Пониплей езда верхом на спине что
Timothy Mayer pinned post
If you enjoy ponygirls being ridden hard check out my page. I write stories about pony girls. Hope you enjoy!
Heres a part of the latest chapter in my ponygirl story
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Mercedes was a rare ponygirl. a tight african american girl. 6’4 with the perkiest ass and the curviest hips imaginable. Something about the water on this island made some of these girls grow huge. Before washing up on the island she had been into hip hop dancing. This chick could twerk and knew all sorts of moves.
As a ponygirl this filly got an intense rush at being conquered, but only after a tough bucking session. everytime mark rode this ponygirl he had to prove he was man enough to handle a real bucking bronco.
She and mark were both naked. Mark was gonna ride her bareback with no stirrups or reins.
she bent down with her hands on her knees and her ass thrust backwards. Mark readyied himself. the mare was about to twerk her bubble butt up and down. Mark tightend his grip around her ponytail. The mare bent her spine slowly and smoothly. then she began to agressively twerk. Shaking her ass with vicous rythem, Mark couldnt hold himself to her hips. despite his legs hold around her waist his butt flew into the air. with one hand he kept a firm grip on her hair and the other arm was raised behind him to steady himself. It was a battle of endurence for both ponygirl and cowboy. the mare violently bucked her ass up even as she swayed her hips from side to side and squated up and down.
the ponygirl would buck him off if he just bounced. Mark had to move with the ponygirl. The ponygirl thrust her ass back and bent down on her hands and feet. squating her ass in the air with wide legs and her hands touching the ground. Mark was reeling back but managed to swing his arm around the inner thigh of one the big ponygirl’s muscular legs. Mercedes backed her ass up and down as she moved touched her toes with her hand. Mark had his legs wrapped around her chest and was holding onto her leg. But he was almost sliding down the front of his mount The buncking bronco saw her chance.
As mark tugged on her hair to pull himself up onto her hips the mare was thrown of balance and made a hard turn left. Her momentum made her body swing and she was spinning like a top on one leg.
The mare was growing frustrated. She was a loyal ponygirl, but fiercly competative. She wanted to be the conquered, but the big bitch wasn’t going to be easy. The mare sprung down onto her hands and feet. The mare’s legs were wide but her arms were square with her shoulders.
Mark saw his chance to beat the bucking bronco. He sprung forward off the top of her hips and landed square in the bend of her upperback. Right at the instant he landed the ponygirls arms gave out, but mark pulled forward hard on her hair. The mare responded instantly and pushed hard with her legs and they were in the air. As the ponygirl lunged forward, Mark steered her into the crowd of slavegirls and found his target. Mercedes face slammed into amanda’s big tits and the buxom redhead was driven down with the weight of ponygirl and rider landing on her. Amanda’s soft curvy body and big tits absorbed the impact and nobody was hurt. Mercedes was sprawled atop Amanda with her face lying on one of Amanda’s tits. Mark sat triumphant atop Mercedes upper back, Mercedes’s shiny black skin was soft beneath him as he slapped her ass.
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Dmitry Semenov Dmitry is going to work. What about you? Even if you think this disease won’t reach you, it’s better to #stayhome and keep informed about COVID-19 ‘)»>
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Timothy Mayer pinned post
Here is the first chapter of my ponygirl story. check out my profile for the other 10 chapters.
Paradise island
chap 1
Mark was returning from his vacation in the bahamas, when his plane lost one engine and then two. The plane spiraled out of control and crashed into the pacific ocean. Amazingly he finds himself alive, but with a sprained ankle.
Expand text… he floats on a life raft with only one companion. A beautiful 18 year old girl from some part of eastern europe. They don’t speak the same language, but they must work together in order to survive. This is their story.
