рандеву с жизнью утопия ринне прохождение
Рандеву с жизнью: Реинкарнация Рио / DATE A LIVE: Rio Reincarnation
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Anivisual Jam #3:
«Рандеву с жизнью: Реинкарнация Рио» – сборник из трёх новелл (переведены все).
«Утопия Ринне» – Тока теряет контроль над своими силами, спровоцировав выброс огромного количества духовной энергии. Шидо, оказавшись в самом эпицентре, теряет сознание. Очнувшись, Шидо продолжает жить прежней жизнью. Всё как обычно. только вот откуда-то взялась подруга детства – Ринне Соногами.
«Установка Арусу» – Рейне предлагает Шидо принять участие в тестировании нового симулятора свиданий, который разработал Рататоск. В процессе он и девушки оказываются заперты в виртуальном мире. Таинственная девушка, Арусу, просит дать ей ответ, что же такое любовь.
«Реинкарнация Рио»* – Шидо вновь оказывается в «Утопии». Но чьей на этот раз?
*Является прямым продолжением первых двух новелл. Проходить в последнюю очередь.
В нём вы найдёте ответы на интересующие вас вопросы и прохождение всех трёх игр.
Хочется сказать спасибо за 3 вещи: Первая, собственно, перевод трилогии. Это титанический труд, за который можно только уважать. Вторая, для многих не очевидная, но не последняя по значению-это подход к делу. Быстро и грамотно. Также без внимания не остаётся и состав техподдержки, так скажем. Ребята постарались, за что и их тоже хочется поблагодарить. Третья, в обычных обстоятельствах я бы не поднимал это, но лучше сказать. Так вот, во время доведения проекта до его финальной форм, команда(как техническая часть, так и работа с текстом), неизвестно на каких основания, подвергалась словесным нападкам в качестве объективной «критики» за нецелесообразное задерживание релиза, но всё же её стена не пала и перевод был закончен, как следует.
Учитывая всё выше перечисленное, а также выражая обычное человеческое «спасибо», благодарю вас за ваше творчество.
Рандеву с жизнью утопия ринне прохождение
◆ SAVE 01
Takadai Park:Reine
Residential Area:Tohka
└> 1. «Tohka would get hooked by the scent of food and head to food shops.»
1. «Cheer for Tohka»
Takadai Park:Reine
Train Station Front:Kannazuki
Raizen High School > Hallway:Tohka
├> ◆ SAVE 02
└> 2. «Tohka’s acting strange, so I’ll stop here.»
Itsuka House:Tohka
└> 1. «Fight with her seriously.»
2. «Head to school early.»
◆ SAVE 03
1. «Eat Tohka’s bento.»
Itsuka House:Reine
Tengu Tower:Kannazuki
Raizen High School > Hallway:Tohka
└> 2. «I’ll believe in Tohka and wait.»
Residential Area:Tohka
├> Quick Save
├> 2. «Slide down the slide.» (For CG)
├> Quick Load
├> 1. «Ride the swings.»
└> 1. «All right! Let’s ride it together!»
Takadai Park:Reine
Itsuka House:Kannazuki
Raizen High School > School Front:Tohka
├> ◆ SAVE 04
└> 1. «3-D blockbuster! Sci-fi adventure!»
Lake Outskirts:Tohka
└> 1. «Try saying something.»
1. «Take Tohka.»
Neo Tengu Tower:Reine
Train Station Front:Tohka
└> 1. «Peek into the udon store.»
◆ SAVE 05
1. «Just a childhood friend.»
◆ SAVE 06
2. «Don’t pick up.»
◆ LOAD 02
1. «It bothers me, so I’ll go on a bit longer.»
◆ LOAD 01
Train Station Front:Ai
Raizen High School > Rear of School Building:Origami
└> 1. «Kotori.»
Raizen High School > Rear of School Building:Tonomachi
Raizen High School > Classroom:Tamae
Raizen High School > School Front:Origami
2. «Cheer for Origami»
Raizen High School > Rear of School Building:Origami
└> 1. «Want me to help you clean up?»
Raizen High School > Physical Preparation Room:Reine
Raizen High School > Landing:Tamae
Raizen High School > Hallway:Origami
2. «Head to school early.»
