Предполагают что собрание закончится в 10 часов

помогите исправить перевод предложений с русского на англ, используя complex subject

русский вариант:
1.Предполагают, что заседание закончится в десять часов.
2.Полагают, что они знают об этом больше, чем хотят показать.
3.Джим оказался храбрым мальчиком.
4.Рочестер случайно встретил Джейн по дороге домой.
5.Говорят, что эта статья переведена на все языки мира.
6.Вы, кажется, много читали до поступления в университет.
7.Как известно, он был прекрасным педагогом и лектором.
8.Оказалось, что мы уже когда-то встречались.
9.Вы, кажется, устали.
10.Условия работы оказались более трудными, чем предполагалось.
11.Из трёх сестёр Бронте Шарлотта считается наиболее талантливой.
12.Как известно, английская писательница Войнич жила в течение нескольких лет в Петербурге и изучала русскую литературу. Считают, что русская литература оказала влияние на её творчество.
13.Ваш приятель, кажется, очень интересуется древней историей.
14.Известно, что римляне построили на Британских островах хороши дороги.
15.Вальтер Скотт считается создателем исторического романа.
16.Сообщают, что экспедиция достигла места назначения.
17.Я случайно знаю номер его телефона.
18.Он оказался хорошим спортсменом.
19.Он, кажется, пишет новую статью: кажется, он работает над ней уже две недели.
20.Я случайно встретил его в Москве.
21.Говорят, что это здание было построено в 17 веке.

мой убогий перевод, прошу ткните меня в ошибки :/
1.Suggest that meeting to end at 10.
2.Suggest that they to be knowing about this more, than they want to show.
3.Jim to appear a brave boy
4. Rochester accidentally to met Jane on way to home.
5.The article is reported to have translate into all the languages of the world.
6.Seems you have to read a lot before your entering the university.
7. Known, he was a wonderful teacher and lecturer.
8.Appear that we to have meeting before.
9.Seems you have to tired.
10.Work conditions seems to be more difficult than suggested.
11.From three sisters Bronte, Charlotte thought to be most talant.
12.Known, English writer Voynich lived for several years in St. Petersburg and have to study Russian literature. Though that Russian literature to have influenced on her work.
13. Your friend seems to be very interested in ancient history.
14. The Roomans are known to have built good roads on the British isles.
15.Valter Scott though to be the creator of the historical novel.
16.The expedition is reported to reached their destination.
17.I happen to know his phone number.
18.He appeared to be a good sportman.
19. He seems to be writing a new article: it seems that he to have work on it for two weeks.
20. I happened to meet him in Moscow.
21.This building is reported to have been built in 17 centuries.

Все просто, хотя для вас наверное вряд ли

the meeting is supposed to be finished at ten
they are supposed to know about it more then they want to show
Jimm appeared to be the brave boy
Rodchester turned out to meet Jane on his way home by chance
this article is said to be transleted into all the languages of the world
you seemed to read a lot before entrance to the university
he was known to be an excellent teacher and lector
we seem to have met somewhen already
you seem to be tired
work’s conditions appiared to be more difficult then it was expected
Бронте Шарлотта is expected to be more talented from all of three sisters

все надоело, постарайтесь понять смысл построения конструкции

1. Meeting is supposed to end at ten.
2. They supposed to know about it more than they want to show.
3. Jim turned out to be a brave boy.
4. Rochester happened to meet Jane on his way to home.
5. This article is said to be translated into all the languages of the world.
6. You seem to have read a lot before entering the university.
7. He was known to be a good teacher and lecturer.
8. We turned out to have met once.
9. You seem to be tired.
10. Working conditions turned out to be more difficult than expected.
11. Of the three sisters Charlotte Bronte is believed to be the most talented.
12. English writer Voynich is known to have lived in St. Petersburg for a number of years and to have studied Russian literature. Russian literature is considered to have influenced her creative activity.
13. Your friend seems to be very interested in ancient history.
14. The Romans are known to have built good roads on the British Isles.
15. Walter Scott is considered to be the creator of the historical novel.
16. The expedition is reported to have reached its destination.
17. I happen to know his phone number.
18. He turned out to be a good athlete.
19. He seems to be writing a new article: he seems to have been working at it for two weeks already.
20. I happened to meet him in Moscow.
21. This building is said to have been built in the 17th century.

