Покинуло склад гонконг что дальше
Как у вас со сроками доставки из Гонконга?
У меня с 14 декабря ни одна посылка ни пришла!
При том, что покупки совершались через 2-5 днейб систематически на протяжении двух месяцев.
Все посылки из Китайско-Гонгконгского направления.
Я уже несколько рефундов получил, несколько дел висит ещё.
Некоторые айтемы были высланы повторно ( китайцы божатся, что сделали это в срок!)
Есть у меня впечатление, что есть «заговор»))))) против меня лично!))))
Куча барахла от разных селлеров с разных мест и ни один не пришол.
Может кто сталкивался с подобной ситуацией?
Не могли «бдительные» таможенники тормознуть посылки с подозрением, что получатель желает дробно получить товар, сумма стоимости которого может быть больше 200 евров, или ещё по каким нехорошим причинам?
П.С. Но вот чудо! Выслали мне айтем шестого января с трекингом (он, этот трекинг обошолся в ОДИН ДОллар!). И вот сегодня уже его видно на Укрпочте! Странно! Даже есть впечатление, что те, с кем я имел дело до этого и чьи посылки я жду уже около двух мес. просто не выслали их!И проконтроллировать без теркинга не как!(
У меня с 14 декабря ни одна посылка ни пришла!
При том, что покупки совершались через 2-5 днейб систематически на протяжении двух месяцев.
Все посылки из Китайско-Гонгконгского направления.
Я уже несколько рефундов получил, несколько дел висит ещё.
Некоторые айтемы были высланы повторно ( китайцы божатся, что сделали это в срок!)
Есть у меня впечатление, что есть «заговор»))))) против меня лично!))))
Куча барахла от разных селлеров с разных мест и ни один не пришол.
Может кто сталкивался с подобной ситуацией?
Не могли «бдительные» таможенники тормознуть посылки с подозрением, что получатель желает дробно получить товар, сумма стоимости которого может быть больше 200 евров, или ещё по каким нехорошим причинам?
П.С. Но вот чудо! Выслали мне айтем шестого января с трекингом (он, этот трекинг обошолся в ОДИН ДОллар!). И вот сегодня уже его видно на Укрпочте! Странно! Даже есть впечатление, что те, с кем я имел дело до этого и чьи посылки я жду уже около двух мес. просто не выслали их!И проконтроллировать без теркинга не как!(
Вообще странно работает почта.
Кому-то за неделю доходит, а кто-то 2 месяца ждет.
Хотя отправка в один день.
И это касается не только поднебесной.
Мой мозг не находит разумное пояснение этому феномену.
Доставка товаров с «AliExpress» через почту Гонконга: особенности и нюансы
Доставка отправлений через почту Гонконга: тонкости, про которые необходимо помнить при выборе такой доставки. Способы отслеживания посылки через почту Гонконга.
С почтовым оператором, который мы в данной статье рассматриваем, получается интересная история: управляет им непосредственно «China Post», однако гонконгская почта позиционирует себя как самостоятельная компания. И это неудивительно: собственные центры для приема и сортировки посылок, собственный путь доставки – всё это позволяет функционировать как вполне самостоятельной единице, чем и пользуются продавцы с Алиэкспресс, выбирая Почту Гонконга для отправки заказанных покупателями товаров.
Особенности данной почты
Гонконгский почтовый оператор предлагает несколько вариантов доставки:
На почте может быть отказано в отправке некоторых товаров, среди которых батарейки, мобильные телефоны, парфюмерия и любые товары, которые сотрудники Почты Гонконга посчитают взрывоопасными. Но это только в теории. На деле – если продавец на «АлиЭкспресс» указал именно такой тип доставки, есть очень большая вероятность того, что ваши товары прибудут к вам именно через Гонконг.
Срок доставки составляет от 30 до 60 дней.
Отслеживание посылки
Премиум тип отслеживается через телефон, Bulk Airmail – не отслеживается вообще. Что касается мелких и крупных посылок (Post и Parcel), мх можно традиционно отследить через ваш профиль на AliExpress со страницы заказа, а также на сторонних сайтах – например, 17track.net. Обратите внимание еще и на то, что после пересечения отправлением границы страны назначения, оно начинает отслеживаться на сайте локального почтового оператора.
Первые две буквы трека показывают, каким способом отправляется посылка. Последние буквы – всегда HK (указание на Гонконг). Цифры, которые находятся в середине – уникальный идентификатор отправления.