Residential Area:Kusakabe
Raizen High School > Rear of School Building:Origami
├> 1. «Call out to her.»
└> 1. «Give it a shot»
Raizen High School > School Front:Tonomachi
Raizen High School > Classroom:Origami
Residential Area:Ai
Train Station Front:Origami
└> 2. «Use a joke.»
2. «Go with Origami.»
Takadai Park:Ai
Tengu Tower:Tamae
Residential Area:Origami
├> ◆ SAVE 07
└> 2. «Run after Origami.»
◆ SAVE 08
1. «About you, Origami.»
◆ SAVE 09
2. «Don’t pick up.»
◆ LOAD 7
1. «Wait for Reine’s analysis.»
◆ LOAD 01
Raizen High School > Hallway:Yoshino
└> 1. «I should just come clean and tell the truth.»
Itsuka House:Yoshino
└> 1. «A mistake can’t be helped. Just keep comforting her.»
2. «Cheer for Origami»
Itsuka House:Tonomachi
Raizen High School > School Front:Yoshino
└> 1. «Experience is everything. Cheer her on.»
Train Station Front:Yoshino
1. «Check up on Yoshino at the Fraxinus.»
├> 1. «Look under the bed.»
├> 2. «Look in the changing room.»
└>3. «Look on the medical officer’s desk.»
Raizen High School > Classroom:Yoshino
└> 2. «Let Yoshino stay out.»
Itsuka House:Yoshino
└> 2. «Take the video away.»
Raizen High School > Rear of School Building:Tamae
└> 1. «Go to the haunted house!»
Itsuka House:Yoshino
├> ◆ SAVE 10
└> 1. «Watch the sunset.»
2. «Take Yoshino.»
Raizen High School > Landing:Tonomachi
School Front:Yoshino
◆ SAVE 11
2. «Let’s both wait for Yoshinon.»
◆ SAVE 12
2. «Don’t pick up.»
◆ LOAD 11
3. «Just pretend she wasn’t there from the beginning.»
Date A Live Rinne Utopia
Tohka Yatogami
**make sure to check out The Days We Spent before going further.
Rinne Utopia is the first of the 3 Stories included in Rio-Reincarnation so it’ll be done first. In the screen below you’ll notice there’s only 3 characters, that’s because Date A Live has locked the other endings behind these characters to avoid spoiling the story. So the first task is to unlock all three of these girls’ Flag Endings. Normally the guide is done in XMB order, but Date-A-Live has the character order done differently. You’ll notice this difference in the Memories section. Besides choosing the right choices, picking Tohka as your location every time is the best route as it is her route.
In regards to Date A Side-story there are generally 5 times you’ll be to visit a set of locations during these Rinne Utopia routes, the order you visit is not important but to avoid confusion maintain visiting the same people during a route. Though it’s said to visit the same people only Kannazuki and Reine are the constant couple making them the easiest to get out of the way. So those are who we’ll visit this run.
Note: VN’s are notorious for missing CG concerns. Date-A-Live WILL have incomplete character pages during runs for a few girls. They will be earned during Rinne Utopia’s conclusion. So don’t fret when you are missing a CG for each page for a while.
Note: ‘‣’ are for collectibles you’ll earn, “Words in quotes” are responses you’ll make, words not in quotations are locations you’ll choose. Red text refers to a Bad Ending, green for a Good Ending, and blue for a Flag Ending.
“Maybe just a little…?”
Trophy 1/37 |
Started Rinne Utopia. |
June 26th |
Save #1
Tengu Tower
Trophy 2/37 |
Selected one of the sub-characters on the map. |
Raizen High School > School Front
Trophy 3/37 |
Selected one of the heroines on the map. |
Quick Save
“A-Any more food is gonna be too much for me…”
Raizen High School > Classroom
Quick Load
“Then, why don’t we stop by the bakery?”
Residential Area
“Tohka would get hooked by the scent of food and head to food shops.”
June 27th |
Train Station Front
Raizen High School > Hallway
Save # 02
“It bothers me, so I’ll go on a bit longer.”
Load # 02
“Tohka’s acting strange, so I’ll stop here.”