Mark awoke from a fitful sleep. «today makes a whole week afloat on this raft». The sun was just beginning to come up over the horizon. He looked hopefully out into the endless expanse of sea. There was no land in sight. He glanced over at the girl who lay curled up in an emergency blanket. He couldn’t help but once again stare in amazement. The girl was at least 6’8, c cup breasts, long beautiful brown hair, a face straight out of a magazine and she even had thick strong thighs and a curvy waist. Everything he had ever wanted in a ponygirl. She couldn’t be older than 20 he thought. She was from some part of eastern europe and didn’t speak a lick of english. But she was able to communicate that her name was Epona. Mark himself was 23, 5’9 and slim and muscular. They sat next to one another on the flight, and after the crash he had somehow gotten both of them on a liferaft. He didn’t know what became of the other passengers. In the crash he had sprained his ankle. And she suffered a nasty gash on her head. After he had pulled her onto the raft he bandaged her head. It wasn’t too nasty of a bump, but she needed rest to recover. Epona seemed kind enough, or at least as kind as one can be to someone they can’t communicate to. She seemed to always wear a confused doe eyed expression. Despite her height, Mark thought she looked cute and innocent, but still felt the raw sexuality and power that ebbed from her. Often times he couldn’t help but get hard just looking at her, and imagining her as his pony. Mark has had a ponygirl fetish since his early teens and DUring the nights he often dreamed of riding atop Epona on all fours. Riding her across white sandy beaches; Kicking her thighs to urge her forward, and pulling her hair to make her bend her waist for his comfort.
Life on the raft was boring, they really had nothing to do. So mark had to entertain himself with these fantasies. They had supplies for a while longer, but the satellite tracker in the survival kit was busted. Mark dwelled all morning about his sorry lot until he heard a noise on the sea. It was a gull. «Gulls mean land!» Mark scanned the horizon and before long saw an island. He grabbed the paddle and began to paddle the raft in its direction. Epona stirred from her sleep, but just stared at mark and his paddling. They drew closer and closer to the island. It was small. The beach probably stretched 8-10 kilometers in a circle, and beyond the beach the land rose into a small mountain covered in jungle. Before long they were near the shoreline but there was a problem. Someone would need to get out and pull the raft ashore. Mark knew he wouldn’t be able to pull the raft with his sprained ankle. And he was afraid the tide would pull them back out to sea again. He had no choice. he had to get Epona to pull the raft to shore. The raft had a tow rope. He figured he could just get epona to get out and pull the rope, but when he motioned towards the rope and the island she just gave him with a confused stare. After another couple futile attempts, he motioned her towards him. She shuffled over to him, pursing her lips in a curious O shape. On their knees, epona was a head taller than mark. Her shoulders were broad, but not so broad as her shapely hips. He began to tie the tow rope around her waist. Feeling her so close to him caused Mark’s ponygirl fetish to stir. Once it was secure he tried to lead her off the edge of raft, but the poor girl was frightened and resisted. He couldn’t help but think that she behaved like a skittish mare. AFter a bit of soothing and coaxing he finally convinced her to hop off the side of the raft. She pulled off her t-shirt and shorts revealing her muscular body. She had a 6 pack, muscular shoulders and thick muscular thies. She hopped into the water which came up to her shoulders. Epona looked up at him for instruction and mark pointed towards the island. Epona began to wade towards land pulling mark and the raft in tow. MArk could feel himself becoming hard. Watching the girl pull their raft, he wished she had a bit in so he could guide her with a pair of reins. The closer they got to the island the lower the water became and more of her figure became visible. Mark was in awe. SHe had incredible muscles on her back and a delicious bubble butt that swished with every step. He imagined himself riding piggyback on her. With a crop in one hand and a fist of her hair in the other.
Once they reached the shore Epona had to drag the raft over the sand. It seemed the friction and Mark’s weight made it too much for the poor girl, and though she tried, she couldn’t move the raft completely out of the water and onto to the dry sands of the beach. Due to his ankle, Mark couldn’t walk. The only way was for epona to carry him. Epona should be able to mange. Though mark was 5’7 and he only weighed 140lb, and Epona is at least 6’7 and looks like she has been athletic her whole life. She must be over 180lb of muscle. He called epona over to him and pointed to his ankle. She observed that it was swollen. Mark had no idea how to communicate his desire to her so he simply pointed at her and made a neigh noise, and pointed at himself and said,»cowboy». Remarkably epona seemed to understand and kneeled in front of him and stuck out her behind to let him mount up. Mark could barely contain his excitement, but he put on a practical face. He scrambled up onto her back and settled onto her waist. Mark marveled at the size of the girl. Mark felt downright tiny atop her.
