Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

Принято в отделении связи что значит?

Беспокоитесь о судьбе своей посылки? Эта статья рассказывает, что значит статус, который звучит как «Принято в отделении связи». Если вас запутали непонятные формулировки Почты России, ознакомьтесь с подготовленной нами информацией. Мы подробно объясняем, что происходит с отправлением по дороге.

Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

Когда используется статус «Принято в отделении связи»

Чтобы получатель мог отслеживать путь посылки по трек-коду, при каждом прохождении через сканирующее устройство ей присваивается новый статус. Его можно увидеть, вбив выделенную вам комбинацию символов на сайте Почты России www.pochta.ru/tracking или другого сервиса.

Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

Уведомление « Принято в отделении связи » обычно поступает с сервиса ПР. Это означает, что продающая сторона сдала вашу посылку в офис Почты России. Идти за ней пока никуда не надо.

Регистрация в отделении связи происходит до того, как отправление туда попадает. Продавец может заказать трек-номер дистанционно. Сама посылка попадет на почту позднее.

Когда настанет время забирать отправление, отобразится статус « Прибыло на место получения ». Это будет означать, что посылка уже ожидает вас в отделении. Прежде чем принимать ее, осталось только свериться с часами работы офиса ПР.

Сервисы для отслеживания посылок

Узнать местоположение почтового отправления из Китая можно посредством сервиса parcelsapp.com/carriers/russian-post. С его помощью вы легко отследите пакеты, заказанные на AliExpress, Ebay, Pandao, ASOS или на других популярных площадках. Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

У создателя данной службы есть свои приложения для телефонов, выложенные в маркетах Google Play и App Store. Средства на развитие сервиса разработчик получает на показах рекламы. Чтобы отключить ее, можно приобрести подписку. Она также запустит службу Push-уведомлений.

Подписка обновляется автоматически. Поэтому если вы больше не будете ею пользоваться, есть смысл отключить ее заранее. Обычно подписки в магазинах приложений списывают деньги со счета клиентов за 1 сутки до истечения оплаченного пользователем срока.

На странице https://parcelsapp.com/carriers/cainiao можно пробить местонахождение посылки, доставляемой компанией Каиниао. Вы также получите перевод ее статуса. Оригинальный ресурс, к которому обращается сайт parcelsapp, называется global.cainiao.com. Он не имеет русскоязычной версии или встроенного переводчика статусов. Поэтому им неудобно пользоваться. Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

На parcelsapp также легко проверить статистику доставки между населенными пунктами. Там же отобразится статус «Принято в отделении связи» или любой другой. Если вы его узнаете, то сможете примерно определить, как скоро принятая в отделении связи посылка прибудет в нужный вам офис ПР.

Если достаточной статистики для конкретного населенного пункта еще не собрано, то сервис будет делать выводы, отталкиваясь от других принципов. За основу будет взято время, которое требуется службе доставки для путешествия в другую точку, находящуюся на аналогичном расстоянии от текущего местоположения вашего отправления.

Что значит, если в статусе приняты посылки ZA…HK и ZA…LV

Почта России вместе с AliExpress придумали отдельный тип почтовых отправлений. Им присваиваются номера, начинающиеся с букв « ZA » и заканчивающиеся сокращением « HK ». Этот тип называется Упрощенная Регистрируемая почта. Его придумали для того, чтобы удешевить пересылку.

Существует только 3 базовых статуса, которые отображаются при запросе подобных отправлений:

Принято в отделении связи.Продавец оформил все бумаги и передал запакованный товар почтовым служащим.
Прибыло в место врученияЕсли вы видите такой статус, можно идти и забирать посылку из почтового отделения.
Получено адресатом.Это значит, что больше никаких обновлений не предвидится. Отправление выдано получателю на руки и больше не находится в компетенции сотрудников почты.

Буквы « LV » в конце трэк-кода означают, что посылка будет доставляться посредством латвийской службы доставки. Символы « HK » в номере свидетельствуют о том, что перевозка осуществляется силами почты Гонконга. Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

Именно эта компания рассылает небольшие и дешевые пакеты, которые часто оказываются у россиян в почтовых ящиках. Если в способах доставки на АлиЭкспресс указано название Saver или Standart Shipping, это Cainiao.

Чем выше позиция статуса, тем ближе она к текущему дню. Самые первые этапы путешествия посылки отображаются снизу. Если сверху находятся посещенные недавно перевалочные пункты, следующие обновления будут отображаться там же.

Мелкие пакеты помещаются в один большой мешок, который сперва идет в один промежуточный город. По прибытию эти посылки сортируются по более точным направлениям. В процессе они сканируются специальным прибором, который и отправляет сигналы в общую систему учета. Так как обработка посылок происходит в ручном режиме, часть отправлений может на время затеряться.


Теперь вы знаете, что же именно значит статус отслеживания «Принято в отделении связи». В видео будет рассказано, каким образом можно отследить свой заказ по трек-номеру.


Отследить посылку из Гонконга в Россию по трек-номеру

Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

«Почта Гонконга» – это курьерская госслужба, которая предлагает клиентам услуги доставки внутренней, международной корреспонденции, она работает с юридическими и физическими лицами. Есть сервисы срочной почтовой доставки, отправки EMS. Экспресс-доставка имеет самую высокую стоимость, но и сроки ожидания будут минимальными.

Международная служба доставки товаров из Китая работает согласно правилам всемирной конвенции. Она регламентирует процессы обмена корреспонденцией. Действует запрет на провозку определенных грузов, то есть условия достаточно строгие. Проводятся соответствующие проверки.

Отследить посылку службы Hongkong Post по актуальному номеру сразу без перевода на русском можно через наш сайт. Услуги доступны онлайн круглосуточно и совершенно бесплатно. Вводите трек и получайте полный отчет по пути следования своего отправления.

Отслеживание для «Почты Гонконга»

Чтобы выполнить отслеживание по трек-номеру, введите его в строку быстрого поиска и нажмите кнопку. Все данные актуальные, постоянно обновляются.

Примерные сроки доставки корреспонденции из Гонконга в РФ составляют 2-4 недели, но многое будет зависеть от загруженности сервиса. Оставляйте небольшой запас по срокам. Трекер ведет точную статистику доставки в разные города, гарантирует актуальность данных на сайте. Все услуги бесплатные, регистрация на портале не требуется (можно просто делать проверки).

С какими странами работает «Почта Гонконга»?

Заказать доставку товаров из интернет-магазинов курьерской службой можно из Китая в Россию и другие страны. Служба доставки позиционирует себя как международная, то есть географических ограничений нет. Отслеживание Hong Kong Post почтовых отправлений тоже доступно для всех стран.

Форматы номеров «Почта Гонконга»

Hong Kong Post отслеживание отправлений предлагает для срочных ЕMS и стандартных посылок. Нередко письма, небольшие пакеты идут без трек-номеров для отслеживания.

