роблокс тайкун городской жизни
ТОП-10 Тайкунов в Roblox. Часть 1
Tycoon-игры — один из популярнейших жанров в Roblox. В таких плейсах герой может управлять целым отелем или парком, владеть супермаркетом или более скромным магазином, который обязательно нужно прокачивать и улучшать.
Пользователи любят провести часок-другой в попытках улучшить виртуальный бизнес и заработать больше внутриигровых денег. Твоему вниманию ТОП-10 Тайкунов в Roblox. И начнем мы нашу подборку с конца.
10. Tropical Resort Tycoon
Tropical Resort Tycoon — одна из известнейших игр данной тематики в Roblox. В этом режиме геймер строит огромный курорт со всевозможными зданиями, парковками и прочими благами цивилизации.
Займись исследованием огромной, но пустующей территории, чтобы отгрохать топовый курорт и привлечь как можно больше туристов, массовый наплыв которых принесет тебе немало денег.
9. Restaurant Tycoon 2
Мечтал ли ты когда-то о своей кухне, где ты будешь не только создавать кулинарные шедевры, но и зарабатывать на готовке еды? Что ж, с Restaurant Tycoon 2 желание становится реальностью (пусть и цифровой).
Регулярно обновляемая игра включает в себя не только работу поваром, но и дополнительные миссии, связанные с управлением и развитием ресторана. Берегись, Гордон Рамзи, скоро у тебя появятся конкуренты.
8. Retail Tycoon 2
В режиме Retail Tycoon 2 твой герой начнет собственное дело с маленького магазинчика в квартале. Подобрав топовый товар и наняв хороших работников, ты сможешь прокачать бизнес, чтобы твоя скромная лавочка разрослась до невероятных масштабов.
Главная цель в Retail Tycoon 2 — стать ведущим магнатом на сервере, так как сам плейс построен на соревновательной механике.
7. Mall Tycoon
В Mall Tycoon твой персонаж может настраивать и управлять несколькими игровыми режимами. Все что тебе нужно в игре — построить лучший торговый центр в виртуальном городе.
Mall Tycoon уникален тем, что в нем пользователь запускает не один магазин, а сразу несколько больших точек. Речь идет не о прямой продаже предметов с прилавков, а о постройке современного ТЦ.
6. Anime Tycoon
Любишь аниме? Тогда Anime Tycoon просто создан для тебя. Основная задача в плейсе — собрать как можно лучшую коллекцию аниме-персонажей. Покупай и продавай героев, чтобы заработать больше денег и расширить собственную аниме-империю.
Roblox – City Life Tycoon Codes (October 2021)
About Roblox – City Life Tycoon
We have a collection of active codes that you can use on Roblox City Life Tycoon and information like Badges Lists you can get by playing and Shop Items including their prices.
Using codes from our list can help you get an extra boost as items on City Life Tycoon for FREE!
Who created Roblox City Life Tycoon?
Roblox City Life Tycoon was created by developer Tycoon League and was first released on Feb 19, 2021.
Developer URL: https://www.roblox.com/groups/6033979
How many visitors Roblox City Life Tycoon have?
When we last update this post Roblox City Life Tycoon has over 27,899,481 Visitors and 174,677 players added City Life Tycoon to their favorite for now! Are you one of their followers?
And the last update for Roblox City Life Tycoon was on Jun 25, 2021 (4 days ago).
How many players are playing Roblox City Life Tycoon?
When we last update this post, Roblox City Life Tycoon had over 1,104 players online, Roblox City Life Tycoon has a huge amount of players playing when the last time we updated this post, are you one of them?.
Roblox – City Life Tycoon Codes Lists (Active and Expired)
Let’s start now with the most important information on this post, Active Codes Lists (Including Expired Codes) that will help you get a FREE boost and items on City Life Tycoon!
Roblox – City Life Tycoon Active Codes List – (October 2021)
Here is the list of active codes we found on Roblox City Life Tycoon, when using these codes write them exactly how they are on the list, or use copy and paste commands.
These codes are created by Tycoon League owner and developer of Roblox City Life Tycoon and they are the only ones who can make new codes or deactivate codes.
Keep in mind, SteamLists.com can’t create new codes! We only give helpful information!
We are trying our best to keep the list active and when new codes are added to the game to add them as fast as possible on this list! Don’t forget to add us to Bookmark this way you can be one of the first players who will be able to use the new codes on Roblox City Life Tycoon before they expire!