Epona just kneeled there in the sand. Seemingly not knowing what to do or where to go. she was Waiting for mark’s orders. Mark could barely contain himself. His fantasy was happening. He wasted no time in grabbing her hair and tapping his feet on her thighs to urge her forward. Epona began to crawl deep and shallow along through the sand carrying mark and pulling the raft behind them. He took one bunch of her hair in his left and one in his right, using her hair as reins. His weight sank into her waist, causing his manhood to rub against her upper back. His feet were resting against her thighs but he knew eventually they would get tired, «if only i had stirrups, then i could ride forever!» THe going was slow, but within a couple minutes the raft was far enough ashore for Mark to not worry about it being swept away. Not leaving Epona’s back, he untied the tow cable from her waist. Then he just sat for a while. Euphoric on this girls back. He loved the way he sank into her waist; he loved the control he felt as he gripped her hair, and he loved the way his groin rubbed against her back as she crawled. The two of them simply stood there for a time. Mark basking in the afterglow of his first ponygirl ride, and Epona waiting stupidly for further orders. Her mouth pursed in a curious O shape. After a time Epona seemed to want Mark off her back, and lowered herself onto her elbows. Mark who was trying to hide his raging hard on, reluctantly slid off her side and onto the soft sand.
As Epona put her clothes back on Mark began to take stock of the situation. «we have a few bottles of fresh water left, but we will definitely need a freshwater source on this island if we have to stay here long. After finding water we should set up a shelter by the source. Then I suppose tomorrow we can worry about food.». Mark looked left and right across the shoreline. «There has to be a stream flowing into the sea, I guess we can follow the shore until we find one». He Called out Epona’s name and said, «cowboy». Epona who was lazing about in the sand, sat up and crawled over to him. She kneeled down onto her elbows and offered herself as a ponygirl. Again Mark put on a practical face and climbed onto her waist. Feeling the curve of her back and the strength of his pony beneath him, Marks heart felt like a volcano. «let’s explore the beach to find fresh water» he said not knowing if Epona even understood. He then took her hair in his hands and tapped his heels on her thighs. At first her crawling was awkward and bumbly. The rough and akward steps of the ponygirl caused mark to bounce. Mark felt himself bouncing up and down on her back. He marched her towards the ocean at first, but then tugged gently at the bundle of hair he held in his right hand. Epona began to turn docilley, following her riders orders. As they marched along the shore line, Mark sat up as straight as he could, focusing his weight away from his legs on her sides and onto his butt on her waist, he felt her saddle arch just a little more. At first his eyes were fixed on her muscular back. Watching her shoulder blades and muscles work with each step. But soon when he had burned the image into his memory forever he closed her eyes and focused on feeling the girl beneath him. Feeling the ponygirls back arch and fall with each step. After 20 minutes of riding she began to move more gracefully, having adjusted to the weight of her ride. Her canter was a slow rolling motion that gave Mark a pleasurable little slide up then down her spine. The smoothness of her movements and the paleness of her skin made mark feel like her was riding a cloud. And a sexy cloud at that!
The sun had risen and it must have been about noon. The temperature had gone up and before long Epona’s back was slick with sweat. It soaked through her t-shirt and shorts and was beginning to annoy mark. He pulled her hair and said, “whoa”. Epona halted immediately. He climbed off of her and on his knees made a motion to her wet shirt. Epona looked at him confused. Mark just decided to take his chance and made a motion for her to take it off. Epona with a hint of a grin complied and took off her shirt to reveal her c cup breasts held by a brown sport bra. Mark decided to take his chance and made the same motion to her shorts. Epona also complied stripping down to just her panties. Mark patted her on the head as she handed him her clothing, and she shot him a smile. She kneeled back down and looked back at him. Mark scampered back onto her back, and without hesitation he drove her on. For another hour they rode. Epona became slick with sweat and mark happily slid back and forth on her saddle. Then mark saw a stream!