Извините, но у вас как будто промтовский перевод. 😀 На самом деле всё просто. Подлежащее ставьте на первое место, а после него действие, которое над ним совершается как бы, как правило, это глагол в страдательном залоге, а после этого инфинитивная конструкция, т. е. нужный глагол с частицей to в нужном времени.


Complex Subject или сложное подлежащее в английском языке (с упражнениями)

Конструкция Complex Subject — считается одной из продвинутых конструкций и, если вы ее знаете и используете в своей речи, это уже говорит о вашем хорошем знании английского языка. Вот пример предложения с такой конструкцией — Complex Subject. Какой перевод вы выберите?

Неважно, ответили ли вы правильно или нет, повторить эту конструкцию все же следует. Этим мы и займемся сейчас.

Complex Subject или сложное подлежащее (что это такое)?

Предполагают что собрание закончится в 10 часов

Complex Subjeсt. Упражнения (уровень advanced)

(из замечательного пособия по грамматике, автор Ю. Голицынский)

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.

1. Не is said to know all about it.
2. He was said to have known the whole truth about it.
3. Juri Gagarin is known to be the first man in the world to travel into space on the 12th of April, 1961.
4. The American astronaut Neil Armstrong is known to be the first man to walk on the moon.
5. He is believed to be innocent of the crime.
6. Innocent people were announced to have been murdered by terrorists.
7. The terrorist was announced to have been killed by his own bomb.
8. The exhibition of 19th century French painting is expected to open by the end of next week.
9. The number of the unemployed is reported to be increasing with every year.
10. The President of Russia was reported to speak to the nation on television tonight.
11. He is supposed to be a very good actor.
12. He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear scientists.
13. He is said to be a good translator.
14. She was known to be an honest and hard-working girl.
15. He was expected to arrive at the weekend.
16. The Moscow Underground is considered to be the most beautiful in the world.
17. A hare is known to run very fast.
18. My close friend is known to have learned «Eugene Onegin» by heart.

Упражнение 2.Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

ПРИМЕР. People consider the climate there to be very healthy. = The climate there is considered to be very healthy (Complex Subject).

1. People consider the climate there to be very healthy. 2. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were arriving the following week. 3. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 4. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 5. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown soldier. 6. It is supposed that the playwright is working at a new comedy. 7. It is reported that the flood has caused much damage to the crops. 8. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 9. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for the liver. 10. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. 11. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer. 12. It was reported that five ships were missing after the battle.

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык, используя конструкцию Complex Subject.

Вы изучили тему Complex Subject и выполнили упражнения из учебника грамматики Ю. Голицынского. Проверить себя вы можете по ответам.


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Предполагают что собрание закончится в 10 часов

Мари Умняшка

Переведите на английский язык, используя конструкцию Complex Subject. 1. Говорят, что это здание было построено в 15 веке.
2. Предполагают, что собрание закончится в 10 часов.
3. Никак не ожидали, что холодная погода наступит так рано.
4. Из трех сестер Бронте Шарлотта считается наиболее талантливой.
5. Как известно, английская писательница Войнич жила в течение нескольких лет в Петербурге и изучала русскую литературу.
6. Считают, что русская литература оказала влияние на ее творчество. 7. Известно, что римляне построили на Британских островах хорошие дороги.
8. Полагают, что поэма «Беовульф» была написана в 15 веке.
9. Вальтер Скотт считается создателем исторического романа.
10. Сообщают, что экспедиция достигла места назначения.
11. Полагают, что они знают об этом больше, чем хотят показать.
12. Говорят, что он работает над своим изобретением уже несколько лет. 13. Говорят, что эта статья переведена на все языка мира.
14. Ожидают, что они выиграют этот матч.