Roblox – City Life Tycoon Codes (Expired and Out of Date) – (October 2021)
We keep tracking even on codes what was available before but now they were removed from Roblox City Life Tycoon, this way if players want to see what codes were deactivated you can see them on this list below if you succeed to use these codes before they got deactivate (Expired) don’t worry about the rewards you will not lose them!
What Badges Roblox City Life Tycoon has?
Here we create a full list of active and removed badges that is available on Roblox City Life Tycoon, these badges were created by developer Tycoon League SteamLists.com can’t create new Badges!
Active Badges on Roblox City Life Tycoon Lists?
This is the list of Active Badges
No Items found on Active Badges
Deactivate Badges on Roblox City Life Tycoon Lists?
These Badges are not Active on Roblox City Life Tycoon, some Badges were active before or they will be active in the future, but everything depends on the developer Tycoon League
No Items found on Deactivate Badges
What items on Shop Roblox City Life Tycoon are available?
We create a full list with all the items you can find to buy on Roblox City Life Tycoon, these items were added by Tycoon League and they are the only ones who can add or remove items from the shop.
Each item has a price too, this way if you want to buy now or in future, you can know the prices for them.
Prices on USD, GBP, or EUR are only estimates! When we create these values we focus on United States (America) Robux Real Money! (Each price is not included in the EXTRA Robux when you buy!)
Roblox City Life Tycoon Description
We hope this post helped you to find more information about Roblox City Life Tycoon and to get FREE items using the codes on our lists, we are trying our best to keep the list updated with new and fresh codes, so make sure you bookmark us and check us often for new codes.
If one code is not working, or a new code was already added on Roblox City Life Tycoon and is not here on the list please let us know via comment so we can update the codes lists!
Роблокс Тайкун — 5 игр Roblox Tycoon — Магнаты кубического мира
Игры Тайкуны — Tycoon — распространены и популярны на роблоксе. Платформа делает создание подобных игр максимально простым, поэтому тысячи энтузиастов, закатав рукава, берутся за программирование собственных шедевров.
В такой сильной конкуренции выигрывают действительно курутые игры. И в сегодняшнем обзоре мы рассмотрим несколько из них.
Игры Tycoon, разработаны для моделирования управления ресурсами, создания чего-то с нуля и наблюдения за тем, как ваша работа приводит к успеху.
Магнат парка развлечений Theme Park Tycoon 2
Это уже классика. Вы берете на себя роль менеджера тематического парка, пытающегося создать прибыльный тематический парк.
Настоящая цель, конечно, состоит в том, чтобы заработать деньги, но самое интересное — создать тематический парк, на который будет интересно смотреть и который привлечет наибольшее количество клиентов.
Во-первых, вам дается земельный участок и немного денег, которые вы можете использовать для покупки различных аттракционов. Хотя аттракционы — ваша главная достопримечательность, вам также необходимо подумать о добавлении киосков и прочих составляющих, чтобы сделать парк удобнее.
В игре 43 аттракциона, восемь киосков и десятки вещей, которыми вы можете украсить свой парк, а это значит, что в нем есть масса контента и почти безграничные творческие возможности.
Очень интересная идинамичная для своего жанра игра. Советую.
Ресторанный магнат 2 Restaurant Tycoon 2
Еще одна классическая разновидность Tycoon. В этой игре у вас есть собственный ресторан. Игра проста: вы начинаете с небольшого ресторанчика, который вы можете украсить и улучшить. Вы можете создавать с нуля или даже покупать готовые сборки. По мере вашего продвижения вы получите доступ к большему количеству вариантов еды, чтобы сделать клиентов более счастливыми и заработать больше денег.
В дополнение к наличным деньгам, которые являются основной валютой, вы можете зарабатывать алмазы, повышая уровень, выкупая их с помощью кодов или покупая в магазине Roblox. Алмазы можно использовать для покупки музыкальных пакетов и транспортных средств, чтобы повысить уровень счастья ваших рабочих и повысить их эффективность.
Retail Tycoon — управляем супермаркетом
В игре вы покупаете свободный участок земли, чтобы построить свой магазин. Начните строить полки для хранения товаров, чтобы начать зарабатывать деньги для своего магазина. Продолжайте пополнять полки по мере поступления товаров, и по мере роста вы можете привлекать больше рабочих для выполнения различных задач. В число рабочих входят кассиры, менеджеры, дворники, кладовщики и охранники.
Клиенты приходят в ваш магазин, чтобы купить товары и оценить ваш магазин. Если они не увидят нужный товар, или ваши очереди будут слишком длинными — они уйдут.