Коды оформляются в едином формате, примеры:

Первые буквы в треке указывают непосредственно на тип регистрации отправления международного класса. R (Registered) есть только у тех посылок, пакетов, которые были официально зарегистрированы. Числовой код уникальный, не повторяется. НК – указатель страны курьерской службы.

Если не видите информации в системе, проверьте корректность написания номера или повторите запрос позже. Иногда данные появляются спустя несколько дней после регистрации, для международных грузов это нормально.

Статусы посылок

Международные номера типа ZA..HK – это официально регистрируемая по упрощенной схеме почта, формат учета, созданный площадкой Алиэкспресс вместе с сервисом «Почта России». Целью их появления было упрощение процесса регистрации недорогих маленьких отправлений из Китая. Детализированного отслеживания, как во многих других службах, нет.

Статусы, по которым доступно отслеживание посылок «Почты Гонконга»:

Совсем небольшие отправления, как мы уже писали выше, иногда идут без номера. Информация обычно обновляется максимально оперативно, но иногда нужно подождать несколько дней и повторить запрос. Если продавец отправил вам трек, а в системе его нет, проведите проверку повторно спустя несколько дней.

На нашем сайте Вы сможете отследить посылку из Гонконга, а также из других стран на русском.


Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

Операция приема отправления в стране получателя.

Вся почта, поступающая на территорию Российской Федерации с авиарейсов, начинает путь в авиационном отделении перевозки почты (АОПП) – специальный почтовый склад в аэропорту. С самолета в течение 4–6 часов отправления поступают в АОПП, емкости регистрируются, проверяются их целостность и вес. Почта регистрируется в электронной базе данных. При регистрации сканируется штрих код, вносятся данные о том, куда адресована емкость (например, ММПО «Москва»), с какого она рейса поступила, о стране и дате формирования емкости и т. д. Время этих операций может быть увеличено от 1 до 7х суток из-за ограниченных мощностей АОПП.

Следующая операция после экспорта из страны подачи, которая отражается на сайте при отслеживании отправления – это импорт в страну назначения. Информация об импорте появляется после того, как отправление будет передано перевозчиком почтовому оператору страны назначения. Операция «Импорт» означает, что отправление поступило на территорию России, и было зарегистрировано. Международные отправления поступают в Россию через место международного почтового обмена (ММПО). В России существуют несколько ММПО: в Москве, Новосибирске, Оренбурге, Самаре, Петрозаводске, Санкт-Петербурге, Калининграде, Брянске. Выбор города, куда именно поступит международное отправление зависит от страны отправителя. Выбор зависит от наличия регулярных рейсов и свободных провозных мощностей по тому или иному направлению.

Операция приема отправления в стране получателя.

Вся почта, поступающая на территорию Российской Федерации с авиарейсов, начинает путь в авиационном отделении перевозки почты (АОПП) – специальный почтовый склад в аэропорту. С самолета в течение 4–6 часов отправления поступают в АОПП, емкости регистрируются, проверяются их целостность и вес. Почта регистрируется в электронной базе данных. При регистрации сканируется штрих код, вносятся данные о том, куда адресована емкость (например, ММПО «Москва»), с какого она рейса поступила, о стране и дате формирования емкости и т. д. Время этих операций может быть увеличено от 1 до 7х суток из-за ограниченных мощностей АОПП.

Следующая операция после экспорта из страны подачи, которая отражается на сайте при отслеживании отправления – это импорт в страну назначения. Информация об импорте появляется после того, как отправление будет передано перевозчиком почтовому оператору страны назначения. Операция «Импорт» означает, что отправление поступило на территорию России, и было зарегистрировано. Международные отправления поступают в Россию через место международного почтового обмена (ММПО). В России существуют несколько ММПО: в Москве, Новосибирске, Оренбурге, Самаре, Петрозаводске, Санкт-Петербурге, Калининграде, Брянске. Выбор города, куда именно поступит международное отправление зависит от страны отправителя. Выбор зависит от наличия регулярных рейсов и свободных провозных мощностей по тому или иному направлению.

Присваивается в том случае, если почтовый оператор сообщил, что была осуществлена попытка доставки отправления получателю, но по каким-либо причинам вручение не состоялось. Данный статус не отображает конкретной причины невручения.


Почта Гонконга отслеживание посылок

Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

Почта Гонконга (Hong Kong Post) — это департамент Правительства Гонконга, отвечающий за почтовые услуги. Hong Kong Post осуществляет доставку международных посылок в множество стран мира. Многие продавцы гонконгским почтовым сервисом для отправки товаров, запрещенных к пересылке почтой Китая, при этом срок доставки посылок у почты Гонконга значительно меньше, чем у китайской почты.

Для отслеживания посылок почты Гонконга просто добавьте трекинг-номер отслеживания в форму выше.

Не все отправления из Гонконга отслеживаются на официальном сайте, тогда на помощь придет Cainiao, и наш мощный трекер, который проверит все нужные сайты, а также передевет все читаемый на русский язык.

Обновление Почты Гонконга о Коронавирусе

Назначенный оператор Гонконгской Почты Гонконга просит нас проинформировать другие страны-члены Почтового союза и их назначенных операторов, что благодаря мерам, принятым правительством Гонконга со вторника, 28 января 2020 года, для снижения риска распространения романа Коронавирус (2019-нКоВ), вся обработка входящей и исходящей почты (отправка письма, посылка и отправления EMS) может быть нарушена. Ожидается, что задержки продлятся несколько дней.

Отследить посылку из Гонконга в Россию

Для отслеживания посылки из Гонконга в Россию введите трек номер (заканчивается на HK) в форму отслеживания на данной странице и нажмите Отследить Посылку.

Отследить посылку из Гонконга по трек номеру

Для отслеживания посылки из Гонконга по трек номеру, введите его в форму отслеживания на данной странице и нажмите кнопку Отследить Посылку.

Сколько идет посылка из Гонконга в Россию

Примерные сроки доставки Почта Гонконга в Россию 15-25 дней, отследите посылку на нашем сервисе, чтобы узнать более точное время доставки именно в ваш город в России, Беларуси, Украине, Казахстане.

Трекер ParcelsApp.com, учитывает ведет статистику доставки для отправлений в разные города страны, и считает довольно точные сроки доставки Hongkong Post Air Mail.

Отслеживание RU HK трек

Номера вида R..HK это обычная регистрируемая (отслеживаемая) авиапочта (Hongkong Post Air Mail). Такие отправления отслеживаются на всем пути следования от продавца в ваше почтовое отделение

Трек номер ZA HK

Номера вида ZA..HK это упрощенная регистрируемая почта, специальный тип отправлений, созданный Алиэкспресс совместно с Почтой России, для удешевления доставки недорогих товаров с Алиэкспресс.

У таких номеров в России будет всего 3 статуса: Принято в отделении связи, Прибыло в место вручения, Получено адресатом.

Скачай приложение Посылки на свой iPhone или Android телефон, чтобы всегда знать где твои посылки и получать Пуш Уведомления о передвижении твоих посылок.

Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

Принято в отделении связи гонконг что это значит

Статусы отслеживания посылок Почты Гонконга с переводом

In transitВ пути
left Hong Kong for its destinationпокинула Гонконг для его назначения
Sender is preparing item for postingОтправитель готовит пункт для размещения
The item was posted on and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was in transit within its destination
The item is being processed for departure from Hong Kong
The item (RT326074057HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 18-Jul
The item (RT324611946HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Jun
The item (RT336262275HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Jun
The item (RT307702505HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Apr
The item (RX000387633HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Jul-2016 without success
The item (RX000049984HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 18-May
The item (RT306690925HK) was posted on 14-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000416224HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 17-Jun
The item (RC460880492HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Jul
The item (RC498862502HK) was posted on 4-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT305231137HK) arrived at TURKEY on 10-Jun
The item (RX000581314HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 22-Jul
The item (RT303736027HK) was tendered for delivery on 30-Apr-2016 without success
The item (RC273912468HK) was posted on 30-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeТовар (RC273912468HK) было опубликовано 30-июл-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RX000431915HK) was delivered on 5-Jul
The item (RT327170960HK) was posted on 15-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000674308HK) arrived at delivery office on 18-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RA391315019RU) was delivered on 29-Mar
The item (RX000186375HK) was delivered on 3-Jun
The item (RT340222785HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-JulПункт (RT340222785HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 12-июля
The item (RX000672094HK) was tendered for delivery on 22-Jul-2016 without success
The item (RT327073778HK) was posted on 7-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT337597868HK) was posted on 16-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT340222785HK) was delivered on 19-Jul
The item (RX000156731HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Jun
The item (RT326397415HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Jul
The item (RT303736027HK) was delivered on 3-May
The item (RX000704870HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Aug
The item (RT326397415HK) arrived at BELARUS on 7-Jul
The item (RC479639575HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 20-Apr
The item (RX000674308HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 16-Jul
The item (RT305237885HK) was posted on 7-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RB482566161RU) was delivered on 4-Jul
The item (RB664122895RU) was delivered on 23-Jul
The item (RC460880461HK) was posted on 8-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT336262275HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-May
The item (RX000575150HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 17-Jul
The item (RX000831992HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Aug
The item (RT326397415HK) was delivered on 13-Jul
The item (RX000387633HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Jun
The item (RX000156731HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Jun
The item (RT307702148HK) was posted on 5-May-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT341099294HK) was posted on 12-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT342080277HK) was posted on 27-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000431915HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Jul
The item (RX000188345HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Jun-2016 without success
The item (RT340222785HK) was posted on 9-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeТовар (RT340222785HK) было размещено на 9-июля-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RT340222785HK) arrived at FRANCE on 16-JulПункт (RT340222785HK) прибыл во Францию на 16 июля
The item (RX000684614HK) was posted on 3-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000573410HK) arrived at delivery office on 20-Jul
The item (RX000431915HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Jun
The item (RT304686485HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Apr
The item arrived at processing centre
The item (RT336161688HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-May-2016 without success
The item (RT327261135HK) was posted on 28-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT318741505HK) was returned to sender on 4-Jun
The item (RT323218211HK) was posted on 10-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000714109HK) was tendered for delivery on 22-Jul-2016 without success
The item (RX000668347HK) was posted on 21-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT339601137HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Jun
The item (RC276827004HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 22-Apr
The item (RX000486551HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Jul-2016 without success
The item (RT327259429HK) was posted on 28-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (LK700382649HK) was tendered for delivery on 8-Jul-2016 without success
The item (RX000325744HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Jun
The item (RX000573410HK) was delivered on 13-Jul
The item (RT339601137HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Jun
The item (RT303736027HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Apr
The item (RT326397415HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Jul
The item you enquire is already beyond the enquiry period. We are unable to provide you with further information. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.\nEnquiry of Speedpost item should be made within 3 months from the posting date. Enquiry period foThe item you enquire is already beyond the enquiry period. We are unable to provide you with further information. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Enquiry of Speedpost item should be made within 3 months from the posting date. Enquiry period for
The item (RX000681096HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Jul
The item (RT306897099HK) was posted on 14-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT339475938HK) arrived at AZERBAIJAN on 27-Jun
The item (RT340221269HK) was posted on 4-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000049984HK) was posted on 16-May-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000580693HK) arrived at delivery office on 27-Jul
The item (RX000056591HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Jun
The item (RX000186375HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (LK700360538HK) was posted on 14-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000485777HK) arrived at delivery office on 20-Jul
The item (RT307702505HK) was posted on 29-Apr-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RB936006614HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU011929967HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU003448288HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016
The item (RX001518264HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Sep
The item (RX003581225HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RX001030732HK) was delivered on 30-Aug-2016
The item (RU014140626HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RU009275722HK) was delivered on 3-Dec-2016
The item (RT329537160HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct
The item (RU003125693HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Nov-2016Пункт (RU003125693HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 3 ноября 2016
The item (RU004299191HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RU011996365HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU003764197HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016
The item (RU001536492HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep
The item (RU012873615HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU003970110HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU009817193HK) was tendered for delivery on 13-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU012135901HK) was tendered for delivery on 12-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RC180530651HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU002702369HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Oct
The item (RX001875456HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Sep
The item (RU013066116HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU001611176HK) was tendered for delivery on 17-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU013525599HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU000990659HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-SepПункт (RU000990659HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 1-сентября
The item (RU003392677HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct
The item (RX004275164HK) was tendered for delivery on 11-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
iMail bag was accepted on 12-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU011787362HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RU005630555HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RT328814343HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 18-Sep
The item (RU013131061HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU012419188HK) was posted on 1-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU013848617HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RX002995693HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU011398985HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU003927023HK) was posted on 24-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU000342946HK) arrived at HONG KONG on 2-Sep
The item (RU009941672HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU002117758HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep
iMail bag was accepted on 15-Aug-2016; items to be scannedон извлекает мешок был принят на 15-августа-2016; документы для сканирования
The item (RC100236327HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item (RU001997675HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep
The item (RX005162328HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RT347513142HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep
The item (RU008808270HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU004347498HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct-2016
The item (RU011132081HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT347044682HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct
The item (RU009311739HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item (RU013259156HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU011847295HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU005439955HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item (RU001197825HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU002571221HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct
The item (RX004862540HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item (RU004657185HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU010792074HK) was tendered for delivery on 8-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU000979145HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Sep
The item (RU009000250HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RX002448176HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011509960HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU013728035HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU009587521HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016
The item (RU010871262HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU004454934HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU010330664HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU005316744HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item (RU003233300HK) was posted on 14-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011067516HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU010490034HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item (RC104736059HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000810207HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Aug
The item (RU012548939HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU010488265HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RX002104533HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep
The item (RU005592804HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU005291662HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU004045055HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU010946408HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU000441436HK) was delivered on 31-Aug-2016
The item (RX004197759HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU002616210HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct
The item (RU000415073HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Aug
The item (RX004553035HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item (RX002952242HK) was delivered on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RB935100304HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item (RU013172168HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item (RB934135324HK) was posted on 18-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU005796436HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016Пункт (RU005796436HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 3-ноября-2016
The item (RU002061325HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Sep