Отличительной особенностью данной почты является медленное обновление статусов и не такая подробная информация. Если статус не обновляется в течение 2 недель, это может означать, что посылка находится в стадии экспорта или импорта. Новых статусов в этой ситуации не появится до тех пор, пока данная процедура (экспорт или импорт) не будет завершена.
Вам обязательно нужно открыть спор на Алиэкспресс, если вы не получили свою посылку в течение 60 дней после оплаты заказа, или если ее статус не обновляется более 2 недель подряд.
Покинуло склад гонконг что дальше
Операция приема отправления в стране получателя.
Вся почта, поступающая на территорию Российской Федерации с авиарейсов, начинает путь в авиационном отделении перевозки почты (АОПП) – специальный почтовый склад в аэропорту. С самолета в течение 4–6 часов отправления поступают в АОПП, емкости регистрируются, проверяются их целостность и вес. Почта регистрируется в электронной базе данных. При регистрации сканируется штрих код, вносятся данные о том, куда адресована емкость (например, ММПО «Москва»), с какого она рейса поступила, о стране и дате формирования емкости и т. д. Время этих операций может быть увеличено от 1 до 7х суток из-за ограниченных мощностей АОПП.
Следующая операция после экспорта из страны подачи, которая отражается на сайте при отслеживании отправления – это импорт в страну назначения. Информация об импорте появляется после того, как отправление будет передано перевозчиком почтовому оператору страны назначения. Операция «Импорт» означает, что отправление поступило на территорию России, и было зарегистрировано. Международные отправления поступают в Россию через место международного почтового обмена (ММПО). В России существуют несколько ММПО: в Москве, Новосибирске, Оренбурге, Самаре, Петрозаводске, Санкт-Петербурге, Калининграде, Брянске. Выбор города, куда именно поступит международное отправление зависит от страны отправителя. Выбор зависит от наличия регулярных рейсов и свободных провозных мощностей по тому или иному направлению.
Операция приема отправления в стране получателя.
Вся почта, поступающая на территорию Российской Федерации с авиарейсов, начинает путь в авиационном отделении перевозки почты (АОПП) – специальный почтовый склад в аэропорту. С самолета в течение 4–6 часов отправления поступают в АОПП, емкости регистрируются, проверяются их целостность и вес. Почта регистрируется в электронной базе данных. При регистрации сканируется штрих код, вносятся данные о том, куда адресована емкость (например, ММПО «Москва»), с какого она рейса поступила, о стране и дате формирования емкости и т. д. Время этих операций может быть увеличено от 1 до 7х суток из-за ограниченных мощностей АОПП.
Следующая операция после экспорта из страны подачи, которая отражается на сайте при отслеживании отправления – это импорт в страну назначения. Информация об импорте появляется после того, как отправление будет передано перевозчиком почтовому оператору страны назначения. Операция «Импорт» означает, что отправление поступило на территорию России, и было зарегистрировано. Международные отправления поступают в Россию через место международного почтового обмена (ММПО). В России существуют несколько ММПО: в Москве, Новосибирске, Оренбурге, Самаре, Петрозаводске, Санкт-Петербурге, Калининграде, Брянске. Выбор города, куда именно поступит международное отправление зависит от страны отправителя. Выбор зависит от наличия регулярных рейсов и свободных провозных мощностей по тому или иному направлению.
Присваивается в том случае, если почтовый оператор сообщил, что была осуществлена попытка доставки отправления получателю, но по каким-либо причинам вручение не состоялось. Данный статус не отображает конкретной причины невручения.
Покинуло сортировочный центр
При отслеживании заказа на AliExpress на каждом шаге доставки ему присваивается определенный статус. Но не все статусы интуитивно понятны. Один из таких статусов — «покинуло сортировочный центр». В данной статье мы расскажем, что означает статус и сколько ждать посылку.
Что значит Покинуло сортировочный центр?
Покинуло сортировочный центр — это статус доставки означающий, что ваш заказ прошел обработку и направляется непосредственно на адрес получения.
Также при отслеживании данный статус может называться как «Outbound in sorting center».
Однако, статус «Покинуло сортировочный центр» при отслеживании может отображаться несколько раз. Такое возможно в следующем случае:
Каждый из шагов будет отображаться при отслеживании.
Покинуло сортировочный центр — сколько ждать
Время прибытия заказа при статусе «Покинуло сортировочный центр» будет зависеть от нескольких факторов:
В среднем время получения заказа при статусе «Покинуло сортировочный центр» варьируется от 7 до 12 дней.
Посылка покинула сортировочный центр и пропала — что делать?