Кроме обычных покупателей в ваш магазин могут посетить и воры. Когда они приблизятся к вашему зданию, вы получите о них предупреждение. Просто найдите их, нажмите на них, и они исчезнут. Если с ними ничего не сделать, они будут красть товары.
Super Hero Tycoon — Супергерой-магнат
Эта игра отличается от ваших обычных игр Tycoon тем, что вы можете зарабатывать деньги, сражаясь с другими игроками.
Boardwalk Tycoon
Играйте за владельца пляжа, которому поручено строить и размещать магазины, чтобы привлечь отдыхающих.
Туристы, которые приходят в ваши магазины, помогут вам заработать больше денег, которые можно потратить на покупку обновлений для вашего пляжа и магазинов. Это, в свою очередь, привлечет на ваш пляж еще больше посетителей. Вы можете сделать свой пляж красивее и даже купить лицензии, чтобы открывать специальные магазины.
The 10 best Roblox Tycoon games
The best management simulators on Roblox.
There are dozens of tycoon games for those who love management games that you can try on Roblox. These games will put your management skills to test as you try building a location from the ground up. Become the mayor of a town, a principal of a school, or manage a zoo full of dinosaurs. These are some of the best tycoon games that you can play on Roblox, giving you the chance to express your creativity.
City Life Tycoon
In the City Life Tycoon game, you’ll be creating a personalized city that you can show off to your friends and any guests you invite. You’ll be able to purchase workers to manage the buildings you create, and you quite a bit of freedom within it. Although you start on a single island with a few neighbors nearby, you can quickly develop your roads and buildings from the ground up, with the only limitation being your creativity. When you want to take a break from the building, you can drive around in a vehicle of your choice or view it from above by flying a plane or a helicopter over your creation.
Dino Zoo Tycoon
If you’ve always wanted to bring your plastic dinosaurs to life, Dino Zoo Tycoon lets you create a dinosaur zoo that you can take care of. You’ll be able to buy decorations for the dinosaur enclosure for your dinosaurs to live in, and you can show them off to visitors at a safe distance. You’ll have to take care of each dinosaur you bring to your park to keep them healthy and happy inside their enclosure. As you make a larger park, you’ll gain access to larger dinosaurs and more decorations to personalize your park.
Game Company Tycoon
The humble beginnings of a game developer in Game Company Tycoon has you starting in your garage. Eventually, you’ll work your way up to purchasing a company office and managing employees to develop your game. You have the choice to focus on making a game company that you enjoy taking care of or compete against other players to make a more successful company in global leaderboards. The more time you spend with your employees and developing your company, the more money you earn to expand your operation.
My Dragon Tycoon
If the business management simulator is not for you, My Dragon Tycoon gives you the chance to take care of a dragon where you can take care of them on a farm. There’s still a good deal of management in My Dragon Tycoon, and you’ll balance it between raising the many dragons you’ll be able to acquire and the farm where you’ll be growing crops and a place to stay. Your dragons can learn skills, and you’ll be able to equip weapons on your character that you can use to battle fearsome monsters all of the game. Eventually, you’ll be able to pit yourself and your dragons against bosses.
Olympian Gods Tycoon
The Olympian Gods Tycoon has you playing as one of the six Greek gods, and you’ll be building a temple to acquire more gold and money. Your goal is to unlock new powers and equipment to face off against other players in the game. The more upgrades you acquire, the more powers you’ll gain, and eventually, you can hire guards to protect your temple. With enough strength, you’ll be able to take on Kronos, the King of the Titans.
Pyramid Tycoon
The Pyramid Tycoon gives you the chance to live like a powerful pharaoh where you’ll be creating a profitable pyramid from the ground up. You don’t begin with much at the start, only having a single hopper to produce a small income. Eventually, it’ll grow into a massive empire that you can use to fashion a personalized pyramid. When you’re ready for a break, you can explore the exterior of your pyramid to check out your hard work and invite friends and competitors to check it out.
School Tycoon
As a new principal in School Tycoon, you’ll be tasked with managing the teachers to ensure they’re teaching all students and janitors to keep the place spotless. By having more students, you’ll be able to earn more coins to customize the interior of your school, modify the uniform, and managing the daily schedule of your students. You’ll be able to create multiple floors of your school, adding grading rooms, lockers, exterior trees, and your office that you can decorate.
Tiny Town Tycoon
If you don’t need a massive city to run around in, Tiny Town Tycoon places you in a small perspective to explore a scaled-down town. You’ll be able to watch your citizens grow up in your town as you make it larger and take care of their needs. You begin your town with a small block and slowly expand the streets, the apartments, and add more buildings to turn it into a miniature metropolis. The more time you spend improving the city, the more citizens visit and decide to make a home there.