The item (RX002952242HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU002273483HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep
The item (RU011197445HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RT332476823HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item (RU002025742HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-Sep
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Dec-2016
The item (RX002739179HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU000721538HK) was tendered for delivery on 31-Aug-2016 without success
The item (RX004053539HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item (RU000277624HK) was delivered on 26-Aug-2016
The item (RC479053927HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU002437160HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU008198383HK) was tendered for delivery on 9-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU010067775HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Nov-2016
The item (RU002154000HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Oct
The item (RU004347498HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Nov-2016
The item (RX004034415HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU003269159HK) was delivered on 26-Oct-2016
The item (RU001603458HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep
The item (RU011461357HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU003200690HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 23-Oct-2016
The item (RU011050572HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item (RU011641606HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU010088789HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item (RT330383117HK) was posted on 7-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU007631528HK) was delivered on 26-Nov-2016
The item (RT333180714HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item (RC240362842HK) arrived at delivery office on 16-Sep
The item (RU013152747HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RT332513384HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016Пункт (RT332513384HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 29-Окт-2016
The item (LK700492689HK) was posted on 15-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX004278850HK) was posted on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX002611610HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct
Item returned to sender
The item (RU010044125HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item (RX002283517HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct
The item (RU012140901HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016Пункт (RU012140901HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 2-декабря-2016
The item (RU004030073HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 31-Oct-2016
The item (RT330220082HK) was posted on 22-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU008181666HK) was delivered on 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU003654608HK) was tendered for delivery on 31-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU010314732HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RT331213318HK) was posted on 22-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX003124211HK) was delivered on 9-Nov-2016
The item (RU002071866HK) arrived at delivery office on 10-Oct
The item (RU012701898HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU010803761HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU002427220HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item (RX000771525HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Aug
The item (RU005632826HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RU000775448HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU003488724HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU005487620HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016Пункт (RU005487620HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 3-ноября-2016
The item (RU014737802HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RU001388082HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep
The item (RU010141780HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU003224342HK) was delivered on 22-Oct-2016
The item (RU012054920HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU002365905HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
iMail bag was accepted on 1-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU009992294HK) was tendered for delivery on 8-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU008787685HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU004566286HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item (RU001389499HK) was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeТовар (RU001389499HK) было размещено на 15 сентября 2016 года и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU011206853HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU001124647HK) arrived at delivery office on 12-Sep
The item (RU011005406HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RX002906954HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item (RT330008743HK) was posted on 10-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU002565583HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct
The item (RU014780448HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RU009097576HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RB934963113HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 5-Oct
The item (RU009284959HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item has been handed over to air carrier on 21-Sep-2016 for departure
The item (RU011641668HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU004657185HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item (RX002007355HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-Sep
The item (RU008325087HK) was delivered on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU003832440HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU002674169HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct
The item (RU009689769HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU014034769HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU012340151HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU011641668HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016
The item (RC255607161HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Sep
The item (RU009240388HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RX001518264HK) was delivered on 12-Sep-2016
The item (RU012919453HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RC274479213HK) was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
iMail bag was accepted on 21-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU012003225HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU006077935HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item (RX000787273HK) was delivered on 30-Sep
The item (RU011858761HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU000476069HK) was posted on 18-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeТовар (RU000476069HK) был опубликован 18-августа-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU012783248HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU003883044HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU003764197HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU002255706HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep
The item (RU011773978HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU013525320HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU000963605HK) was tendered for delivery on 6-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RT330039856HK) was delivered on 4-Oct-2016
The item (RU012768121HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RX001759778HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Sep
The item (RT353223674HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RX000920114HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Aug
The item (RX001518264HK) was delivered on 12-Sep
The item (LK700532710HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RU004705164HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item (RT330009240HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 15-Sep
The item (RU003307206HK) was delivered on 27-Oct-2016
The item (RX001668989HK) was delivered on 13-Sep
The item (RU004264555HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item (RU010370527HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU002826261HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Oct
The item (RX001970580HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Sep
The item (RU010550815HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RT348634495HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016Пункт (RT348634495HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 31 октября 2016
The item (RU001523105HK) was tendered for delivery on 19-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU009680265HK) arrived at delivery office on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011275505HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU007797641HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because it was wrongly directed. The item is being forwarded or redirected
The item (RX002756092HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-OctПункт (RX002756092HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 14-октября
The item (RU013392725HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU010442215HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU013217686HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU011390911HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU004356092HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016
The item (RU012586543HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RT330249625HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Oct-2016
The item (RX003827609HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU003985613HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Oct
The item (RX002882161HK) was delivered on 5-Nov-2016
The item (RC949087673HK) was posted on 20-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU010564616HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RC062903867HK) was posted on 29-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU004192663HK) was delivered on 1-Nov-2016
The item (LK700532670HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016Пункт (LK700532670HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 7 декабря 2016
The item (RU003862605HK) arrived at delivery office on 1-Nov-2016Пункт (RU003862605HK) прибыл в офис доставка на 1 ноября 2016
The item (RX001828558HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Sep
The item (RU004492226HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016Пункт (RU004492226HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 28-октября-2016
The item (RU013238978HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU001234846HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep
The item (RU008718852HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RT332476823HK) was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU009920301HK) was tendered for delivery on 12-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU013071076HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item (RT332146226HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Oct
The item (RU011125545HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU001315615HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU007093333HK) arrived at delivery office on 30-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX002907875HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item (RU009285509HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU008704045HK) was delivered on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RX001518264HK) was tendered for delivery on 10-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU003425242HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 26-Oct-2016
The item (RX001804790HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Sep
The item (RU010192194HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RX002046380HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Oct
The item (RU010258871HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU002365905HK) was delivered on 5-Oct
The item (RU010407575HK) was tendered for delivery on 9-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU012239932HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item (RT330420954HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item (LK700422073HK) was delivered on 19-Aug
The item (RU000764459HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success
The item (RU011996365HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item (RT330051707HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct
The item (RU012073053HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU010518157HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RX002234581HK) arrived at delivery office on 11-Oct
The item (RX000797165HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Aug
The item (RU011809448HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU009052305HK) was delivered on 3-Dec-2016
The item (RT332476823HK) arrived at BELARUS on 1-Nov-2016
The item (RU001957725HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Sep
The item (RU009568085HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RT328792740HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU011115980HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU001197825HK) was delivered on 16-Sep-2016
The item (RU010018893HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU001111484HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep
The item (RU011017951HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU003643145HK) was posted on 20-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU000441436HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Aug
The item (RU012768121HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU011727505HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU005916607HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item (RU004347498HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016