Если после статуса «Посылка покинула сортировочный центр» ваш заказ в ближайшее время не пришел, то не стоит переживать. Иногда, доставка заказ может задерживаться на большее время ввиду непредвиденных обстоятельств. Поэтому в первую очередь необходимо запастись терпения и периодически отслеживать статус заказа.
Почта Гонконга отслеживание посылок
Почта Гонконга (Hong Kong Post) — это департамент Правительства Гонконга, отвечающий за почтовые услуги. Hong Kong Post осуществляет доставку международных посылок в множество стран мира. Многие продавцы гонконгским почтовым сервисом для отправки товаров, запрещенных к пересылке почтой Китая, при этом срок доставки посылок у почты Гонконга значительно меньше, чем у китайской почты.
Для отслеживания посылок почты Гонконга просто добавьте трекинг-номер отслеживания в форму выше.
Не все отправления из Гонконга отслеживаются на официальном сайте, тогда на помощь придет Cainiao, и наш мощный трекер, который проверит все нужные сайты, а также передевет все читаемый на русский язык.
Обновление Почты Гонконга о Коронавирусе
Назначенный оператор Гонконгской Почты Гонконга просит нас проинформировать другие страны-члены Почтового союза и их назначенных операторов, что благодаря мерам, принятым правительством Гонконга со вторника, 28 января 2020 года, для снижения риска распространения романа Коронавирус (2019-нКоВ), вся обработка входящей и исходящей почты (отправка письма, посылка и отправления EMS) может быть нарушена. Ожидается, что задержки продлятся несколько дней.
Отследить посылку из Гонконга в Россию
Для отслеживания посылки из Гонконга в Россию введите трек номер (заканчивается на HK) в форму отслеживания на данной странице и нажмите Отследить Посылку.
Отследить посылку из Гонконга по трек номеру
Для отслеживания посылки из Гонконга по трек номеру, введите его в форму отслеживания на данной странице и нажмите кнопку Отследить Посылку.
Сколько идет посылка из Гонконга в Россию
Примерные сроки доставки Почта Гонконга в Россию 15-25 дней, отследите посылку на нашем сервисе, чтобы узнать более точное время доставки именно в ваш город в России, Беларуси, Украине, Казахстане.
Трекер ParcelsApp.com, учитывает ведет статистику доставки для отправлений в разные города страны, и считает довольно точные сроки доставки Hongkong Post Air Mail.
Отслеживание RU HK трек
Номера вида R..HK это обычная регистрируемая (отслеживаемая) авиапочта (Hongkong Post Air Mail). Такие отправления отслеживаются на всем пути следования от продавца в ваше почтовое отделение
Трек номер ZA HK
Номера вида ZA..HK это упрощенная регистрируемая почта, специальный тип отправлений, созданный Алиэкспресс совместно с Почтой России, для удешевления доставки недорогих товаров с Алиэкспресс.
У таких номеров в России будет всего 3 статуса: Принято в отделении связи, Прибыло в место вручения, Получено адресатом.
Скачай приложение Посылки на свой iPhone или Android телефон, чтобы всегда знать где твои посылки и получать Пуш Уведомления о передвижении твоих посылок.
Статусы отслеживания посылок Почты Гонконга с переводом
Статус | Перевод/Описание |
In transit | В пути |
left Hong Kong for its destination | покинула Гонконг для его назначения |
Sender is preparing item for posting | Отправитель готовит пункт для размещения |
The item was posted on and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item was in transit within its destination | |
The item is being processed for departure from Hong Kong | |
The item (RT326074057HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 18-Jul | |
The item (RT324611946HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Jun | |
The item (RT336262275HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Jun | |
The item (RT307702505HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Apr | |
The item (RX000387633HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Jul-2016 without success | |
The item (RX000049984HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 18-May | |
The item (RT306690925HK) was posted on 14-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000416224HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 17-Jun | |
The item (RC460880492HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Jul | |
The item (RC498862502HK) was posted on 4-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT305231137HK) arrived at TURKEY on 10-Jun | |
The item (RX000581314HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 22-Jul | |
The item (RT303736027HK) was tendered for delivery on 30-Apr-2016 without success | |
The item (RC273912468HK) was posted on 30-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Товар (RC273912468HK) было опубликовано 30-июл-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RX000431915HK) was delivered on 5-Jul | |
The item (RT327170960HK) was posted on 15-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000674308HK) arrived at delivery office on 18-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RA391315019RU) was delivered on 29-Mar | |
The item (RX000186375HK) was delivered on 3-Jun | |
The item (RT340222785HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Jul | Пункт (RT340222785HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 12-июля |
The item (RX000672094HK) was tendered for delivery on 22-Jul-2016 without success | |
The item (RT327073778HK) was posted on 7-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT337597868HK) was posted on 16-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT340222785HK) was delivered on 19-Jul | |
The item (RX000156731HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Jun | |
The item (RT326397415HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Jul | |
The item (RT303736027HK) was delivered on 3-May | |
The item (RX000704870HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Aug | |
The item (RT326397415HK) arrived at BELARUS on 7-Jul | |
The item (RC479639575HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 20-Apr | |
The item (RX000674308HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 16-Jul | |
The item (RT305237885HK) was posted on 7-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RB482566161RU) was delivered on 4-Jul | |
The item (RB664122895RU) was delivered on 23-Jul | |
The item (RC460880461HK) was posted on 8-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT336262275HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-May | |
The item (RX000575150HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 17-Jul | |
The item (RX000831992HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Aug | |
The item (RT326397415HK) was delivered on 13-Jul | |
The item (RX000387633HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Jun | |
The item (RX000156731HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Jun | |
The item (RT307702148HK) was posted on 5-May-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT341099294HK) was posted on 12-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT342080277HK) was posted on 27-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000431915HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Jul | |
The item (RX000188345HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Jun-2016 without success | |
The item (RT340222785HK) was posted on 9-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Товар (RT340222785HK) было размещено на 9-июля-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RT340222785HK) arrived at FRANCE on 16-Jul | Пункт (RT340222785HK) прибыл во Францию на 16 июля |
The item (RX000684614HK) was posted on 3-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000573410HK) arrived at delivery office on 20-Jul | |
The item (RX000431915HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Jun | |
The item (RT304686485HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Apr | |
The item arrived at processing centre | |
The item (RT336161688HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-May-2016 without success | |
The item (RT327261135HK) was posted on 28-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT318741505HK) was returned to sender on 4-Jun | |
The item (RT323218211HK) was posted on 10-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000714109HK) was tendered for delivery on 22-Jul-2016 without success | |
The item (RX000668347HK) was posted on 21-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT339601137HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Jun | |
The item (RC276827004HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 22-Apr | |
The item (RX000486551HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Jul-2016 without success | |
The item (RT327259429HK) was posted on 28-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (LK700382649HK) was tendered for delivery on 8-Jul-2016 without success | |
The item (RX000325744HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Jun | |
The item (RX000573410HK) was delivered on 13-Jul | |
The item (RT339601137HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Jun | |
The item (RT303736027HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Apr | |
The item (RT326397415HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Jul | |
