Скидки на игры xbox one аргентина
Покупка игр для Xbox в Аргентине (для чайников)
Привет ребят, знаю, что многие уже покупают игры в Аргентине, но думаю многие не знают как, а может знают но побаиваются или им просто день разобраться как же все таки дёшево и сердито затариться играми по очень вкусным ценам.
Сам я совсем недавно начал пользоваться посредниками в покупке игр, поэтому и решил написать это небольшое руководство о покупке игр для Xbox в других странах ( в том числе, в нашей любимой Аргентине).
Все абсолютно легально, и в конечном итоге, будет проводится на сайте Майкрософт.
И так, начнем:
1) заходим на сайт Xbox store checker.
Жмём на полоски справа.Здесь выбираем язык, валюту и страны в которых ведётся поиск.
Ищем интересующую нас игру, например
Согласитесь цена намного приятнее, чем в нашем сторе.
Можно выбрать несколько игр.
Определившись с выбором переходим к следующему шагу. 2) Оплатить можно, например, подарочным сертификатом, купив необходимый сертификат в нужной валюте.
3)После оплаты и получения кода, нужно скачать приложение на смартфон:
Tiger vpn
Tunnel Bear
SaferVPN им я и пользовался, на примере него и расскажу, что делать дальше.
Открываем SaferVPN, регистрируемся, у вас не должно возникнуть трудностей.
Заходим в приложение.Слева сверху жмём на значек геолокации и выбираем интересующую нас страну (зависит от того, какой страны ключ вы приобрели, Аргентина например).
4)Все, почти конец Заходим на сайт Майков (через смартфон) по этой ссылке, вводим код игры, и становимся счастливым обладателем игры на xbox
После проделанных операций, включаем консоль и скачиваем игру из покупок.
Надеюсь кому то данная информация поможет, спасибо за внимание.
Игры Xbox Аргентина
Помощь в покупке игр в региональных магазинах
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– Цифровые ключи по минимально низким ценам в мире
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– Постоянные розыгрыши, скидки и раздачи
Игры Xbox Аргентина запись закреплена
Игры Xbox Аргентина запись закреплена
Telltale Games превратит сериал «Пространство» в игру
Звезда «Пространства» Кара Джи, воплотившая образ Камины Драммер, в рамках церемонии вручения наград The Game Awards 2021 анонсировала игровую адаптацию популярного фантастического сериала.
Показать полностью.
За разработку эпизодического приключения The Expanse отвечает восставшая из пепла студия Telltale Games, ответственная за такие шедевры, как The Walking Dead и The Wolf Among Us. В создании игры примет участие Deck Nine Games, на данный момент отвечающая за серию Life is Strange.
Выходцы из Telltale, основавшие студию Dramatic Labs, представили на мероприятии известного игрового журналиста и телеведущего Джеффа Кили приключение от третьего лица Star Trek: Resurgence, вдохновленное вселенной «Звёздного пути». События игры с возможностью выбора сложных решений развернутся после финала «Следующего поколения». В кадре можно увидеть мистера Спока с лицом Леонарда Нимоя, а играть предстоит за офицера Джару Райдек и бригадира инженерной команды Картера Диаза, раскрывающих «зловещую тайну с участием двух инопланетных цивилизаций на грани войны». Релиз на ПК (Epic Games Store), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X и S намечен на весну 2022 года.
Lucasfilm Games и Quantic Dream показали зрелищный трейлер нелинейного приключенческого экшена Star Wars Eclipse, чье действие развернется в эпоху расцвета Республики, когда джедаи были у всех на слуху. Игрокам обещают сразу несколько протагонистов и интересную историю, где у каждого героя свой путь.
Студия Daedalic Entertainment и издательство Nacon порадовали свежим роликом приключенческого стелс-экшена The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, в котором геймеры возьмут под управление Голлума из «Властелина колец». Игру обещают выпустить осенью 2022 года на ПК (Steam), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, S и Nintendo Switch.
Киану Ривз и Кэрри-Энн Мосс рассказали не только о «Матрице: Воскрешении», но и о технической демоверсии The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience, позволяющей оценить возможности нового игрового движка на PS5, Xbox Series X и S. Все обладатели этих дефицитных консолей могут увидеть на экране Нео и Тринити, поиграть в рельсовый шутер и пройтись в духе симулятора ходьбы по городу.
