страшные карты в фортнайт коды для двоих

Самые страшные карты Fortnite

Для тех, кто любит пощекотать себе нервы, в творческом режиме Fortnite есть острова, населенные страшными монстрами. Чтобы попасть в хоррор карту в Фортнайт, необходимо ввести специальную комбинацию.

страшные карты в фортнайт коды для двоих

Как применять коды творчества

Креативный режим Фортнайт разработан в рамках седьмого сезона игры. Здесь пользователи могут строить дома и другие здания по собственному замыслу.

Творческий режим позволяет не только создавать миры на двоих, троих и более игроков, но и приглашать друзей и врагов. Для этого необходимо дать им специальный 12-значный код.

Доступ к островам, созданным другими игроками, осуществляется путем ввода специальной комбинации цифр. Алгоритм, который позволяет попасть на чужую карту, выглядит следующим образом:

страшные карты в фортнайт коды для двоих

Популярные коды карт ужасов в Фортнайт

С тех пор как разработчики добавили режим Creative, игра не стоит на месте. Все время появляются новые карты от пользователей. На некоторых из них царит мрачная атмосфера. Такие локации подходят для тех, кто желает добавить в игровой процесс немного ужаса и сразиться с мерзкими монстрами. Некоторые острова предназначены для одиночного прохождения, другие — на 2 чел и более.

История Хэллоуина

Это небольшая карта, где размещены несколько локаций с различными миссиями. Вся местность усеяна зловещими тыквами. Их нужно найти, используя только ручной фонарь и факел. После каждой находки игрок получает миссию для выполнения.

Но ни в коем случае нельзя слишком увлекаться поисками, т. к. необходимо помнить и про монстров, которые прячутся в углах.

Для прохождения миссий на этой карте рекомендуется иметь навыки паркура: некоторые тыквы расположены в труднодоступных местах. Автор острова: legendary-chuan-qi. Комбинация для доступа: 9312-2909-8471.

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Тихое место

Автором выступает игрок с ником yojj47. Действие происходит в местности под названием Quiet Place. Здесь обитает злой призрак. В локации есть несколько комнат, игроку предстоит посетить каждую из них по порядку, найти специальные предметы и предложить их духу. Этот процесс сопровождается громким зловещим смехом, что только усиливает атмосферу хоррора. Здесь можно играть как одному, так и вместе с друзьями. Код острова: 3739-2232-6062.

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История Оливера Уитлока

Карта сделана пользователем с ником Subcloning. Есть возможность играть как одному, так и вместе с другими участниками. В самом начале герой просыпается, испытывая сильную головную боль. Вокруг темно, машина не заводится, поэтому придется ходить по локации пешком, осматривая окрестные дома. Игроку предстоит находить предметы и распутывать историю. Код карты — 3896-7727-6824.

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Алвертон Хиллз: Ливингстон

Автором локации является пользователь SundayCW. Поначалу герой внезапно просыпается от звука разбившейся лампы. Затем выходит на улицу и встречает странную женщину. Отсюда и начинается история, которую игроку предстоит распутать. Попутно он должен находить и поднимать предметы, которые позволят ему открывать двери. Локация широкая, поэтому рекомендуется запастись терпением и временем, чтобы полноценно погрузиться в историю. Код острова: 2951-2235-6812.

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Серия «Пугало»

Карта состоит из 3 частей, каждая с собственным кодом доступа. Сюжет крутится вокруг героя, который хочет как можно скорее выбраться из этих зловещих мест.

Персонаж находится в доме, где темно и почти ничего не видно. Сначала предстоит отыскать фонарь, а затем вынести мусор.

Урна расположена посреди кукурузного поля, а там стоит пугало, которое и является причиной всех неприятностей. Серию создал игрок с ником Armysets. Коды следующие:

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Сосновый город: загробная жизнь

Создателем карты является пользователь Notfury. Игроки отмечают, что это самая страшная horror локация. После автомобильной аварии персонаж оказывается в лесу и, побродив по тропинкам, находит особняк. Здесь и начинаются все неприятные события. Игра имеет несколько вариантов концовок, поэтому миссии можно проходить повторно. Код острова: 8974-6823-3966.