He figured the water came from a spring on the island so it should be pure enough to drink. Besides he forgot to bring a water bottle for her. He only let her drink so much, lest she become waterlogged,and when he felt she has had enough, pulled her head out of the water by her hair. Mark gazed upstream. The pond snaked into the forest, he was tempted to explore and find ita source, but right Now the thing to do was to ride his ponygirl back to the raft and somehow bring the raft over here. He pulled her reins and drove her backwards out of the stream and back towards the way they came. It took another hour for them to reach the raft again. And by that point Epona’s hair was drenched with sweat and her arms were trembling. Her waist was deeply curved, bent deep and low under mark’s weight. She half lowered herself and half collapsed onto her elbows. Mark slide off her back and began to praise her on her job well done. Stroking her face and patting her on her hips. Epona seemed pleased and gave him a warm grateful smile.
Mark pulled out a couple of MREs from the rafts survival kit and the two of them ate. Mark wondered about the raft. He thought that she could pull it with him in the water, but mark also had ideas about riding epona piggyback. After they ate Epona took a nap in the sand. He let her rest for an hour before waking her. He tied the tow rope around her waist again. He then rose to his feet, favoring his uninjured foot. Epona rose as well and came to her full height. She towered above him. He placed her conservatively at 6’7. Mark pressed her upper back forward and her lower back down. Epona let him maneuver her without resistance. He put her into the piggyback position and then lightly put his hand at the top of her head and gently pushed her down to one knee so he could get on. As he positioned himself on her back, Epona’s arms hung at her sides. He took hold of each one and moved them to his legs for support. Once in riding position he took hold of her hair and pulled it upward. Epona rose to her feet and Mark gasped as he rose along with her. When she reached her full height Mark felt on top of the world. On her back her head rose to about his chest and he was able to comfortably hold her hair. He must have been over 8 feet in the air. He felt like a king atop a mighty steed.
Mark swished the reins and Epona dutifully began to walk. He reined her right and marched her along the beach towards the stream. However, dragging the raft slowed her down, and Mark wanted more speed from her. He thought for a moment and got an idea. If he takes his pony ankle deep in the sea, she can pull the raft more easily and perhaps he might enjoy his ride more. With a tug of the reins he ordered his pony into the surf. When epona was ankle deep in the surf he again reined her towards the stream. The ocean breeze blew Mark’s hair back as he rode. He drove Epona along at a brisk pace until she was almost speed walking. Mark felt his weight sink into her waist. It seems that Epona was bending more forward, trying to take more weight on her hips than on her arms. It Made sense Epona’s arms weren’t as muscular as her legs. Mark figured she did plenty of squats but never worked out her arms intensely. The result was that Epona arched forward and Mark sank into her lovely hips. While riding Mark had time to think about his pony. “If she had any sense at all she would have made me get in the raft and just pulled… That would be way easier for her, but she is still letting me ride her like a pony. Maybe she’s just stupid, or very obedient, or both! In any case I’m certainly not complaining.” Mark decided to lean down to get a look at Epona’s pretty face. Her eyes looked blankly forward, and her lips were still pursed in that customary curious O shape. “Maybe she has done this kind of thing before?”