На церемонии, где царила атмосфера мультсериала «Аркейн» и игры Halo Infinite, также были показаны трейлеры сериала «Хало» и сиквела «Соника в кино», который представил Джим Керри. Среди гостей были замечены Джанкарло Эспозито, Эшли Бёрч, Эшли Джонсон, Джефф Голдблюм («Найди меня в «Рейде»»!), Элла Балинска, Поллианна Макинтош, Гильермо Дель Торо, Уилл Арнетт, Хидэо Кодзима, Нил Дракманн и Лора Бейли. Мэгги Робертсон, подарившая свой голос леди Димитреску в хорроре Resident Evil Village, получила награду за лучшую актерскую работу. Игрой года признан кооперативный приключенческий платформер It Takes Two, чей разработчик Юсеф Фарес прославился в свое время тем, что послал по известному адресу «Оскар».
Как дешево покупать игры для Xbox ОNE в других регионах
Проверено, работает и актуально на 20 ноября 2021 года.
Стоимость игр в Microsoft Store отличается в зависимости от региона. В Турции, Бразилии или Аргентине цены ниже чем в России или Америке.
У Xbox ONE нет региональных ограничений в отличии от Xbox360 и купить игру гораздо проще.
Регион задаётся на консоли или выбирается в настройках Microsoft Store на web-сайте. Менять его можно неограниченное количество раз. Это легально и никаких последствий от Microsoft в виде бана не будет.
Ничто не мешает купить игру в турецком Microsoft Store на сайте, через минуту в американском купить другую игру с консоли и играть в них на Xbox ONE на своём родном языке. Все купленные игры попадают в общую коллекцию.
Основная проблема в том, что картой российского банка оплатить игру в иностранном Microsoft Store нельзя. Совершить покупку можно с карты того же региона, что и магазин. Да только вот попробуй найти банковскую карту какой-нибудь Аргентины.
Где искать дешевые игры для Xbox ONE
Искать игры и мониторить цены можно на сайтах:
Как купить игру Xbox ONE в другом регионе
Процесс состоит из следующих шагов:
Если покупаете игру на консоли:
Если покупаете на сайте:
Примечание: Возможно придется использовать VPN (потребовалось для Турции), например speedify (за надежность не ручаюсь, но использовал его) или любой другой, с поддержкой региона страны, в которой покупается игра.
Если хотите активировать Xbox Gift Card на сайте Microsoft не приобретая игру, обязательно убедитесь, что пополняете баланс того региона, для которого купили карту.
С покупками игр для Xbox360 в других регионах всё несколько сложнее, но возможно. Как это сделать читайте в заметке: Как купить игру Xbox360 в американском маркетплейс.
Играйте и наслаждайтесь!
Что еще
Для активации скорее всего придется использовать VPN и изменить адреса в настройках аккаунта.
Цены не такие выгодные, как были в аргентинском маркете, но все равно ниже российских и американских.
Например, игра Icewind Dale стоит 141,25 турецких лир в турецком маркете, вместо 50 баксов в российском. В пересчете на наши, это примерно 1500 руб. против 3900 руб. В итоге выйдет немного дороже, в зависимости от стоимости Xbox Gift Card, но все равно дешевле в 2 раза.
На этом всё. Но вы можете поддержать проект. Даже небольшая сумма поможет нам писать больше полезных статей.
Если статья помогла или понравилась, пожалуйста поделитесь ей в соцсетях.
Trophy is a brand-new action platformer created for original 8-Bit cartridge and now available on Xbox! Take control of the robot Trophy in this exciting new homebrew game.
As Trophy, you must navigate challenging environmental obstacles and terrain, such as water, snow, moving platforms, and ev.
As Trophy, you must navigate challenging environmental obstacles and terrain, such as water, snow, moving platforms, and even zero gravity. Collect power-ups and upgrade Trophy’s health and weapon systems, all while battling enemies throughout the levels.
Save the peaceful planet of Gearus 9 from the evil machinations of Lord Q as you run, jump, and blast your way to victory. Collect hidden power-ups along the way and defeat some of the largest bosses ever seen on the NES!
Experience the story beyond the base game with the Minecraft Dungeons: Ultimate DLC Bundle. You’ve played the main story, but now it’s time to see it through to the End! Fight countless mobs, explore dimension-hopping levels, and discover untold treasures as you complete the story of the Orb of Domi.
