Продиджи что это означает
1 prodigy
2 prodigy
attr. необыкновенно одаренный;
prodigy violinist замечательный скрипач
attr. необыкновенно одаренный;
prodigy violinist замечательный скрипач
3 prodigy
4 prodigy
5 prodigy
6 Prodigy
7 prodigy
8 prodigy
infant prodigy — чудо-ребёнок, вундеркинд
9 Prodigy
10 Prodigy
11 Prodigy
12 prodigy
13 prodigy
14 Prodigy
15 prodigy
16 Prodigy
17 prodigy
18 prodigy
19 Prodigy
20 prodigy
См. также в других словарях:
Prodigy — (engl. für Wunder oder Wunderkind ) ist der Name eines Moog Synthesizers einer englischen Band, siehe The Prodigy eines US amerikanischen Rappers, siehe Prodigy (Rapper) Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Prodigy — Prod i*gy, n.; pl.
prodigy — index mastermind Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
prodigy — *wonder, marvel, miracle, phenomenon Analogous words: abnormality (see corresponding adjective at ABNORMAL): monstrosity (see corresponding adjective at MONSTROUS): anomaly, *paradox … New Dictionary of Synonyms
prodigy — [n] person or thing that is extraordinary brain*, child genius, curiosity, enormity, freak*, genius, intellect, marvel, mastermind, miracle, monster, natural, one in a million*, phenomenon, portent, rare bird*, rarity, sensation, spectacle,… … New thesaurus
prodigy — ► NOUN (pl. prodigies) 1) a person, especially a young one, with exceptional abilities. 2) an outstanding example of a quality. 3) an amazing or unusual thing: omens and prodigies. ORIGIN Latin prodigium portent … English terms dictionary
Prodigy — NOTOC Prodigy may refer to: * Child prodigy, an individual who is a master of one or more skills or arts at an early age In music * The Prodigy, a British electronic music group ** Moog Prodigy, the synthesiser from which the group got its name * … Wikipedia