Mark rode for about half an hour before they came to the spring. Reluctantly he reined her towards the beach, detached the tow rope and dismounted. By now the sun was beginning to set. Mark figured they could just sleep out in the open. They had for over a week on the raft, and it didn’t look like rain was coming. The emergency blankets would be enough. He let Epona drink from the stream and they ate a meal of MREs. Mark took a bottle of water for himself. After they ate and Mark felt Epona had rested enough, he decided he would chance a sunset ride on the beach. He turned to Epona and firmly said, “cowboy” Epona immediately got on all fours in front of him. She looked back at him with her lips pursed and jiggling her ass, inviting him to climb aboard. Mark felt himself get hard and did not hesitate to mount her. As they began he found
Пониплей езда верхом на спине что
Смирнова Ирина, Джейд Девлин
Госпожа поневоле или раб на халяву
Денек сегодня выдался тот еще. С утра не завелась машина, потом я битых два часа торчала в офисе выставочной компании, дожидаясь своего агента. Потом позвонил Димка, у которого, как обычно, внезапно и буквально на один день выставили хорошие камни. Пришлось срочно менять планы, прощаться с мечтами о пироге и новой книжке под чаёк и мчаться на другой конец города.
Камни действительно стоили того, чтобы за ними побегать. И цена у них была соответствующей. От Димки я вышла в растрепанных чувствах. Покупка грела душу и провоцировала нетерпеливую дрожь в пальцах, воображение уже рисовало эскизы будущих работ. И, одновременно, то же самое воображение трясло пустым кошельком, сиротливо гремящим остатками мелочи. Новые сапоги накрылись, традиционный скидочный шоппинг с девчонками — тоже. Пока не оплатят последний заказ, включаю режим жесткой экономии. Ничего, потерплю недельку, а там будет сразу большая сумма, с лихвой перекрывающая мои скромные запросы. Если Димке опять не привезут чего-нибудь… редкого.
Экономия началась сразу за Димкиным порогом. Вместо того чтобы вызвать такси и с комфортом помечтать всю обратную дорогу о будущих шедеврах, я крепко замерзла на остановке. Потом прокатилась на маршрутке-самоубийце, весело игнорировавшей не только ПДД, но и остальные физические законы. И, наконец, нырнула в метро.
Естественно, я опять забыла про первое число нового месяца, и пришлось полчаса толкаться в очереди. Переполненные вагоны и две пересадки не прибавили мне настроения, и к дому я подбегала уставшая, голодная и злая, как контролерша в час пик.
— Девушка! Девушка, одну минуточку! — плавающая перед мысленным взором чашка горячего чаю мигнула и пропала, сменившись крайне подозрительным субъектом, преградившим мне путь к подъездной двери.
Высокий, толстый, лысоватый мужчина со слегка безумным взглядом темных глаз, одетый в раздражающем меня стиле — спортивные штаны, кожаная куртка нараспашку выставляет на всеобщий обзор слегка замызганную, когда-то белую футболку, плотно обтягивающую огромное пузо. На ногах у странного типа были кожаные сапоги, совершенно новые, начищенные, блестящие… и они очень не гармонировали со всем остальным образом.
Я на какое-то время впала в ступор, изучая этот странный диссонирующий элемент одежды. А мужик, не теряя времени, перешел в наступление:
— Девушка, всего минуточку! У меня только пара вопросиков, не откажите в любезности!
Тип стоял так, что просто шмыгнуть мимо него в подъезд не было никакой возможности. Только если отпихнуть с дороги. Я, конечно, зла, но не настолько, чтобы вступать в драку со странными персонажами на пороге собственного дома. К тому же мужик все больше смахивал на любимого клиента городской психиатрички. Так что драться и спорить я не рискнула. Кивнула и уставилась вопросительно.
Тип воодушевился. Поправил воротник куртки, поддернул уходящий в густые кусты палисадника поводок. Я и не заметила сначала, что тип с собакой. Наличие животины меня почему-то немного успокоило. Конченному психу ведь не доверили бы выгуливать пса, верно?
— Девушка… А скажите… Если бы вам продали молодого красивого раба, что бы вы с ним сделали?
Я пару раз моргнула. Вопрос ошарашил не на шутку. Точно, псих… И внезапно я снова обозлилась. Бл…! Ночь на дворе, холод собачий, я есть хочу, а тут психи прохода не дают!