Pre-Order Weird West and receive an exclusive bonus (Calamity the Horse) at launch to help you get a head start on your Journeys.
Survive and unveil the mysteries of the Weird West through the intertwined destinies of its unusual heroes in an immersive sim from the co-creators of Dishonored and P.
Survive and unveil the mysteries of the Weird West through the intertwined destinies of its unusual heroes in an immersive sim from the co-creators of Dishonored and Prey.
Weird West: Dark Fantasy reimagining of the Wild West where lawmen and gunslingers share the frontier with fantastical creatures, each playing with their own rules and their own peculiar motives.
Intertwined Destinies: Discover the world through origin stories of different characters, moving from one character’s journey to the next until all converge in a final chapter.
Bespoke Experience: Each playthrough is unique as the game tailors the story to the player’s actions and past choices for an ideal dramatic arc.
Immersive Sim: Weird West supports different styles of play in a simulated sandbox world where characters, factions, and even places react to a player’s decisions.
Be the first to play in the Early Access Beta and become Grapital City’s ultimate sensei. This
Karategi is worn by the city’s most notorious dojo masters! Chop through the noise by mixing and matching your favorite outfits. Includes:
— Early Access Beta
— Three (3) Karategi Jackets
— Three (3) Karategi Trousers
— Three (3) Karategi Gloves
— Three (3) Karategi Shoes
— 2000 Brawlla Bills
Brawlla Bills are in-game currency that can be spent in Rumbleverse. You can purchase new cosmetic items like Full Outfits, Hair Styles, Accessories, Masks, and Emotes!
At the start of the dangerous journey, a terrifying creature attacks the pair and Isabella barely manages to escape with her life by fleeing into the dungeons buried deep beneath the town. where deadly vampires lurk. Now it is up to you: help Isabella as she tries to find her way out, reach the mysterious city of lost souls, and rescue her fiancé!
Solve perplexing puzzles and explore colorful locations in ‘Dracula’s Legacy’.
Mr. Prepper is about being prepared. You know something is wrong. The risk of a nuclear war is in the air and you need to get ready for what’s coming. Struggle for your freedom and deal with the authoritarian government in this survival crafting game
— Build an underground shelter;
— Craft machi.
— Build an underground shelter;
— Craft machines and facilities that can keep you alive: farms, greenhouses, tools, vehicles, etc.;
— Trade with neighbors, give them what they need, get what is useful to you;
— Explore atmospheric locations ad scavenge materials and items you could use;
— Make a plan – something radical needs to be done;
— Meet other rebellious characters, complete quests for them and help each other in the opposition to the regime;
— Outsmart the secret police – they don’t want you to be prepared, they want you to stay controlled.
Mr. Prepper is a guy living in a country which once had been the land of the free, but its new government has changed everything. Obey, stay in your lane, and love the President – otherwise, the secretive and all-powerful Agency will take interest in you. Mr. Prepper has decided to defy this and get out of this delusion of life. The only way for him to hide his plans and doings is to build an underground shelter and construct a machine that will help him get out. But for that, he will need materials, time, and secrety. Help him succeed and break the status quo.
— Craft
— Trade
— Explore and scavenge
— Complete quests
— Survive
— Defy the government
Unleash your Immortal potential with three new Classes! Find your mark with the Bounty Hunter, make some noise with the Soundweaver, and set Aelion ablaze with the Firestarter.
This bundle includes:
This bundle includes:
— Class Unlock: Bounty Hunter
— Class Unlock: Firestarter
— Class Unlock: Soundweaver
— 9 Days of Premium Subscription
A Premium Subscription boosts your rewards for completing missions, and provides other special bonuses.
Trash Quest is set on the space station Deliverance. The crew has just begun preparations for the long voyage to Tau Ceti. The AI has been activated, and it’s performing a quick system check.
You play as a raccoon that has no interest in the fancy defense systems, a raccoon that only wants to get its filthy hands on the station’s trash.
Explore an interconnected maze of space station’s rooms as you destroy robots, collect power-ups and unlock shortcuts. With each level completed, the difficulty of fighting with enemies increases.
The progress saves automatically. Everytime you die, you reappear in one single spawn spot. But any power-ups, abilities, or shortcuts you’ve unlocked will remain.