The item (RB935100304HK) was posted on 27-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011669958HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RB843268290RU) arrived at HONG KONG on 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU011042704HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU004356092HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016
The item (RX001668989HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Sep
The item (RU002365905HK) was delivered on 5-Oct-2016
The item (RU011850697HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU002395685HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct
The item (RU012873615HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item (RX000837142HK) was delivered on 6-Aug-2016
The item (RU001249695HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Sep
The item (RU003915586HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016Пункт (RU003915586HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 27 октября 2016
The item (RT329882631HK) was posted on 13-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU010273145HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU003727177HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016
The item (RU010733615HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU002673818HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Oct
The item (RU012839260HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 21-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RT905977282HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU005424602HK) was posted on 31-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU001290919HK) was tendered for delivery on 12-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU010269110HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 31-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU010440885HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item (RT330401650HK) was posted on 15-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011903222HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU012671215HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU001389499HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-SepПункт (RU001389499HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 16-сентября
The item (RT354089070HK) was posted on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU010850639HK) was delivered on 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU011619815HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RT330594080HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT330037254HK) was posted on 23-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT354088128HK) was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX001470345HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU006387937HK) was delivered on 14-Nov-2016
The item (RU014181033HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item (RX001518264HK) was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeТовар (RX001518264HK) была опубликована 3 сентября 2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU010404415HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU011703637HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item (RU000412770HK) was posted on 17-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RB935972350HK) was posted on 3-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX002092954HK) arrived at delivery office on 27-Sep
The item (RU012081196HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU003125693HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016Пункт (RU003125693HK) прибыл в РФ на 2-ноября-2016
The item (RU001491120HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Sep
The item (RU012364612HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RU004058482HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016
The item (RU001197825HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep
The item (RX002756092HK) was delivered on 25-Oct-2016Пункт (RX002756092HK) был доставлен 25-Окт-2016
The item (RU013388915HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU010105765HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item (RU013214870HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 28-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU008895279HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016
The item (RU002044358HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-OctПункт (RU002044358HK) прибыл в РФ на 2-октября
The item (RC391138588HK) was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX001906365HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 16-Sep
The item (RU010737166HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU004012962HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU001619912HK) arrived at delivery office on 22-Sep
The item (RU012436566HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RX002371707HK) was delivered on 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU002988508HK) was delivered on 18-Oct-2016
The item (RU012631110HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 7-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU001389499HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 20-Sep
The item (RU011537585HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU005385033HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item (RU009108852HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RU009108852HK) прибыл в офис доставка на 5 декабря 2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU000618270HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success
The item (RU003388947HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct
The item (RU013462718HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU006837959HK) arrived at delivery office on 19-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU003129338HK) was posted on 12-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000573410HK) was delivered on 20-Jul
The item (RU014155311HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU008895424HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 1-Dec-2016
The item (RU007734125HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU005508775HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX004709002HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU002044358HK) was delivered on 7-Oct-2016
The item (RU014148899HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU003322795HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Oct
The item (RX000753439HK) arrived at delivery office on 10-Aug
The item (RU007640357HK) arrived at delivery office on 10-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX003292206HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Nov-2016
The item (RU013222672HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item (RX002296864HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct
The item (RU010870562HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU011164787HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item (RU009581682HK) was delivered on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU005479671HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RU001670316HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU013387115HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU005268482HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX002756092HK) was tendered for delivery on 25-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closedПункт (RX002756092HK) был тендер на поставку 25 октября 2016 года без успеха, потому что у получателя не было по адресу, указанному адресатом или офиса\\\’s был закрыт
The item (RU012145869HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU010378021HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU002553863HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Oct
The item (RU004384558HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU002673818HK) was delivered on 19-Oct-2016
The item (RU001547478HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep
The item (RU009989105HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU003980633HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016
The item (RU011989104HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item (RU002044358HK) was delivered on 7-Oct
The item (RU001951722HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Sep
The item (RU003762655HK) was tendered for delivery on 31-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU001494903HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep
The item (RU010705279HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU001078616HK) was posted on 1-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX002422576HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Oct-2016
The item (RT329877781HK) was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU003307206HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct
The item (RU010652871HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU002664073HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-OctПункт (RU002664073HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 12-октября
The item (RU011247535HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016
The item (RT330039856HK) was posted on 24-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU013280105HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016
The item (RT332593507HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT906711462HK) was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU003641502HK) arrived at delivery office on 29-Oct-2016
The item (RT333038801HK) was posted on 24-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX001668989HK) was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX004127789HK) was posted on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RC419648212HK) was posted on 14-Sep
The item (RU002354978HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item (RU003915586HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU004240704HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item (RU001197825HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Sep
The item (RX003863478HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU014649904HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RU003590607HK) was delivered on 25-Oct-2016
The item (RX004938053HK) was posted on 15-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX002104533HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct
The item (RU013675085HK) was posted on 12-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU008727457HK) arrived at delivery office on 29-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT349538218HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item (RU004712253HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 30-Oct-2016
The item (RT345846448HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Sep
The item (RX001055629HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-Aug
The item (RU002084697HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep
The item (RX002448176HK) was delivered on 19-Oct-2016
The item (RU012563542HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU002168896HK) was delivered on 7-Oct-2016
The item (RX004360415HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RT328798328HK) arrived at KAZAKHSTAN on 10-Sep
The item (LK700553343HK) was posted on 5-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (LK700553343HK) было размещено на 5-декабря-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU002530377HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct
The item (RU011788782HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU011490340HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016
The item (RU013363264HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016
The item (RT330031614HK) was posted on 20-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX004597460HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item (RX001943292HK) arrived at delivery office on 19-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU010676515HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU000984865HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 31-Aug
The item (RU011700600HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RU003432583HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct
The item (RU008381251HK) was delivered on 1-Dec-2016
The item (RU002730501HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct
The item (RX000721087HK) arrived at delivery office on 4-Aug
The item (RU013924389HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RT328448185HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Sep
The item (RU009972119HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RT332409979HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 15-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU005322461HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016Пункт (RU005322461HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 1-ноября-2016
The item (RU001013513HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 5-Sep
The item (RU010701780HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX001668989HK) was delivered on 13-Sep-2016
The item (RX003972209HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RT345092186HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-SepЭлемент (RT345092186HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 4 сентября
The item (RU009396266HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU003656325HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item (RU013284371HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU005968768HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item (RU000441436HK) was delivered on 31-Aug
The item (RU010452760HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU002818398HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct
The item (RU012154256HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000912501HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Aug