The item you enquire is already beyond the enquiry period. We are unable to provide you with further information. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.\nEnquiry of Speedpost item should be made within 3 months from the posting date. Enquiry period fo | The item you enquire is already beyond the enquiry period. We are unable to provide you with further information. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Enquiry of Speedpost item should be made within 3 months from the posting date. Enquiry period for |
The item (RX000681096HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Jul | |
The item (RT306897099HK) was posted on 14-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT339475938HK) arrived at AZERBAIJAN on 27-Jun | |
The item (RT340221269HK) was posted on 4-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000049984HK) was posted on 16-May-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000580693HK) arrived at delivery office on 27-Jul | |
The item (RX000056591HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Jun | |
The item (RX000186375HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (LK700360538HK) was posted on 14-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000485777HK) arrived at delivery office on 20-Jul | |
The item (RT307702505HK) was posted on 29-Apr-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RB936006614HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011929967HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003448288HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX001518264HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Sep | |
The item (RX003581225HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001030732HK) was delivered on 30-Aug-2016 | |
The item (RU014140626HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009275722HK) was delivered on 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT329537160HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct | |
The item (RU003125693HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU003125693HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 3 ноября 2016 |
The item (RU004299191HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011996365HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003764197HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001536492HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep | |
The item (RU012873615HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003970110HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU009817193HK) was tendered for delivery on 13-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU012135901HK) was tendered for delivery on 12-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RC180530651HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002702369HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Oct | |
The item (RX001875456HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Sep | |
The item (RU013066116HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001611176HK) was tendered for delivery on 17-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU013525599HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000990659HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Sep | Пункт (RU000990659HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 1-сентября |
The item (RU003392677HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct | |
The item (RX004275164HK) was tendered for delivery on 11-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
iMail bag was accepted on 12-Oct-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU011787362HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005630555HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT328814343HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 18-Sep | |
The item (RU013131061HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU012419188HK) was posted on 1-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU013848617HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002995693HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU011398985HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003927023HK) was posted on 24-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU000342946HK) arrived at HONG KONG on 2-Sep | |
The item (RU009941672HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002117758HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep | |
iMail bag was accepted on 15-Aug-2016; items to be scanned | он извлекает мешок был принят на 15-августа-2016; документы для сканирования |
The item (RC100236327HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001997675HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep | |
The item (RX005162328HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT347513142HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep | |
The item (RU008808270HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU004347498HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU011132081HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT347044682HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct | |
The item (RU009311739HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU013259156HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011847295HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005439955HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001197825HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU002571221HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct | |
The item (RX004862540HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004657185HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010792074HK) was tendered for delivery on 8-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU000979145HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Sep | |
The item (RU009000250HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002448176HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011509960HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU013728035HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009587521HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU010871262HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004454934HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010330664HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005316744HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU003233300HK) was posted on 14-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011067516HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010490034HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RC104736059HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000810207HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Aug | |
The item (RU012548939HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010488265HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002104533HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep | |
The item (RU005592804HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU005291662HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004045055HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU010946408HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000441436HK) was delivered on 31-Aug-2016 | |
The item (RX004197759HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002616210HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct | |
The item (RU000415073HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Aug | |
The item (RX004553035HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002952242HK) was delivered on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RB935100304HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep | |
The item (RU013172168HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RB934135324HK) was posted on 18-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU005796436HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU005796436HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 3-ноября-2016 |
The item (RU002061325HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Sep | |
The item (RX002952242HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU002273483HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep | |
The item (RU011197445HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT332476823HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002025742HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-Sep | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002739179HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU000721538HK) was tendered for delivery on 31-Aug-2016 without success | |
The item (RX004053539HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000277624HK) was delivered on 26-Aug-2016 | |
The item (RC479053927HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002437160HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU008198383HK) was tendered for delivery on 9-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU010067775HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002154000HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Oct | |
The item (RU004347498HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX004034415HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003269159HK) was delivered on 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001603458HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep | |
The item (RU011461357HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003200690HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 23-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU011050572HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011641606HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010088789HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT330383117HK) was posted on 7-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU007631528HK) was delivered on 26-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT333180714HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RC240362842HK) arrived at delivery office on 16-Sep | |
The item (RU013152747HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT332513384HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RT332513384HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 29-Окт-2016 |
The item (LK700492689HK) was posted on 15-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX004278850HK) was posted on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX002611610HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct | |
Item returned to sender | |
The item (RU010044125HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002283517HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct | |
The item (RU012140901HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016 | Пункт (RU012140901HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 2-декабря-2016 |
The item (RU004030073HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 31-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT330220082HK) was posted on 22-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU008181666HK) was delivered on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003654608HK) was tendered for delivery on 31-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU010314732HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT331213318HK) was posted on 22-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX003124211HK) was delivered on 9-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002071866HK) arrived at delivery office on 10-Oct | |
The item (RU012701898HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010803761HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002427220HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep | |
The item (RX000771525HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Aug | |
The item (RU005632826HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU000775448HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU003488724HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU005487620HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU005487620HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 3-ноября-2016 |
The item (RU014737802HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001388082HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep | |
The item (RU010141780HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003224342HK) was delivered on 22-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU012054920HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002365905HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
iMail bag was accepted on 1-Sep-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU009992294HK) was tendered for delivery on 8-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU008787685HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004566286HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001389499HK) was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Товар (RU001389499HK) было размещено на 15 сентября 2016 года и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU011206853HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001124647HK) arrived at delivery office on 12-Sep | |
The item (RU011005406HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002906954HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT330008743HK) was posted on 10-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU002565583HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct | |
The item (RU014780448HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009097576HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RB934963113HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 5-Oct | |
The item (RU009284959HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item has been handed over to air carrier on 21-Sep-2016 for departure | |
The item (RU011641668HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004657185HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX002007355HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-Sep | |
The item (RU008325087HK) was delivered on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003832440HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU002674169HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct | |
The item (RU009689769HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU014034769HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU012340151HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011641668HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RC255607161HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Sep | |
The item (RU009240388HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX001518264HK) was delivered on 12-Sep-2016 | |
The item (RU012919453HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RC274479213HK) was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
iMail bag was accepted on 21-Aug-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU012003225HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU006077935HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX000787273HK) was delivered on 30-Sep | |
The item (RU011858761HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000476069HK) was posted on 18-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Товар (RU000476069HK) был опубликован 18-августа-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU012783248HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003883044HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU003764197HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU002255706HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep | |
The item (RU011773978HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU013525320HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000963605HK) was tendered for delivery on 6-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RT330039856HK) was delivered on 4-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU012768121HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RX001759778HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Sep | |
The item (RT353223674HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX000920114HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Aug | |
The item (RX001518264HK) was delivered on 12-Sep | |
The item (LK700532710HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004705164HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT330009240HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 15-Sep | |
The item (RU003307206HK) was delivered on 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX001668989HK) was delivered on 13-Sep | |
The item (RU004264555HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010370527HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002826261HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Oct | |
The item (RX001970580HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Sep | |
The item (RU010550815HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT348634495HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RT348634495HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 31 октября 2016 |
The item (RU001523105HK) was tendered for delivery on 19-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU009680265HK) arrived at delivery office on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011275505HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU007797641HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because it was wrongly directed. The item is being forwarded or redirected | |
The item (RX002756092HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct | Пункт (RX002756092HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 14-октября |
The item (RU013392725HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010442215HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU013217686HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011390911HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004356092HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU012586543HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330249625HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX003827609HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU003985613HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Oct | |
The item (RX002882161HK) was delivered on 5-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RC949087673HK) was posted on 20-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU010564616HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RC062903867HK) was posted on 29-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU004192663HK) was delivered on 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (LK700532670HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | Пункт (LK700532670HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 7 декабря 2016 |