Лучший ответ:

Предполагают что собрание закончится в 10 часов

Суррикат Мими

1. This building is said to have been built in the 15th century.

2. The meeting is supposed to end at 10 o’clock.

3. The cold weather was not expected to set so early.

4. Of the three sisters Bronte, Charlotte is considered the most talented.

5. The English writer Voynich is known to have lived for several years in St. Petersburg and studied Russian literature.

6. Russian literature is believed to have influenced her work.

7. The Romans are known to have built good roads on the British Isles.

8. The poem Beowulf is believed to have been written in the 15th century.

9. Walter Scott is considered to be the creator of the historical novel.

10. The expedition is reported to have reached its destination.

11. They are believed to know more about this than they want to show.

12. He is said to have been working on his invention for several years.

13. This article is said to have been translated into all the languages ​​of the world.


Предполагают что собрание закончится в 10 часов

Эта конструкция состоит из существительного или местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива. Переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением.

He is said to know six languages.Говорят, что он знает шесть языков.
He was said to know six languages.Говорили, что он знает шесть языков.
He is said to have gone to London.Говорят, что он уехал в Лондон.
He was said to have gone to London.Говорили, что он уехал в Лондон.
Обратите внимание, что сказуемое выражено глаголом в Passive Voice

Не was said to work a lot.

Упражнение 458. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.

Упражнение 459. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

• E.g. We heard that a car stopped outside the door. A car was heard to stop outside the door.

It is believed that the poem was written by Byron. The poem is believed to have been written by Byron.

1. People consider the climate there to be very healthful. 2. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were arriving next week. 3. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 4. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 5. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown soldier. 6. It is supposed that the playwright is working at a new comedy. 7. It is reported that the flood has caused much damage to the crops. 8. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 9. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for the liver. 10. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. 11. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer. 12. It was reported that five ships were missing after the battle.

Следующие глаголы в предложениях, содержащих Complex Subject, употребляются в Active Voice.

to seem, to appear, to turn out, to happen

Упражнение 460. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.

Английская грамматика. Сборник упражнений для школьников

Упражнение 461. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

• E.g. It appeared that they had lost the way. They appeared to have lost the way.

1. It appeared that he was losing patience. 2. It appeared that he had not heard what had been said. 3. It happened that I was present at the opening session. 4. It so happened that I overheard their conversation. 5. It turned out that my prediction was correct. 6. It turned out that the language of the article was quite easy. 7. It seems they know all about it. 8. It seems they have heard all about it. 9. It seemed that the discussion was coming to an end. 10. It seems that you don’t approve of the idea. 11. It seemed that the house had not been lived in for a long time.

Запомните следующие предложения, содержащие Complex Subject

He is likely to win the prize. — Похоже, что он выиграет приз.

He is sure to come. — Он обязательно придет.


Упр. 439. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

1.Известно, что марсианские каналы были открыты в 1877 году. 2. Предполагают, что за­седание закончится в десять часов. 3. Полага­ют, что они знают об этом больше, чем хотят показать. 4. Джим оказался храбрым мальчи­ком. 5. Рочестер случайно встретил Джейн по дороге домой. 6. Говорят, что он работает над своим изобретением уже несколько лет. 7. Го­ворят, что эта статья переведена на все язы^ мира. 8. Вы, кажется, много читали до поступ-«« * ления в университет. 9. Как известно, Жуковс­кий был прекрасным педагогом и лектором. 10. Никак не ожидали, что холодная погода на­ступит так рано. 11. Оказалось, что мы уже когда-то встречались. 12. Вы, кажется, устали. 13. Условия работы оказались более трудными, чем предполагалось. 14. Вы случайно не знаете этого человека? 15. Книга, которую вы мне дали, оказалась скучной. 16. Новые автобусы оказа­лись очень удобными. 17. Из трех сестер Брон-^ те Шарлотта считается наиболее талантливой.*-18. Как известно, английская писательница Войнич жила в течение нескольких лет в Пе­тербурге и изучала русскую литературу. Счита­ют, что русская литература оказала влияние на ее творчество. 19. Ваш приятель, кажется, очень интересуется древней историей. 20. Известно, что римляне построили на Британских остро­вах хорошие дороги. 21. Полагают, что поэма «Беовульф» была написана в VIIIвеке. 22. Валь­тер Скотт считается создателем исторического романа. 23. Сообщают, что экспедиция достиг­ла места назначения. 24. Я случайно знаю но-