Типус же, не дождавшись ответа, шагнул ближе, «завлекательно» улыбаясь и продолжая свою бредовую рекламную компанию:
— Девушка! Ну, представьте, молоденького, гладенького, и в полную вашу власть! Делайте что хотите! Вот что бы вы хотели с ним сотворить первым делом?
— Годится! — неизвестно чему обрадовался маньяк, и не думая уступать дорогу. — Девушка, а у вас монетки не найдется? Любой, самой мелкой? — видимо, мое состояние очень четко проступило на лице, потому что он поторопился уточнить: — И я сию секунду оставлю вас в покое!
— Да подавись! — рыкнула я, выуживая из кармана куртки последние десять рублей и бросая их в жадно подставленную ладонь. — И вали отсюда!
— Сделка завершена, — неожиданно сильным и звонким голосом торжественно провозгласил псих. — Можете забрать вашу собственность. Желаю приятно провести время!
Пока я, разинув рот, обозревала невероятное явление, парень встал, выпрямился, отряхнулся от прилипшей к нему грязи, потряс давно немытой копной волос и вопросительно уставился на меня:
Шарахнувшись от него как можно дальше, я успела с ужасом подумать, что сегодня точно не мой день, раз все психи города устроили встречу именно у моего подъезда. Причем тот, первый, был еще ничего. Если уж выбирать, так я б ему лучше вообще всю оставшуюся мелочь выгребла. Где он, кстати? Оглянувшись, я с удивлением обнаружила, что дядька в кожанке и сапогах как сквозь землю провалился, а дорога к дому перекрыта только голым придурком со странными наклонностями.
Только тут я заметила, что сжимаю в руке кожаную петлю. Когда мне успели ее всучить и почему я взяла?! Отбросив эту гадость, я с отвращением вытерла руку о куртку. И попыталась обойти препятствие — все же габаритами худощавый любитель экстремального нудизма до дядьки близко не дотягивал. Мне бы только до двери добраться, а там захлопну замок домофона, и пусть эти больные на голову товарищи хоть до утра играют в свои ролевые игры.
Я даже магнитный ключ заранее нашарила в кармане, готовясь к последнему рывку.
— Я правильно понял, что ты меня отпускаешь? — парень в упор уставился на меня.
— Да-да, вот и умничка, конечно, отпускаю! — заверила я, приступая к маневру. Бочком, бочком, еще пара шагов…есть.
Домофон приветственно запищал, я рванула тяжелую дверь и на радостях даже пожелала остающейся за спиной шизофрении:
— Счастливой этой… свободной жизни! А если выйдешь в таком виде на проспект, за тобой очень быстро приедут, и заберут туда где кормят, моют и даже бить не станут!
И захлопнула дверь. Уффф! Ну и денек… Так, где там мой горячий чай?
Будь проклят тот день, когда я попал в плен к светлым… Марбхфхаискорт! Дьявол их всех забери к себе домой! Пафосные лживые твари!
— Твои прегрешения переполнили чашу нашего терпения…
Чашку надо было брать больше, уроды! У самих рыльце в пушку по самую задницу, а все туда же. Пока они мне список обвинений зачитывали, я когти сгрыз, чтобы своим ржанием величественность момента не разбить. Потом-то мне не до смеха стало — они всерьез решили, что меня и мне подобных надо перевоспитать, и воспользовались для этого нашим же собственным изобретением. Адом. В раю! Ту-пи-цы!
Я сопротивлялся, дрался, кусался… Марбхфхаискорт! Они отняли у меня меч, но у меня еще оставались когти и зубы! А потом пришел их главный… и наступила темнота… и кошмар! Многовековой кошмар…
Вспоминания о том, что они делали со мной и моими… эм… однопалитровыми знакомыми… я бы не отнес к тем, которые хочется переживать снова и снова.
Хотя… когда у этих психов случился прорыв и озарение, что их АД нашему перевоспитанию не помогает, их осенило свежей идеей… (Найду источник идейного вдохновления — взорву к чертовой бабушке!) Всех осужденных темных надо отдать на перевоспитание к светлым.