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Зло ждет Люси

Долгое время персонаж хотел работать сиделкой для маленькой Люси, и его мечта сбылась. Но теперь ясно, что эта идея не из лучших, поскольку начинается череда странных событий. Карта позволяет игроку погрузиться в сюжет с головой. Автор заложил скримеры, поэтому рекомендуется выключить свет в комнате и проходить миссии в наушниках. Ходят слухи, что в скором времени появятся и другие локации с таким сюжетом. Код: 5706-4716-3544. Автор: jkr_julian.

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Для удобства карты и их коды можно посмотреть в следующей таблице:


Fortnite Horror Map Codes (October 2021) – Creative Scary Maps!

Celebrate Halloween all year round with these scary Fortnite Maps!

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We know you’re tired of waiting for Halloween to get your fix on scary stuff, so we’re looking at a great bunch of maps that will send chills down your spine! Our Horror Map Codes focus on maps that you can either play solo or with friends and take on a spooky atmosphere that will have you on the edge of your seat.

Fortnite Scary/Horror Maps List

Here’s our list of Fortnite’s Best Horror Map Codes:

Do you have a Fortnite Course you love? Send it to us at [email protected] with a description of why, and we’ll add it to the list while giving you credit!

Scare! The 13th Part II

Last year, popular creative mapmaker JXDVN made Scare! The 13th during the spirit season of Halloween. He’s back with part two, which is shaping up to be the more elaborate, balanced, and distinguished sibling of the first in the series. In this map, you choose a slasher, and every must run and escape to survive! This is a great asymmetrical multiplayer game that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Metro Zombie Invasion

On this fun creative map, squads up to four players must work together to fend off waves of zombies while they upgrade their gear, patch themselves up, and save enough coins to access and fix generators. Seems easy enough, but the more players you have, the harder it is to gain enough coins for each upgrade. Players have to fix four generators then destroy the zombie spawner to complete the map. This is a fun, simple game to improve your Fortnite party’s communication skills!


Choices strongly reminds us of the Saw movies, in that you face tough decisions that might make you second guess who your friends are, or even yourself. You must play this game with at least one other person, which means you may have to make sacrifices you wouldn’t expect. This is, of course, a Fortnite map, so nothing is permanent. Still, it’s a fun map to play with your friends!

The Backrooms

In this creepypasta-esque map, you are trapped in a simple maze of walls. Your only goal is to escape the horrors that are lurking the halls with you. Throughout most of the map, you’ll be certain you saw something out of the corner of your eye, but when you take a second glance, it’s not there. If you’ve ever wanted to question your own sanity, this is the perfect map for you!

Mannequin Warehouse manages to recreate the spooky and heart-racing action of Five Nights at Freddy’s. In this map, you must keep track of mannequins that seem to be moving on their own, and prevent them from getting to you. You’re pressed for time and battery power, so be careful!

Evil 21 Awaits: Samantha

First-person mode really tends to drive home the feeling of fear on a horror map. This first-person, black-and-white mystery/horror map is no exception. If you’re brave enough, try to uncover the mystery and make it through to the answer. Evil Awaits is a popular map series created by jkr_julian. Be sure to check out the other maps in the series!

World’s Smallest Zombie Map

This is one of our favorite Horror maps to date. It’s a single-player map in which you are stationed in a 1-by-1 room with every object you’ll need to fend off the waves of zombies attacking you. Use it to get your heart pumping and skills sharpened for extremely close-ranged fighting. If anything, play this map just to see what the Mystery Box contains!

Hospital Escape Room 3

Hospital Escape Room 3 is the latest installment of the Hospital Escape Room series by 2xvoid. To fully experience the story, we recommend starting with Hospital Escape Room 1 and Hospital Escape Room 2. When played together, you get the full effect of the terrifying jump-scares. Unlike most other escape room maps, this one doesn’t require you to parkour!