Experience the stories of Haru, Erika, and Manami in A YEAR OF SPRINGS, a visual novel trilogy about three friends navigating their feelings of love, connection, and just wanting to belong.
In ONE NIGHT, HOT SPRINGS, visit the hot springs with Haru, a young and anxious trans woman who just wants to enjoy herself on a trip with Manami but doesn’t want to cause any trouble.
In LAST DAY OF SPRING, spend a week as Erika, a well-meaning ex-delinquent who runs into more issues than expected when trying to plan a spa day for Haru.
In SPRING LEAVES NO FLOWERS, help sheltered university student Manami think about what friendship and romance mean to her as she spends a day with Haru, Erika, and her boyfriend.
— Three visual novels with multiple endings
— An all-new epilogue exclusive to the trilogy collection
— Soft and cute art with a relaxing original soundtrack
— Music player, CG gallery, and other extras
Content warning:
This trilogy discusses issues that people of different genders and sexualities may face, which is a topic that can be sensitive and personal.
Each person has their own imaginary world and each world represents the thoughts, fears, and ambitions of that person in an interes.
Each person has their own imaginary world and each world represents the thoughts, fears, and ambitions of that person in an interesting and mostly abstract way.
Within an imaginary world, you have to find a certain amount of memory shards to advance with the story and to get to know more about the person in question. Once you have found all memory shards you are free to leave the world again and search for the next mind you want to explore.
Therefore every single imagination world acts as its own small story with its very own theme, design elements, and obstacles.
Experience the feeling of flying, immerse into beautiful and atmospheric landscapes and enjoy the unique storytelling of the game while getting to know a lot of interesting people on the way.
Vaporum: Lockdown, a prequel to Vaporum, is a grid-based dungeon crawler RPG in an original steampunk setting, inspired by old-school classics of the genre. Follow the story of Ellie Teller, a scientist struggling to survive disastrous events that happened in the tower of Arx Vaporum.
• First person real-time combat
• Unique Stop Time Mode
• Puzzles and level-wide objectives
• Gadget-based RPG system
• Lots of exploration, loot, and character customization
• Mysterious storyline filled with secrets
• Fully voiced main characters
• Immersive steampunk setting
You will encounter nasty enemies with unique strengths and attack patterns. To beat them, you will have to employ a broad array of weapons, gadgets, upgrades, and smart tactics.
Fortunately, there’s plenty of powerful toys to play with. Many different weapon types, each with a specific use, synergistic armor pieces, gadgets that allow you to raise your own army of underlings or to manipulate the battlefield, boosters, and more.
Prepare to solve many kinds of puzzles and hazards, using various interactive elements, which will test both your wits and reflexes. The overall storyline will have you piecing together a solution to the main obstacle, where the individual pieces are spread over several levels. You will learn a lot about the world and its inhabitants through voiced dialogs, phonodiaries, and written notes.
The Surviving Mars: Starter Bundle gives you everything you need to build a thriving Martian colony.
The Starter Pack Bundle Includes:
◾Surviving Mars
The Starter Pack Bundle Includes:
◾Surviving Mars
◾Surviving Mars: Deluxe Upgrade Pack
◾Surviving Mars: Green Planet
◾Surviving Mars: Mysteries Resupply pack
◾Surviving Mars: In-Dome Buildings Pack
PBA Pro Bowling (Released October 2019)
Lace up your bowling shoes and experience the most realistic bowling simulation ever created with PBA Pro Bowling!
MONOPOLY, in a way you’ve never seen before. With shorter rounds, race other players across the chaotic streets of Monopoly City, collect resources, buy and upgrade properties, mess with your opponents, and avoid their tricks to win the race for riches.
In this race for fame and fortune, the rule.
In this race for fame and fortune, the rules have changed slightly:
• No more board! Roam the streets of Monopoly City to collect money, water, and electricity.
• 20 NEW playable characters inspired by classic MONOPOLY tokens.
• Discover 4 unique environments, each with several levels and layouts.
• Play with up to 6 players online or locally.
• Get power-ups from the Community Chests! Use them to mess with your opponents and gain an advantage to win.
Play the classic game and watch the board come to life! A full 3D city at the center of the board lives and evolves as you play. You own a miniature world that will interact with your progression throughout the game and celebrate your achievements. Play the way you w.
