing monsters$99.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Bowl of Goodies
21,600 Скидки my singing monsters$0.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Picnic Basket
43,600 Скидки my singing monsters$1.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Slop Trough
118,400 Скидки my singing monsters$4.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Wagon of Chow
240,000 Скидки my singing monsters$9.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Tub O’Grub
616,000 Скидки my singing monsters$24.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Mountain of Munchies
1,360,000 Скидки my singing monsters$49.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Garage of Groceries
2,992,000 Скидки my singing monsters$99.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Lone Key
1 Скидки my singing monsters$4.99
Скидки my singing monsters
Collection of Keys
5 Скидки my singing monsters$19.99

Currency Exchange

Amount ExchangedAmount Recieved
50 Скидки my singing monsters1,200,000 Скидки my singing monsters (Level 10 player)
50 Скидки my singing monsters1,500,000 Скидки my singing monsters (level 25 player)
50 Скидки my singing monsters2,000,000 Скидки my singing monsters (level 50 player)
50 Скидки my singing monsters2,500,000 Скидки my singing monsters (level 75 player)
500,000 Скидки my singing monsters50 Скидки my singing monsters
50 Скидки my singing monsters100 Скидки my singing monsters
30,000 Скидки my singing monsters1 Скидки my singing monsters
3 Скидки my singing monsters1st Скидки my singing monsters
6 Скидки my singing monsters2nd Скидки my singing monsters
9 Скидки my singing monsters3rd Скидки my singing monsters


Coin Farming

Many players face a point in the early game where everything is too expensive (particularly the cost of upgrading castles, and buying Islands). It is recommended not to spend real life money (or Diamonds) to get more coins, as Diamonds will quickly become much more important (and limited).

Eventually, players will get enough coin production to easily buy everything that can be bought with coins, but a high coin production is still useful for getting Player experience and baking Treats for high level monsters.



This is by far the most common method and useful method for getting coins early on.

Simply fill all Islands with Quads (four element monsters), and put other Monsters in the hotels to make room when necessary.

While Triples can have as high or even higher coin generation, Quads have a much higher maximum, requiring collecting much less often.

Rare Quads and Epic Quads produce even more Coins.

Level in parallel

Leveling up your Monsters makes them earn Coins faster and increases the maximum number of Coins they can hold, but each level requires a disproportionately higher amount of Treats, which cost 10 times as many Coins to produce in the Bakery in the first place.

Instead of leveling up 1 Monster very high, level up 2 Monsters or more to a lower level.

224 days

14 hours,
50 minutes

So having 4 Entbrats at a lower level costs significantly less, and end up producing more Coins/minute than a single Entbrat at the highest level.

Get your Monsters 100% Happy

100% happiness = twice the Coins/minute vs 0%.

Zynth Farming

Since August 2017, you can have mutiple Wublins of any type. Thus, Zynth Farming is possible as of that time.

The reason why Zynths is used is because it has the smallest size (2×2, shared with Thwok) and is very easy to fill. You can fit up to 109 Zynths on Wublin Island.

While Zynth farming mostly is used for Diamond (Скидки my singing monsters) and Shard (Скидки my singing monsters), it also generates coins 31% of the time. Be sure to collect every 12 hours to refresh more Zynth collections.

Dipster Farming

Dipsters only have a 1×1 footprint and do not take up any beds, potentially allowing the player to amass tons of dipsters, especially on plant island, due to dipsters being the cheapest there. If the player adds enough friends on the Friend Codes page, they can get an an army of dipsters at almost no downside. Feeding the dipsters is not recommended until the player has practically infinite treats (Скидки my singing monsters). Note that the player can also put dipsters on Ethereal Island as the earliest way to get shards (Скидки my singing monsters). Coin production aside, there no reason for any player not to Dipster Farm, other then running out of island space.

Wubbox and General Sales

It was previously possible to buy Wubboxi and other items on sale, and sell them back after the sale for 75% of the regular price. This was patched out in the July 2021 update.

Methods to avoid

Breeding and selling the Shugafam on Shugabush Island is possible, but it yields a measly 100,000 coins per two days. (about 50,000Скидки my singing monsters per day). This can be a somewhat useful strategy if one is early in the game.

It is not recommended to convert Relics to coins, as Werdos has the 2nd greatest coin generation in the game. Save relics to buy the Werdos, and then use them for their coin income rather than to sell them. It is also not recommended to use diamonds to buy coins.

In terms of physical space and bed space to coin collection, Werdos are the most efficient monster, taking up only 1 bed each and a 2×2 space. With each Werdo being at level 20, Werdos only taking up one bed (fully upgraded crystal castles have 180 beds) and Werdos taking up a 2×2 space (natural islands have over 400 squares) players can expect to earn around Скидки my singing monsters400,000 for each Werdo. Assuming the player has 100 Werdos (which is possible) they would theoretically earn Скидки my singing monsters40,000,000 daily, and if done with the 5 natural and 5 mirror islands, Скидки my singing monsters400,000,000. Despite the reward, this strategy is very, very difficult due to the fact that Werdos require relics which are hard enough to aquire.


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Cost/benefit for numbers of Entbrats
EntbratsLevelCoins/minuteTreats requiredBreak-even after
(2 x 172)
(2 x 15,300)
(4 x 96)
(4 x 900)