The item (RU003862605HK) arrived at delivery office on 1-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU003862605HK) прибыл в офис доставка на 1 ноября 2016 |
The item (RX001828558HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Sep | |
The item (RU004492226HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RU004492226HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 28-октября-2016 |
The item (RU013238978HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001234846HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep | |
The item (RU008718852HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RT332476823HK) was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU009920301HK) was tendered for delivery on 12-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU013071076HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT332146226HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Oct | |
The item (RU011125545HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001315615HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU007093333HK) arrived at delivery office on 30-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX002907875HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU009285509HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU008704045HK) was delivered on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001518264HK) was tendered for delivery on 10-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU003425242HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX001804790HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Sep | |
The item (RU010192194HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002046380HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Oct | |
The item (RU010258871HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002365905HK) was delivered on 5-Oct | |
The item (RU010407575HK) was tendered for delivery on 9-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU012239932HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330420954HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (LK700422073HK) was delivered on 19-Aug | |
The item (RU000764459HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success | |
The item (RU011996365HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330051707HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct | |
The item (RU012073053HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010518157HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002234581HK) arrived at delivery office on 11-Oct | |
The item (RX000797165HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Aug | |
The item (RU011809448HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009052305HK) was delivered on 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT332476823HK) arrived at BELARUS on 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001957725HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Sep | |
The item (RU009568085HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT328792740HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU011115980HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001197825HK) was delivered on 16-Sep-2016 | |
The item (RU010018893HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU001111484HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep | |
The item (RU011017951HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003643145HK) was posted on 20-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU000441436HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Aug | |
The item (RU012768121HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011727505HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005916607HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU004347498HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RB935100304HK) was posted on 27-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011669958HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RB843268290RU) arrived at HONG KONG on 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011042704HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004356092HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX001668989HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Sep | |
The item (RU002365905HK) was delivered on 5-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU011850697HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002395685HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct | |
The item (RU012873615HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX000837142HK) was delivered on 6-Aug-2016 | |
The item (RU001249695HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Sep | |
The item (RU003915586HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RU003915586HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 27 октября 2016 |
The item (RT329882631HK) was posted on 13-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU010273145HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU003727177HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010733615HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002673818HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Oct | |
The item (RU012839260HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 21-Sep-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RT905977282HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005424602HK) was posted on 31-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU001290919HK) was tendered for delivery on 12-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU010269110HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 31-Aug-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU010440885HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330401650HK) was posted on 15-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011903222HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU012671215HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001389499HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Sep | Пункт (RU001389499HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 16-сентября |
The item (RT354089070HK) was posted on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU010850639HK) was delivered on 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011619815HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330594080HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT330037254HK) was posted on 23-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT354088128HK) was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX001470345HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU006387937HK) was delivered on 14-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU014181033HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001518264HK) was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Товар (RX001518264HK) была опубликована 3 сентября 2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU010404415HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011703637HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000412770HK) was posted on 17-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RB935972350HK) was posted on 3-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX002092954HK) arrived at delivery office on 27-Sep | |
The item (RU012081196HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003125693HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU003125693HK) прибыл в РФ на 2-ноября-2016 |
The item (RU001491120HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Sep | |
The item (RU012364612HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004058482HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001197825HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep | |
The item (RX002756092HK) was delivered on 25-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RX002756092HK) был доставлен 25-Окт-2016 |
The item (RU013388915HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010105765HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU013214870HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 28-Aug-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU008895279HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002044358HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct | Пункт (RU002044358HK) прибыл в РФ на 2-октября |
The item (RC391138588HK) was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX001906365HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 16-Sep | |
The item (RU010737166HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004012962HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001619912HK) arrived at delivery office on 22-Sep | |
The item (RU012436566HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002371707HK) was delivered on 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU002988508HK) was delivered on 18-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU012631110HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 7-Sep-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU001389499HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 20-Sep | |
