Притворись что любишь меня манга на английском

Living Life Over

Притворись что любишь меня манга на английском


In the last life, Xia Lin digs into Song Yan’s heart, but he can’t get rid of the fate of a spare tire. After re-lived his life, Xia Lin decided to cut off the fate and stay away from Song Yan… Debts and debts, debts… It is a true staged wife abuse that needs to be paid for a lifetime, and it is a good time to chase his wife in the crematorium!


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If you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it on 5 other manga. i’m so, so sorry,please forgive me. (I SAW THIS ON ANOTHER MANGA SORRY I HAD TO REPOST 😩 )


is it just me? that waiting for 1 week just for this Short chapter!?…


@g omg where did you read that?


Patiently waiting for next chapters


Why can I not ship the mc with anyone other than the bodyguard?

Притворись что любишь меня манга на английском


Next chapter please 🙏


is there a novel for this one? 🥺

Притворись что любишь меня манга на английском

Tbh I shipped Mc with his bodyguard. But ik that would never happen. Btw is there anyone here who has the same ship as me?


For those who wonder if there is a novel of this manhua…yes there is… Some spoilers

ML is Song Yan and he will also reincarnated but several years later. MC would really try hard to part way with him. They haven’t been in touch for years cuz (1) MC is busying himself with studies and (2) ML really took it to heart when he confessed to MC, MC rejected him by saying he is still young and wouldn’t able to protect himself. So he wanted to try his best so that he can achieve what MC told him.

Btw MC misunderstood ML and Luotong(?) as a lover. He once saw Luotong with a guy (the same guy Luotong was with in the club after he return from oversea in the earlier chapter) so he thought Luotong cheated on Song Yan. But he didn’t know that Song Yan and Luotong are not together.

After a few years they met again cuz ML asked MC to meet up. ML asked MC to go on a date with him. Was it the third day of their outing or something, ML fainted and when he woke up he suddenly remembered the previous life. He was described like a madman in the hospital when he woke up seeing MC. He screamed(?) cuz he couldn’t believe MC is still alive. And that was when MC figured out Song Yan had also remembered their past lives. So with these two memories colliding, Song Yan finally realised MC was being distant with him cuz MC tryna sever tie with him.

Ofc ML tried to court MC cuz he was given 2nd chance. After that this is where the story kinda goes to the unexpected.

Please proceed with caution cuz I’m about to spoil the major plot of this story.

You have been warned.

These are the things that would make you go “wait, wha-” :

1. The existence of celestial being (basically ABO with unique abilities

2. Advancements of technology as advance devices are invented by Song Yan (he made a deal with the celestial being in order to save MC from his cancer)

3. Spatial displacement and space collision (cuz MC and ML were reincarnated they kinda disrupt the harmony of the dimensions *refer to Hulk from Avenger if you want to know)

4. Space Master
pfft i was speechless when I reached this part – a space collision took place and the devices that Song Yan made was not sufficient enough to prevent that – the event centralized in a specific area, maybe at ML’s residence – ML who made a deal with the celestial ready to sacrifce himself so MC is cured and lives – He send MC away before the collision but MC stayed behind – MC rushed to ML when the collision started and was injured. Probable died on the spot.
Ok the funny part. ML ‘beast’ mode activated cuz MC died. Hence he became a sage which is referred as Realm Mater by those celestial being. MC was also miraculously alive cuz of that.


Ty for the updates! wish you have a good health and can i ask where can i read the raw updates


Манхва Притворись, что любишь меня | Act Like You Love Me! | Sunjeongmalgo sunjong

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Продолжение истории Совершенный мир (Perfect World). Нарисовано специально для сборника Le Théâtre de A.
12-13. Похожий на чайную ложечку (Looks Like a Teaspoon)
История школьника, переодевшегося в Алису и хулигана, погнавшегося за ним в Страну Чудес.
14. История голубого жемчуга (The Pearl Blue Story)
Говорят русалок не существует, так ли это на самом деле?
15. Я – фортепиано (I Am a Piano)
История о злоключениях девочки-фортепиано.
16. Парад (Parade)
— Как молодая невеста, Вы несете ореол добра и непорочности, изгоняя бесчестие и грязь этого мира из себя.
— Так у грешника, есть доля мрака, зла и скверны.
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