мер его телефона. 25. Он оказался хорошим спортсменом. 26. Он, кажется, пишет новую статью: кажется, он работает над ней уже две недели. 27. Я случайно встретил его в Москве. 28. Говорят, что это здание было построено в XVII веке.




Упр. 440. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каж­дое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения I, II и III типов.

E.g.If you (to be)free, I (to come)to see you.

If you arefree, I shall cometo see you. Ifyou werefree, I should cometo see you. Ifyou had beenfree, I should have come

to see you. If I (to see) her, I (to be)glad.

If I see her, I shall beglad.

If I saWher, I should beglad.

If I had seen her, I should have beenglad.

1. If-you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 2. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyak-ov Gallery «Very year. 3. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic. 4. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 5. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV togeth­er. 6. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university. 7. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 8. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea-party. 9. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry). 10. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) at the examination.

Упр. 441. Перепишите каждое из следующих предложений дважды, образуя предложения не­реального условия: а) относящиеся к настояще­му или будущему (II тип), Ь) относящиеся к про­шедшему (Ш тип).

1.If Iam not too busy, I shall go to the concert. 2. If no one comes to help, we shall be obliged to do the work ourselves. 3. If you put on your glass-

es, you will see better. 4. What shall we do if they are late? 5. Will you be very angry if we don’t come? 6. Will he be very displeased if Idon’t ring him up? 7. They will all be surprised if I make such a mistake. 8. If he doesn’t come in time, shall we have to wait for him?

Упр. 442. Произнесите вслух все возможные условные предложения 1 типа, используя под­становочную таблицу. (Упражнение на выработ­ку автоматизма речи)

Следующая таблица поможет вам переводить предложения, содержащие Complex Subject.
[f Ilive in the southI shallbathe every day.
come home latego to bed at once.
live in the countryoften go to the wood.
go to the woodgather many mushrooms.
receive his letterbe very happy.
fall illgo to the doctor.
find my bookbe very glad.
lose my moneybe very sorry.
see my friendask his advice.

Упр. 443. Произнесите вслух все возможные условные предложения II типа, используя под­становочную таблицу. (Упражнение на выработ­ку автоматизма речи)

[ wishin the southI shouldbathe every day.
I wereat homego to bed.
[f I werein the countrygo to the wood.
in the woodgather many mushrooms.
at the camphave a very good time.
a scientistinvent a time machine.
a composerwrite beautiful music.
a poetwrite beautiful poetry.
a writerwrite interesting novels.
a spacemanfly to other planets.
a sailorsail to Africa.

Упр. 444. Произнесите вслух все возможные условные предложения III типа, используя под­становочную таблицу. (Упражнение на выработ­ку автоматизма речи)

Упр, 445. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующейся форме.

1.1 should be delighted if I (to have) such a beau­tiful fur-coat. 2. If it (to rain), we shall have to stay at home. 3. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 4. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) on my coat. 5. I (to write) the composi­tion long ago if you had not disturbed me. 6. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever. 7. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do. 8. If he were hot such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admirers. 9. If you (to give) me your address, I shall write you a letter. 10. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student. 11. If my sister does not go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together. 12. If they (not to go) to Mos­cow last year, they would not have heard that fa­mous musician. 13. If you (not to get) tickets for the Philharmonic, we shall stay at home. 14. If you were not so careless about you? health, you (to con­sult) the doctor.

Упр. 446. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующейся форме.

1. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I should certain­ly have told her all about it. 2. If you (to do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better. 3. If he is not very busy, he (to agree) to go to the museum with us. 4. If I (not to be) present at the lesson, I should not have under­stood this difficult rule. 5. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (to increase) greatly. 6. If they (to know) it before, they Would have taken measures. 7. If I (to get) this book, I shall be

12. You would have understood the rule if you
(not to miss) the teacher’s explanation. 13. If you
(to understand) the rule, you would have written
the test-paper successfully. 14. If you had written
the test-paper successfully, you (not to get) a «two».
15. Your mother (not to scold) you if you had not
got a «two». 16. If your mother (not to scold) you,
you would have felt happier.

Упр. 447. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующейся форме.

1. If it (to snow), the children will play snow­balls. 2. If I (not to know) English, I should, not he able to enjoy Byron’s poetry. 3. I (not to do) it if you did not ask me. 4. If men (to have) no weap­ons, would wars be possible? 5. You will never fin­ish your work if you (to waste) your time like that. 6. If I (to have) his telephone number, I should easily settle this matter with him. 7. If I (to have) this rare book, I should gladly lend it to you. 8. The dish would have been much more tasty if she (to be) a better cook. 9. He never (to phone) you if I hadn’t reminded him to do that. 10. Your brother (to become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly. 11. If he (to be) more courageous, he would not be afraid. 12. If the fisherman had been less patient, he

13. If you (to put) the ice-cream into the refriger­
ator, it would not have melted. 14. If I (to know)
the result now, I would phone her immediately.

15. If you had let me know yesterday, I (to bring) you my book.

Упр. 448. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующейся форме.

1. If you (to ring) me up, I shall tell you a secret. 2. If you (to be) a poet, you would write beautiful poetry. 3. If he did not read so much, he (not to know) English literature so well. 4. If he (to come) to our house yesterday, he would have met his friend. 5. If he (not to pass) his examination, he will not get a scholarship. 6. If she (not to help) me, I should have been in a very difficult situation. 7. My father would have more free time if he (not to read) so many newspapers. 8. If only you had let me know, I (to go) there immediately. 9. If I were a famous singer, I (to get) a lot of flowers every day. 10. If you (not to buy) coffee, we shall drink tea, 11. If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our par­ty. 12. My brother would not have missed so many lessons if he (not to hurt) his leg. 13. If my friend (to work) in my office, we should meet every day. 14. If you spoke English every day, you (to im­prove) your language skills. 15. If you get a «five», your mother (to be) happy. 16. If she (to return) earlier, she would have been able to see him before he left. 17. If these shoes were not too big for me, I (to buy)4hem.

Упр. 449. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующейся форме.

1. I should be very glad if he (to come) to my place. 2. If he (to live) in St. Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week. 3. If you (to go) to the theatre with us last week, you would have en­joyed the evening. 4. You won’t understand the rule

if you (not to listen) to the teacher. 5. If he weren’t such a book-worm, he (not to spend) so much time sitting in the library. 6. I should not have bought the car if my friend (not to lend) me money. 7. If he did not live in St. Petersburg, we (not to meet) so often. 8. If he had warned me, I (to do) the work in time. 9. If my brother (to be) in trouble, I shall help him, of course. 10. If I don’t manage to finish my report today, I (to stay) at home tomorrow. 11. If she were more careful about her diet, she (not to be) so stout. 12. You would not feel so bad if you (not smoke) too much. 13. If he (to learn) the poem, he would not have got a bad mark. 14. If you gave me your dictionary for a couple of days, I (to trans­late) this text. 15. If I (to be) a musician, I should be very happy.. 16. If Barbara (to get) up at half past eight, she would have been late for school. 1.7. If you had not put the cup on the edge of the table, it (not to get) broken.

Упр. 450. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующейся форме.

you (to see) the announcement of Professor X’s com­ing to our town. 8. He is not ill: if he (to be) ill, he (not to play) tennis so much. 9. He was not ill last week: if he (to be) ill, he (not to take) part in the football match.


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