The Shining Hotel Overlook

One of the most popular game-modes lately has been The Spy Within, which is a spin-off of the popular game Among Us. In this map, you must determine who among the 10 players is the villain, set out to eliminate you. Nothing too special, except for the setting: It’s based on Hotel Overlook, the massive hotel in the book and movie The Shining! This is a wonderful, but terrifying recreation. You may want to avoid the real hotel, but not this map!

Bad Dreams

Bad Dreams is a relatively short (about 15-20 minutes) horror map that will leave you wondering whether or not you’re truly awake right now. In the description, it even suggests bringing two friends if you’re afraid to play alone. For those of you that consider nightmare maps to be the best, this code is a dream!

How-to Use a Creative Code

Once you load up the game, you will be given the three options on what you want to play (Save the World, Battle Royale, and Creative). Click the creative option and then click PLAY and then CREATE (don’t start a server if you want to play solo).

Once it has loaded, you will see an Orange Rift that will take you to islands where you can create custom maps. We don’t want this right now, so look around for the featured portals. Fortnite now puts you in a custom portal area, so you might need to seek it out a bit. Find the portals with the console in front of them and interact with one.

страшные карты в фортнайт коды для двоих

From here you can either select one of the codes you’ve added to your favorites, or you can paste a code you have at the end of the URL. Click «Accept» and it will load up the island of your choice. You can then run into the rift and it will transport you to it!


Best Horror maps in Fortnite [Codes]

We introduce you the best horror maps for Fortnite and their codes, they are ideal islands for players who enjoy dark places and strong emotions, because of their gloomy appearance and because they are full of disturbing elements and creatures, these are some of the best known options.

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Map choice and texts by Jaro
“Record: 34 kills in Solo vs Squads”
Last time checked:



Horror Map is one of the most recommended alternatives for users who enjoy dark maps, since this abandoned academy has multiple completely abandoned and dark spaces, which are quite creepy for most, among the most prominent places are the classrooms, hallways, stairs, and basement.

Map code:
Copy and paste in creative central



This creepy and sprawling setting surrounded by concrete walls, not only has a terrifying appearance, but is also filled with multiple enemies and supernatural creatures. Very few players have managed to successfully complete this map. A real challenge of real terror.

Map code:
Copy and paste in creative central



One of the best scary maps for Fortnite is the map known as Cursed Forest which offers its users the possibility of exploring a gloomy forest at night, in addition to having a quite desolate appearance, Cursed Forest also includes one of the Pretty terrifying soundtracks.

Map code:
Copy and paste in creative central



Among the Fortnite map codes most sought after by users is the one for the said horror map, thanks to the fact that Jag’s Horror House gives its users the experience of walking through a haunted house in the dark by only shining a flashlight. In addition, this map is full of spooky surprises.

Map code:
Copy and paste in creative central



Without a doubt, abandoned hospitals are places that inspire the most terror, it is for this reason that Patient 104 is one of the most recommended fear maps of Fortnite, since it consists of a totally desolate asylum with little lighting where anything can happen.

Map code:
Copy and paste in creative central



In addition to its gloomy appearance, House Of Torment also stands out to a great extent thanks to its high level of difficulty, this large map includes a forest with multiple abandoned buildings, which must be fully explored in order to complete this scary minigame.

Map code:
Copy and paste in creative central



Killer Puppets Horror Map! It is one of the best horror maps for Fortnite, totally inspired by Halloween, for their part, players must overcome all the obstacles and enemies that the puppet mansion has for them, another quite striking feature of this map is that it has one of the best horror soundtracks of the entire franchise.

Map code:
Copy and paste in creative central


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Scary maps are one of the most recommended alternatives for the most daring players of Fortnite, since in addition to offering a rather spooky experience they are also full of different challenges, so most of the aforementioned scenarios are very complete and entertaining islands. Open the door of terror in Fortnite … if you dare.



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10. Fortnite Carnival Escape

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This is the day of the 4th of July festival, but the thing is you’re alone. Do you choose to proceed alone or complete this horror layered map with friends? On this map the setting is a Carnival and you must find each key to every level to make it out and through the map to complete the objective. Has fun little pop out scares and perfect horror/carnival music playing the whole time in your ears while you figure your way through the levels! If you like carnival type sceneries and spooky carnival music this map will be for you. This map will have you exploring the spooky sections of this little amusement park.