The item (RU009598802HK) was tendered for delivery on 6-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU010012255HK) was delivered on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU003724860HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item (RX002405388HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016
The item (RU011116835HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RX000573410HK) was delivered on 20-Jul-2016
The item (RX004468244HK) was posted on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX001522697HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 14-Sep
The item (RU000277624HK) was delivered on 26-Aug
The item (RU011415803HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU011461357HK) arrived at delivery office on 8-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU001197825HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep
The item (RU002884349HK) was delivered on 19-Oct-2016
The item (RU010771445HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU004646510HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item (RU002744205HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct
The item (RU011672807HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU009770068HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item (RU013888219HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU001469299HK) arrived at delivery office on 17-Sep
The item (RU004583307HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016
The item (RX000787273HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep
The item (RU007658976HK) was delivered on 5-Dec-2016
The item (RT347513142HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 17-Sep
The item (RX003066893HK) was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RB934782558HK) was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeТовар (RB934782558HK) было размещено на 15 сентября 2016 года и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RC305049145HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct
The item (RT332330718HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX004527543HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU010313290HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU004443582HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016
The item (RT344151869HK) was returned to sender on 21-Sep
The item (RU011360985HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU005628937HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item (RT328199593HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RX004362725HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU012372344HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item (RU000950120HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Sep
The item (RT330601735HK) was posted on 18-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU000618270HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Aug
The item (RU014751336HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Nov-2016
The item (RT330039856HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Sep
The item (RU012261913HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU005311923HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016Пункт (RU005311923HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 3-ноября-2016
The item (RU001466037HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Sep
The item (RU010737988HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU003601049HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU011029708HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU003269159HK) arrived at delivery office on 24-Oct-2016
The item (RX003858420HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RT331098864HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct
The item (RU013210688HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016
The item (RU000556779HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Aug
iMail bag was accepted on 25-Nov-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU002365905HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item (RX005155640HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item (RU006240344HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Nov-2016
The item (RT329513614HK) arrived at TURKEY on 29-Sep
The item (RU011717667HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU000429713HK) was posted on 19-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The addressee requested later delivery. The item (RU003028087HK) is being held at addressee’s request
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU005276118HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU012471523HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Oct-2016
The item (RU014751251HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RC922535130HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct
The item (RU002113169HK) arrived at delivery office on 6-Oct
The item (RT353066214HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU010112942HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item (RT347513142HK) arrived at delivery office on 20-Sep
The item (RU004705164HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item (RX001897567HK) was tendered for delivery on 18-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU010387814HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU003836999HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU002771452HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct
The item (RU008218471HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU003035595HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Oct
The item (RT342629855HK) was posted on 9-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU012909062HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU012885644HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RC180527961HK) was posted on 24-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011131395HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU000893538HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RX001470345HK) was delivered on 6-Sep-2016
The item (RU002115730HK) was delivered on 7-Oct-2016
The item (RT327288249HK) was delivered on 24-Aug
The item (RU010710747HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RT330416230HK) was posted on 20-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU009958678HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016Пункт (RU009958678HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 30 ноября 2016
The item (RU011805534HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU008802524HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 21-Nov-2016Пункт (RU008802524HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 21 ноября 2016
The item (RC522337717HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Aug
The item (RU012628950HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU001540713HK) was tendered for delivery on 23-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU003571069HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 31-Oct-2016
The item (RU001490331HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 11-Sep
The item (RU012576395HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU002710073HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct-2016
The item (LK700544845HK) was posted on 15-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT328797557HK) arrived at delivery office on 7-Sep
The item (RU012388905HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Dec-2016
The item (RT347513142HK) arrived at delivery office on 20-Sep-2016
The item (RU014566100HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RU010595030HK) arrived at delivery office on 11-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU000306590HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Aug
The item (RU009279790HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item (RU012980764HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU003836999HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RU001547478HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 16-Sep
The item (RU009087145HK) was delivered on 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU005051888HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016Пункт (RU005051888HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 30-Окт-2016
The item (RX001828558HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX004597460HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016Пункт (RX004597460HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 7-декабря-2016
The item (RX001329742HK) was delivered on 5-Sep-2016
The item (RU012987665HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU009085604HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU010900865HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU011815899HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 6-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU012007142HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RT333153016HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RT333153016HK) была размещена на 1-ноября-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU001744075HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 21-Sep
The item (RU005320426HK) was posted on 31-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT347533500HK) was posted on 20-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX001888389HK) was delivered on 15-Sep
The item (RX002521389HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU000350029HK) was tendered for delivery on 27-Aug-2016 without success
The item (RT905977282HK) was posted on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU008819895HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016
The item (RU002988508HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct
The item (RU012584216HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU004803705HK) was delivered on 23-Nov-2016
The item (RU002211546HK) was tendered for delivery on 10-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU000723318HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 5-Sep
The item (RA280475445RU) was delivered on 24-Oct
The item (RX001668989HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep
The item (RU002941664HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because it was unclaimed. The item was returned to sender
The item (RU003279006HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-OctПункт (RU003279006HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 19-окт
The item (RU011524216HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU011888352HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU011536280HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RT330721574HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016Пункт (RT330721574HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 4 ноября 2016
The item (RT330046415HK) was posted on 28-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011694285HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU000762400HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Sep
The item (RU003458170HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016
The item (RU000319491HK) arrived at delivery office on 25-Aug
The item (RU010991225HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU004334168HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct-2016
The item (RX004598607HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RX004024838HK) was tendered for delivery on 30-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RT330039856HK) was delivered on 4-Oct
iMail bag was accepted on 11-Dec-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RC429897174HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Aug
The item (RU000772146HK) arrived at delivery office on 31-Aug
iMail bag was accepted on 25-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU013193106HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU004711655HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU001984164HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU011195395HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RX002531179HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Dec-2016
The item (RU004612312HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item (RU012125192HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RT348888257HK) was posted on 7-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011224137HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU013572143HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU009098109HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 23-Nov-2016
The item (RU001195100HK) was tendered for delivery on 16-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU005296024HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016Пункт (RU005296024HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 1-ноября-2016
The item (RU000441436HK) arrived at delivery office on 30-Aug
The item (RU002788957HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct
The item (RU009992498HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU009752665HK) arrived at delivery office on 30-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX002395748HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Oct
The item (RT321235058HK) was posted on 10-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
iMail bag was accepted on 9-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU010793145HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU005591494HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU010979468HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU001257192HK) was posted on 7-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU007432972HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RT340222785HK) was delivered on 19-Jul-2016
The item (RU010900193HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU001782873HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep
The item (RU009445934HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item (RT331072439HK) arrived at AZERBAIJAN on 10-Oct