The item (RU011537585HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005385033HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU009108852HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RU009108852HK) прибыл в офис доставка на 5 декабря 2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU000618270HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success | |
The item (RU003388947HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct | |
The item (RU013462718HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU006837959HK) arrived at delivery office on 19-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU003129338HK) was posted on 12-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000573410HK) was delivered on 20-Jul | |
The item (RU014155311HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU008895424HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU007734125HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU005508775HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX004709002HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002044358HK) was delivered on 7-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU014148899HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003322795HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Oct | |
The item (RX000753439HK) arrived at delivery office on 10-Aug | |
The item (RU007640357HK) arrived at delivery office on 10-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX003292206HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU013222672HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002296864HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct | |
The item (RU010870562HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011164787HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009581682HK) was delivered on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005479671HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001670316HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU013387115HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005268482HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX002756092HK) was tendered for delivery on 25-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | Пункт (RX002756092HK) был тендер на поставку 25 октября 2016 года без успеха, потому что у получателя не было по адресу, указанному адресатом или офиса\\\’s был закрыт |
The item (RU012145869HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010378021HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002553863HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Oct | |
The item (RU004384558HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002673818HK) was delivered on 19-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001547478HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep | |
The item (RU009989105HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003980633HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU011989104HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002044358HK) was delivered on 7-Oct | |
The item (RU001951722HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Sep | |
The item (RU003762655HK) was tendered for delivery on 31-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU001494903HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep | |
The item (RU010705279HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001078616HK) was posted on 1-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX002422576HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT329877781HK) was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU003307206HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct | |
The item (RU010652871HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002664073HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct | Пункт (RU002664073HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 12-октября |
The item (RU011247535HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330039856HK) was posted on 24-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU013280105HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT332593507HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT906711462HK) was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU003641502HK) arrived at delivery office on 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT333038801HK) was posted on 24-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX001668989HK) was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX004127789HK) was posted on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RC419648212HK) was posted on 14-Sep | |
The item (RU002354978HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep | |
The item (RU003915586HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU004240704HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001197825HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Sep | |
The item (RX003863478HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU014649904HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003590607HK) was delivered on 25-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX004938053HK) was posted on 15-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX002104533HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct | |
The item (RU013675085HK) was posted on 12-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU008727457HK) arrived at delivery office on 29-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT349538218HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct | |
The item (RU004712253HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT345846448HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Sep | |
The item (RX001055629HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-Aug | |
The item (RU002084697HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep | |
The item (RX002448176HK) was delivered on 19-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU012563542HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002168896HK) was delivered on 7-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX004360415HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT328798328HK) arrived at KAZAKHSTAN on 10-Sep | |
The item (LK700553343HK) was posted on 5-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (LK700553343HK) было размещено на 5-декабря-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU002530377HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct | |
The item (RU011788782HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU011490340HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU013363264HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330031614HK) was posted on 20-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX004597460HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001943292HK) arrived at delivery office on 19-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU010676515HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000984865HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 31-Aug | |
The item (RU011700600HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003432583HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct | |
The item (RU008381251HK) was delivered on 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002730501HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct | |
The item (RX000721087HK) arrived at delivery office on 4-Aug | |
The item (RU013924389HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT328448185HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Sep | |
The item (RU009972119HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT332409979HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 15-Sep-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU005322461HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU005322461HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 1-ноября-2016 |
The item (RU001013513HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 5-Sep | |
The item (RU010701780HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001668989HK) was delivered on 13-Sep-2016 | |
The item (RX003972209HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT345092186HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Sep | Элемент (RT345092186HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 4 сентября |
The item (RU009396266HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU003656325HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct | |
The item (RU013284371HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005968768HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU000441436HK) was delivered on 31-Aug | |
The item (RU010452760HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002818398HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct | |
The item (RU012154256HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000912501HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Aug | |
The item (RU009598802HK) was tendered for delivery on 6-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU010012255HK) was delivered on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003724860HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002405388HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU011116835HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX000573410HK) was delivered on 20-Jul-2016 | |