Itsuka House
“Fight with her seriously.”
June 28th |
“Head to school early.”
Save # 03
“Run for it.” (Play the scene until you meet the homeroom teacher.)
‣ Memory 081.
**This Memory is of dire importance to get, this is the only missable memory**
Load # 03
“Offer her Rinne’s bento.”
Load # 03
“Eat Tohka’s bento.”
Quick Save
Raizen High School > Landing
Quick Load
Itsuka House
Raizen High School > Hallway
“I’ll believe in Tohka and wait.”
Residential Area
Quick Save
“Slide down the slide.” (Watch until you return to your house.)
Quick Load
“Ride the swings.”
“All right! Let’s ride it together!”
June 29th |
Raizen High School > School Front
Save # 04
“It’s here! A classic summer horror movie!”
Load # 04
“3-D blockbuster! Sci-fi adventure!”
Lake Outskirts
Quick Save
“Be quiet and stay by her side.” (Play until you’re back at your house.)
Quick Load
“Try saying something/”
June 30th |
Train Station Front
“Peek into the udon store.”
Save # 05
“Someone I’m interested in.”
Load # 05
“Just a childhood friend.”
Date A Live Rio Reincarnation | Tohka Goes Missing! | Part 5 (Rinne Utopia, PC, Let’s Play, Blind)
Date A Live Rio Reincarnation (Rinne Utopia) Part 5! Shido almost dies via food and we lose Tohka while searching for an offering!
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30 years ago there was a huge disaster that left 150 million people dead and came to be known as a Spacequake! Several more spacequakes quickly followed and at each epicentre was the appearance of a entity known as a Spirit.
These spirits caused massive damage until one day. an average high school student by the name of Shido Itsuka discovers he has the power to seal a Spirit’s powers. How? Well. It’s the power of love!
Time to getting dating to save the world. Yep.
Date A Live Rio Reincarnation is available on PlayStation 4 & PC (Steam). It includes Rinne Utopia & Arusu Install that were available on PlayStation 3. We will be starting with Rinne Utopia, then Arusu Install before finall Getting to Rio Reincarnation. The ‘gameplay’ for this playthrough will be captured at 60 FPS to take advantage of the higher bitrate on YouTube! The game is also Censored on PS4.
If you liked my Date A Live Rio Reincarnation Videos be sure to share and like the video! It all helps! And if you want to see more be sure to subscribe: http://bit.ly/2eQVFhr
Let me know what you think of Date A Live Rio Reincarnation by leaving a comment or you can reach me at:
In This Video: Dating!
Date A Live Rio Reincarnation
Platforms: PC (Steam) & PS4
Genre: Visual Novel
Language Options: English, Japanese
Publisher: Idea Factory
Developer: Compile Heart, Sting
Website: http://ideafintl.com/date-a-live
Hashtags: #DateALive #DateALiveRioReincarnation
Видео Date A Live Rio Reincarnation | Tohka Goes Missing! | Part 5 (Rinne Utopia, PC, Let’s Play, Blind) канала TheTwitGamer
Date A Live: Rinne Utopia Прохождение #3 Встретили Куруми.
Для просмотра онлайн кликните на видео ⤵
Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation Прохождение #3 Встретили Куруми. Подробнее
Date A Live: Rinne Utopia ► Прохождение #33 Финал рута Куруми. Подробнее
Date A Live: Rinne Utopia ► Прохождение #30 Рут Куруми (Моей вайфу). Подробнее
Date A Live: Rinne Utopia ► Прохождение #31 Ммм. Кусь от Куруми (¬‿¬ )Подробнее
Date A Live: Rinne Utopia ► Прохождение #32 Куруми сенсей, научит многому. Подробнее
Date A Live Rinne Utopia Kotori Route Gameplay Part 3Подробнее
Date A Live Rinne Utopia Kurumi Route Gameplay Part 3Подробнее
Kurumi Tokisaki Regresa
Date A Live Rinne Utopia (PS4): Kurumi’s Sad and Yandere EndingsПодробнее
Рандеву С Жизнью: Утопия Ринне (DATE A LIVE: Rio Reincarnation) #3Подробнее