Tropical Resort Tycoon
When you want to get away from the hectic life of a noisy city, the Tropical Resort Tycoon will have you managing a massive vacation retreat for guests to unwind. You’ll expand your resort to add an airport, a villa for your guests to relax at, and explore your neighbor’s islands to see if they can’t give you any ideas for your establishment. With the addition of an arcade, you can invite friends to visit and play again them to see who’s the best.
Zoo Tycoon
The Roblox twist on the classic Zoo Tycoon. Here, you’ll be able to create your ideal zoo, setting up habitats with our favorite exotic animals that you seldom have the chance to see in the wild. There’s also the option to add unicorns, aquariums full of killer whales, and even dinosaurs if you have enough money. Expand your zoo to have your guests traveling all over, and add more decorations to increase your income as you build the best zoo on the server.
Roblox – City Life Tycoon Codes (October 2021)
About Roblox – City Life Tycoon
We have a collection of active codes that you can use on Roblox City Life Tycoon and information like Badges Lists you can get by playing and Shop Items including their prices.
Using codes from our list can help you get an extra boost as items on City Life Tycoon for FREE!
Who created Roblox City Life Tycoon?
Roblox City Life Tycoon was created by developer Tycoon League and was first released on Feb 19, 2021.
Developer URL: https://www.roblox.com/groups/6033979
How many visitors Roblox City Life Tycoon have?
When we last update this post Roblox City Life Tycoon has over 27,899,481 Visitors and 174,677 players added City Life Tycoon to their favorite for now! Are you one of their followers?
And the last update for Roblox City Life Tycoon was on Jun 25, 2021 (4 days ago).
How many players are playing Roblox City Life Tycoon?
When we last update this post, Roblox City Life Tycoon had over 1,104 players online, Roblox City Life Tycoon has a huge amount of players playing when the last time we updated this post, are you one of them?.
Roblox – City Life Tycoon Codes Lists (Active and Expired)
Let’s start now with the most important information on this post, Active Codes Lists (Including Expired Codes) that will help you get a FREE boost and items on City Life Tycoon!
Roblox – City Life Tycoon Active Codes List – (October 2021)
Here is the list of active codes we found on Roblox City Life Tycoon, when using these codes write them exactly how they are on the list, or use copy and paste commands.
These codes are created by Tycoon League owner and developer of Roblox City Life Tycoon and they are the only ones who can make new codes or deactivate codes.
Keep in mind, SteamLists.com can’t create new codes! We only give helpful information!
We are trying our best to keep the list active and when new codes are added to the game to add them as fast as possible on this list! Don’t forget to add us to Bookmark this way you can be one of the first players who will be able to use the new codes on Roblox City Life Tycoon before they expire!
Roblox – City Life Tycoon Codes (Expired and Out of Date) – (October 2021)
We keep tracking even on codes what was available before but now they were removed from Roblox City Life Tycoon, this way if players want to see what codes were deactivated you can see them on this list below if you succeed to use these codes before they got deactivate (Expired) don’t worry about the rewards you will not lose them!
What Badges Roblox City Life Tycoon has?
Here we create a full list of active and removed badges that is available on Roblox City Life Tycoon, these badges were created by developer Tycoon League SteamLists.com can’t create new Badges!
Active Badges on Roblox City Life Tycoon Lists?
This is the list of Active Badges
No Items found on Active Badges
Deactivate Badges on Roblox City Life Tycoon Lists?
These Badges are not Active on Roblox City Life Tycoon, some Badges were active before or they will be active in the future, but everything depends on the developer Tycoon League
No Items found on Deactivate Badges
What items on Shop Roblox City Life Tycoon are available?
We create a full list with all the items you can find to buy on Roblox City Life Tycoon, these items were added by Tycoon League and they are the only ones who can add or remove items from the shop.
Each item has a price too, this way if you want to buy now or in future, you can know the prices for them.
Prices on USD, GBP, or EUR are only estimates! When we create these values we focus on United States (America) Robux Real Money! (Each price is not included in the EXTRA Robux when you buy!)
Roblox City Life Tycoon Description
We hope this post helped you to find more information about Roblox City Life Tycoon and to get FREE items using the codes on our lists, we are trying our best to keep the list updated with new and fresh codes, so make sure you bookmark us and check us often for new codes.
If one code is not working, or a new code was already added on Roblox City Life Tycoon and is not here on the list please let us know via comment so we can update the codes lists!