What’s Fun About The Map:

Map Code: 2385-3342-5568

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9. Find The Pennywise

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If you love Pennywise movies, you’ll enjoy playing this map. Even though there are no jump scares you still get that eerie feeling from it in the aspect of the same abandoned house with the sewers beneath the house. They make this map so the lighting is dimmed for you with scary music and noises in the background feeling like you were on the same path as Georgie. The objective is to find 15 coins. Are you down for the challenge?

What’s Fun About The Map:

Map Code: 2961-7589-1661

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страшные карты в фортнайт коды для двоих

8. Escape “The Walking Dead”

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I know most of you have been a «Walking Dead» fan at some point, with this map you’ll be on the hunt to escape away from the prison. You’ll have to find your way out while you come across zombies, you’re going to have to kill. This map is based on the prison setting in the «Walking Dead» you can see in Season 3 of the show.

What’s Fun About This Map:

Map Code: 7220-7288-7816

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7. Evil 14 Awaits

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This map makes you play from a first-person perspective. You’ll experience a haunted mansion walkthrough that you’ll have to get through to beat this map! With horror sounds with random phones ringing to laughs to minimal lighting and flickering candles. This map will for sure have you shook when you’re done, with this with unexpected crazy pop-out scares. It’ll give you a full horror experience on Fortnite, one of the best ones you’ll get.

What’s Fun About This Map:

Map Code: 7710-0034-8827

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страшные карты в фортнайт коды для двоих

6. Zombie Chaser

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Another map that can be pretty freaky as well that’s not like any other on this list is «Zombie «Chaser. This map will genuinely have you scared of playing it. Playing with friends will make it more fun but not as terrifying. Your goal is to collect 50 coins running around while a zombie Brute is following you fast and trying to cut you off in a maze. It’s easy to say that this map is pretty much Pacman put into the game of Fortnite.

What’s Fun About This Map:

Map Code: 9005-6202-3786

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5. Oliver Japanese Horror Map

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If you’re one to be afraid of clowns, this will be for you! Being trapped in a large facility, you have to find keys to unlock doors to find your way out, but, keep in mind, somethings watching. Throughout this experience, you’ll have to be careful around every corner assuming there’s a large creepy clown that’ll appear right at your face! Be ready to get in and out as soon as possible. You won’t want to stick around for too long.

What’s Fun About This Map:

Map Code: 5279-5436-2390

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4. The Scarecrow Chapter 1

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All the maps on this list are different from each other with their bit of fun. This map is freaky, to say the least, while you’re on a lonely farm at night time with just a flashlight to be able to see and everything else pitch black. There’s one thing you have to do which is get away from the scarecrow that’s haunting you and consistently switching spots around the map.

What’s Fun About This Map:

Map Code: 5681-8991-7850

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3. Cursed Forest

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Another well put together horror map on Fortnite is the «Cursed Forest». This one has you adventuring alone through a dark spooky forest to look for clues and hints that’ll let you know the mystery of these haunted woods. Throughout the map, you will have effects coming and going as well as ghosts and things along the trail that’ll move and give you a nice Halloween scare!

What’s Fun About This Map:

Map Code: 6024-5002-6192

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2. House Of Torment

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If there was a lost fortune of a family and you knew where to look would you leap to find it? You’ll find that this lost fortune was in a haunted house with all sorts of torment! This creative map will have you looking for a lost treasure. You’ll have to get through all the thrills and horror of the house to obtain it, can you do it?What’s Fun About This Map:

Map Code: 6003-4995-1704

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1. Patient 104

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The final one to complete the best horror Fortnite maps would be «Patient 104». This one has an interesting feeling to it and a lot of people hate the concept of haunted hospitals or hospitals in general. You’ll wake up in a hospital bed to find out you’re all alone with no one around, you’ll have to find your way out and keys to get through areas. Forget no one there or is there?

What’s Fun About This Map:

Map Code: 5553-3300-1757

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