The item (RU000810839HK) was tendered for delivery on 31-Aug-2016 without success
The item (RU003470666HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 18-Oct
The item (RU011499936HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU010871262HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX002251664HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item (RX003111147HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU002181331HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep
The item (RU010794702HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX002952242HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU001348485HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Sep
The item (RU013024840HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RX002447635HK) was delivered on 20-Oct-2016
The item (RX005162481HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RU009864295HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closedПункт (RU009864295HK) был тендер на поставку в 3-декабря-2016 без успеха, потому что у получателя не было по адресу, указанному адресатом или офиса\\\’s был закрыт
The item (RX000787273HK) was delivered on 30-Sep-2016
The item (RU009643254HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closedПункт (RU009643254HK) был тендер на поставку в 3-декабря-2016 без успеха, потому что у получателя не было по адресу, указанному адресатом или офиса\\\’s был закрыт
The item (RX004534629HK) arrived at delivery office on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU009585993HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item (RU002501605HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Oct
The item (RT348634495HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 3-Nov-2016Пункт (RT348634495HK) прибыл в офис доставка и обрабатывается для доставки адресату по состоянию на 3 ноября 2016
The item (RU012322921HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RT333110109HK) was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX001909132HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Sep
The item (RU002452343HK) was delivered on 10-Oct-2016
The item (RU007265784HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RX002104533HK) arrived at delivery office on 10-Oct
The item (RU009432618HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RX002430541HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Oct
The item (RU000559090HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Sep
The item (RX004388170HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX003095002HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU009963942HK) arrived at delivery office on 29-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT330034757HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item (RU001309694HK) was tendered for delivery on 17-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU003832440HK) arrived at delivery office on 29-Oct-2016
The item (RC042765340HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Sep
The item (RU010717983HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RX002632362HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-OctПункт (RX002632362HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 14-октября
The item (RU012305203HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU000918711HK) was delivered on 6-Sep
The item (RU005026265HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RX000787273HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Sep
The item (RU004089048HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item (RT330004256HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 23-Sep
The item (RX002939586HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU010019559HK) was delivered on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU004347498HK) was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX005158941HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item (RX001518264HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Nov-2016
The item (RU003485780HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item (RU010561685HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (LK700466635HK) was tendered for delivery on 27-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU007491817HK) was delivered on 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU005701036HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RU001389499HK) was delivered on 26-Sep
The item (RU010328405HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RU003939018HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Nov-2016
The item (RX002943387HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The addressee requested later delivery. The item (RU006138104HK) is being held at addressee’s request
The item (RU010348400HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU003279006HK) was tendered for delivery on 25-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closedПункт (RU003279006HK) был тендер на поставку 25 октября 2016 года без успеха, потому что у получателя не было по адресу, указанному адресатом или офиса\\\’s был закрыт
The item (RB936921819HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016Пункт (RB936921819HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 16 декабря 2016
The item (RU012527284HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU000918711HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-AugПункт (RU000918711HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 30-августа
The item (RU001389499HK) was delivered on 26-Sep-2016
The item (RX004409382HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU000630681HK) arrived at delivery office on 31-Aug
The item (RU009069442HK) was delivered on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RC511337340HK) arrived at delivery office on 25-Aug
The item (RU011247645HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU005520011HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item (RX004437940HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU003477973HK) was tendered for delivery on 27-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RC072329621HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep
The item (RU010947068HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU005011331HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item (RU006513459HK) was tendered for delivery on 21-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU002113169HK) was delivered on 8-Oct
The item (RU009387485HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 7-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU008705536HK) was delivered on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RT348634495HK) arrived at BELARUS on 31-Oct-2016Пункт (RT348634495HK) прибыл в Беларусь на 31-Окт-2016
The item (RT325830470HK) was posted on 30-Aug
The item (RU010257641HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU003654863HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Oct-2016
The item (RX001030732HK) was delivered on 30-Aug
The item (RU003393655HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct
The item (RU014762957HK) was posted on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU009452538HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU002512577HK) arrived at delivery office on 11-Oct
The item (RT342632046HK) was posted on 10-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU002181331HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-SepПункт (RU002181331HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 25-сентября
The item (RU013232808HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU011621283HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU001064206HK) was posted on 2-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU003636502HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 18-Oct
The item (RU011179044HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU001956058HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item (RU012521105HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item (RX002521389HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU001809531HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU005539154HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RU012573301HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU000817284HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU012365462HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RT332513384HK) was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RT332513384HK) был опубликован 25-Окт-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RX004636676HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item (RX001565882HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-AugПункт (RX001565882HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 28-августа
The item (RT330036466HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item (RU013645146HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016
The item (RX002837817HK) arrived at delivery office on 1-Nov-2016
The item (RU001197825HK) was delivered on 16-Sep
The item (RU009042538HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX002531179HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016Пункт (RX002531179HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 30-Окт-2016
The item (LK700455902HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Sep
The item (RU007332909HK) was tendered for delivery on 22-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU005201049HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU007444746HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 28-Nov-2016
The item (RU011290618HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU009663497HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item (RX002447635HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU010192150HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RT330412842HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 5-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU012392542HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU000665297HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Aug
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Nov-2016
The item (RU011169360HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RB934424961HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU007818457HK) was delivered on 28-Nov-2016
The item (RU004278700HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU011148563HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 13-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU008872834HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU002884349HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-OctПункт (RU002884349HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 12-октября
The item (RU007782845HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU005907980HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU010012255HK) was tendered for delivery on 7-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RX003095002HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 5-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item (RU004661463HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct
The item (RU012519274HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU000805119HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU010480434HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU003832440HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item (RT328788379HK) was posted on 24-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeТовар (RT328788379HK) было размещено на 24-августа-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU014310886HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU010221219HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RX000889241HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 17-Aug
The item (RX003274437HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016Пункт (RX003274437HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 4 ноября 2016
The item (RU002056696HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep
The item (RX003198143HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU009059459HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Nov-2016
The item (RT347513142HK) was posted on 7-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011254933HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RT327288249HK) was delivered on 24-Aug-2016
The item (RU012617118HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU008615186HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU002181331HK) was delivered on 1-Oct
The item (RT353221069HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU004360358HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item (RU010427045HK) was posted on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RU010427045HK) была размещена на 9-декабря-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RC011493686HK) was posted on 28-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RC011493686HK) было размещено 28-Окт-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU001600187HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep
The item (RU011004754HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU011491005HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU011708078HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RX002430436HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU012692241HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU009721455HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU011537585HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU003997599HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item (RU001823547HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep
The item (RU012501698HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RX002774887HK) was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX001470345HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-SepПункт (RX001470345HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 1-сентября
The item (RU002804076HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success