Play the classic game and watch the board come to life! A full 3D city at the center of the board lives and evolves as you play. You own a miniature world that will interact with your progression throughout the game and celebrate your achievements. Play the way you want – you can change the rules and adapt them to your playing style. MONOPOLY PLUS raises the classic game to a new level.
Rediscover the MONOPOLY game you love in a way you’ve never seen before. With shorter rounds, race other players across the chaotic streets of Monopoly City, collect resources, buy and upgrade properties, mess with your opponents, and avoid their tricks to win the race for riches. This is Madness!
Wytchwood is a crafting adventure game set in an expressive land of gothic fables and fairytales. As the mysterious old witch of the woods, you will explore a strange countryside, collect magical ingredients, brew sorcerous enchantments, and pass your twisted judgement upon a capricious cast of char.
Deedlit awakens suddenly in a mysterious, unknown place.
Where am I? Why am I here?
With nobody around to respond, her questions are met with only silence.
Seeking answers, Deed eventually sets off on foot, alone…
■Game Features
Sword and Arrow Attacks:
Use your sword for powerful melee attacks against enemies within range, or employ projectile attacks using your bow and arrows against those farther away.
Swappable Equipment:
Freely equip and utilize swords and arrows obtained along the way.
The powerful weapons and tools you acquire can be used to your advantage throughout your journey.
You can also sell off weapons you no longer need.
Swappable Elemental Spirits:
Alternate among a selection of useful elemental spirits to change Deedlit’s various attributes.
While using Sylph, the wind spirit, wind-based attacks do less damage.
When the flame spirit Salamander is in use, fire-based attacks do less damage.
Raise Elemental Spirit Levels:
You can raise the levels of your elemental spirits by absorbing the “Soul Screams” generated when attacking and defeating enemies.
Each spirit’s level is displayed as Deed’s own power level.
When a spirit’s level has maxed out at 3, HP will be automatically recovered.
Roll and bounce through tough-but-fair platforming stages in minimalistic retro style!
Stripping away modern complexities to return to a simpler, more challenging style of gaming, Ball laB is a straightforward precision platformer presented in minimalistic greyscale pixel art graphics. Each puzzl.
Stripping away modern complexities to return to a simpler, more challenging style of gaming, Ball laB is a straightforward precision platformer presented in minimalistic greyscale pixel art graphics. Each puzzling stage fills a single screen, with the objective being to get from one end of the level to another without falling victim to spikes, pitfalls or other hazards.
You play as a ball. You can roll along flat surfaces, bounce to ledges, hop onto platforms or ride elevators to reach your goal. If you hit a hazard, you’ll instantly respawn at the beginning of the stage, adding to your death counter with each attempt. How many tries will it take for you to clear all 60 challenges?
In My Shadow takes you on a wonderous journey through the mind of Bella in pursuit of reconciliation with her past. The game features 4 rooms with a total of more than 50 puzzles to solve. Each room offers a different glimpse into her memories, exploring the changing relationships in her family. The.
Every day the Xbox community is growing and new members asking if they would be able to purchase Xbox Games and DLCs from foreign countries. Short said: Yes, this is possible. The Xbox-Now Price Comparison will always show you the newest games and it’s prices from all available Microsoft Stores around the world. With just a little bit of effort also you are able to get games very cheap from Argentina, Turkey or Brazil.
Did you know that you can share purchased games or other content with one predefined friend or family member easily? This way you can split the price and share your costs. This does work with almost any game but unfortunately not with every DLC like a season pass or ingame currency. It’s always with a try but don’t expect every addon to work. In case you want to know more, you can find additional information and a short tutorial how to configure game sharing here.
Terms Violation When Purchasing In Foreign Countries?
What about the Microsoft Store terms when getting games from other countries? Is it allowed? Is it prohibited? Will you get punished for doing so? Simply No!
Even if all of this is not explicitly allowed, it is also not forbidden. Sounds strange but the terms are very spongy. Be sure they know what you’re doing but we never had one member of our community punished for this. They tolerate a small amout of people doing so.
Anything else?
Try to get familiar with our Xbox-Now Store Parser / Price Checker and you might want to get a free account to create price alerts and get notified by mail if a game price drops below your target price. You can start a new collection, build your personal watchlist and many more. Be also sure to check out our help page and the FAQ. Many things are already answered there like how to use a VPN at the Xbox Store, how to purchase from Argentina and so on. And of course it’s always up to date.