The item (RU003374143HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct
The item (RU013232808HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RU003307206HK) was posted on 13-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX001021378HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Aug
The item (RU008688285HK) arrived at delivery office on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU002403988HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct-2016
The item (RU002070295HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep
The item (RU013036406HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU005487620HK) was posted on 2-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RU005487620HK) была размещена на 2-ноября-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU013680942HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU005324357HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item (RU011859413HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU003832440HK) was delivered on 31-Oct-2016
The item (RU001876641HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep
The item (RC463607645HK) was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RC463607645HK) была размещена на 7-декабря-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU003915586HK) was posted on 22-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RU003915586HK) было размещено на 22-Окт-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU008960675HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RT328779831HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Aug
The item (RX003946257HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX001888636HK) was delivered on 14-Sep
The item (RT306655852HK) was delivered on 8-Jul
The item (RU013305377HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016
The item (RC240416276HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU003885986HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016
The item (RU001286185HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Sep
The item (RU008734974HK) was delivered on 5-Dec-2016
The item (RX002632362HK) was delivered on 26-Oct-2016
The item (RU008854155HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU002181331HK) was delivered on 1-Oct-2016
The item (RU010180973HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU007751185HK) was tendered for delivery on 23-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RX002361041HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct
The item (RU011858761HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU008431324HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item (RT330037254HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item (RU005522905HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Nov-2016
The item (RT329495805HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 16-Sep
The item (RU012182671HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RU003912528HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU000874043HK) arrived at delivery office on 9-Sep
The item (RU004769071HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016
The item (RU002151989HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct
The item (RU012382151HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU009692697HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item (RU012297864HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Dec-2016
The item (RU009878759HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item (RU013469384HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016Пункт (RU013469384HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 13-декабря-2016
The item (RC854077000HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success because the addressee cannot be located
The item (RU008851560HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item (RU012018661HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item (RX003066893HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 31-Oct-2016
The item (RU010066369HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RX001959828HK) was delivered on 10-Oct-2016
The item (RU011988608HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RU002141213HK) was delivered on 6-Oct
The item (RU012620355HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item (RU009998337HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Dec-2016
The item (RU002191395HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep
The item (RX002429557HK) was delivered on 31-Oct-2016
The item (RT330015660HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 23-Sep
The item (RU006703400HK) was delivered on 17-Nov-2016
The item (RU005632826HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU002141213HK) was delivered on 6-Oct-2016
The item (RX001470345HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Sep
The item (RU003659295HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item (RU000277624HK) was tendered for delivery on 23-Aug-2016 without success
The item (RU011936747HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU013410809HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item (RX001049915HK) was posted on 17-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RT332005002HK) was posted on 27-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU011772442HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU012844154HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU005009253HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU015118955HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item (RC131227197HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Sep
The item (RU012037691HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU003307206HK) arrived at delivery office on 21-Oct-2016
The item (RX001470345HK) was delivered on 6-Sep
The item (RU012671958HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU002113169HK) was delivered on 8-Oct-2016
The item (RU003432583HK) was delivered on 21-Oct-2016
The item (RU014693063HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item (RU002113169HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Oct
The item (RT332924708HK) was posted on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU003262266HK) was delivered on 21-Oct-2016
The item (RU011855270HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016
The item (RX001765875HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Sep
The item (RU012816754HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU011198750HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item (RU012769201HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item (RX002448176HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Oct
The item (RU012317572HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (LK700476346HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Oct
The item (RU011819860HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item (RU009806496HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item (RU005522905HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 19-Sep-2016; items to be scannedон извлекает мешок был принят на 19-сентября-2016; документы для сканирования
The item (RT346042535HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU010033683HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RU003269159HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct
The item (RU008927056HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RX002756092HK) was posted on 13-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addresseeПункт (RX002756092HK) было опубликовано 13-окт-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату
The item (RU004179945HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item (RU009707241HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU004201060HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item (RU002003265HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-Sep
The item (RU009485536HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RB935100304HK) was delivered on 8-Oct
The item (RU005546800HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU001514302HK) arrived at delivery office on 19-Sep
The item (RU012179346HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU004334168HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item (RU001670316HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-SepПункт (RU001670316HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 21-сентября
The item (RX002215171HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Oct
The item (RU011164124HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Dec-2016Пункт (RU011164124HK) прибыл в РФ на 3 декабря 2016
The item (RU014310784HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU009513254HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item (RU011959853HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item (RU002280572HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep
The item (RU000918711HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU013336241HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 14-Dec-2016
The item (RU001221051HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Sep
The item (RU011850697HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU011394445HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX004450019HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item (RU012076752HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RX001828558HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Sep
The item (RU011301103HK) arrived at delivery office on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU004107299HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item (RU001270993HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep
The item (RU003862605HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016Пункт (RU003862605HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 27 октября 2016
The item (RU011873287HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item (RT330386820HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RU010310903HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 30-Nov-2016
The item (RC905399054HK) was tendered for delivery on 7-Sep-2016 without success
The item (RU010456316HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item (RX004547004HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RU008378411HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU011973271HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item (RX001158946HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Nov-2016
The item (RU003180377HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct
The item (RU005562524HK) was tendered for delivery on 9-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU003103619HK) was posted on 12-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item (RX000867246HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Aug
The item (RT331073289HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep
The addressee requested later delivery. The item (RU003213367HK) is being held at addressee’s request
The item (RU001389499HK) arrived at delivery office on 23-Sep
The item (RU011216453HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item (RX002683545HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item (RU009796017HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Nov-2016
The item (RU002375292HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item (RU010952712HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 18-Aug-2016; items to be scannedон извлекает мешок было принято на 18-августа-2016; документы для сканирования
The item (RU006074960HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item (RU002164885HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep
The item (RU011567724HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item (RX001668989HK) arrived at delivery office on 12-Sep
The item (RU011850697HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item (RU002991277HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed
The item (RU014665031HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016Пункт (RU014665031HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 16 декабря 2016
Получено адресатом
Успешно вручено
Прибыло в место вручения
Ожидает адресата в месте вручения
Прибыло в страну назначения
Вылетело в страну назначения
Передано авиакомпании
Покинуло транзитную страну
Arrive at origin post office
Прибыло в транзитную страну
Принято в отделении связи
Информация о заказе получена перевозчиком
Покинуло сортировочный центр
Прибыло в сортировочный центр
Принято перевозчиком
Ожидание получения посылки от отправителя
Электронная регистрация отправления
Вручено адресату
Arrive at local delivery office
Прибыло в место международного обмена
Покинуло место международного обмена
Передано в доставку по России
Покинуло транзитный пункт международного обмена
Выпущено таможней
Прием на таможню
Прошло регистрацию
Прибыло на территорию России
Передано в таможню
Импорт международной почты
Прибыла в Россию
Airline arrived at destination country
Ожидает отправки из Гонконга
Экспорт международной почты
Проверка содержимого на безопасность завершена
Отправка отменена
Передано почтальону
Processing,Forwarded to the postman
Airline departed from original country
Depart from transit country or district
Arrive at transit country or district
Post office collection.
Waiting for pickup
Shipment confirmation
Delivered. Your item was delivered at 8:27 am on July 29, 2017 in ST THOMAS, VI 00802.
Available for Pickup
Arrived at Post Office
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
Processed Through Facility

Меня зовут Павел. Я создал Посылки, приложение для отслеживания посылок из Китая и по всему миру, скачайте Посылки для iOS or Посылки для Android. Snow Trips сайт для сравнения горнолыжных курортов по стоимости поездки, ski pass, жилья, авиаперелета. Больше всего в жизни я люблю сноубординг, кайтсерфинг и путешествия о которых я рассказываю через фото и видео в ВК и Инстаграм.
Следуйте за моими приключениями в Твиттере и Моем Блоге.


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