The item (RX004468244HK) was posted on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX001522697HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 14-Sep | |
The item (RU000277624HK) was delivered on 26-Aug | |
The item (RU011415803HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011461357HK) arrived at delivery office on 8-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU001197825HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep | |
The item (RU002884349HK) was delivered on 19-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010771445HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU004646510HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU002744205HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct | |
The item (RU011672807HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009770068HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU013888219HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001469299HK) arrived at delivery office on 17-Sep | |
The item (RU004583307HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX000787273HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep | |
The item (RU007658976HK) was delivered on 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT347513142HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 17-Sep | |
The item (RX003066893HK) was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RB934782558HK) was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Товар (RB934782558HK) было размещено на 15 сентября 2016 года и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RC305049145HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct | |
The item (RT332330718HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX004527543HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010313290HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU004443582HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT344151869HK) was returned to sender on 21-Sep | |
The item (RU011360985HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005628937HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT328199593HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RX004362725HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU012372344HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000950120HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Sep | |
The item (RT330601735HK) was posted on 18-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU000618270HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Aug | |
The item (RU014751336HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016 | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT330039856HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Sep | |
The item (RU012261913HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005311923HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU005311923HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 3-ноября-2016 |
The item (RU001466037HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Sep | |
The item (RU010737988HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003601049HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU011029708HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003269159HK) arrived at delivery office on 24-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX003858420HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RT331098864HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct | |
The item (RU013210688HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000556779HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Aug | |
iMail bag was accepted on 25-Nov-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU002365905HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct | |
The item (RX005155640HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU006240344HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT329513614HK) arrived at TURKEY on 29-Sep | |
The item (RU011717667HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000429713HK) was posted on 19-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The addressee requested later delivery. The item (RU003028087HK) is being held at addressee’s request | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005276118HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU012471523HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU014751251HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RC922535130HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct | |
The item (RU002113169HK) arrived at delivery office on 6-Oct | |
The item (RT353066214HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU010112942HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT347513142HK) arrived at delivery office on 20-Sep | |
The item (RU004705164HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX001897567HK) was tendered for delivery on 18-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU010387814HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU003836999HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU002771452HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct | |
The item (RU008218471HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU003035595HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Oct | |
The item (RT342629855HK) was posted on 9-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU012909062HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU012885644HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RC180527961HK) was posted on 24-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011131395HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000893538HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RX001470345HK) was delivered on 6-Sep-2016 | |
The item (RU002115730HK) was delivered on 7-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT327288249HK) was delivered on 24-Aug | |
The item (RU010710747HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT330416230HK) was posted on 20-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU009958678HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU009958678HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 30 ноября 2016 |
The item (RU011805534HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU008802524HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 21-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU008802524HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 21 ноября 2016 |
The item (RC522337717HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Aug | |
The item (RU012628950HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001540713HK) was tendered for delivery on 23-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU003571069HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 31-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001490331HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 11-Sep | |
The item (RU012576395HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002710073HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct-2016 | |
The item (LK700544845HK) was posted on 15-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT328797557HK) arrived at delivery office on 7-Sep | |
The item (RU012388905HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT347513142HK) arrived at delivery office on 20-Sep-2016 | |
The item (RU014566100HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010595030HK) arrived at delivery office on 11-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU000306590HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Aug | |
The item (RU009279790HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU012980764HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003836999HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001547478HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 16-Sep | |
The item (RU009087145HK) was delivered on 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU005051888HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RU005051888HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 30-Окт-2016 |
The item (RX001828558HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX004597460HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016 | Пункт (RX004597460HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 7-декабря-2016 |
The item (RX001329742HK) was delivered on 5-Sep-2016 | |
The item (RU012987665HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009085604HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU010900865HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011815899HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 6-Oct-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU012007142HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT333153016HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RT333153016HK) была размещена на 1-ноября-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU001744075HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 21-Sep | |
The item (RU005320426HK) was posted on 31-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT347533500HK) was posted on 20-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX001888389HK) was delivered on 15-Sep | |
The item (RX002521389HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU000350029HK) was tendered for delivery on 27-Aug-2016 without success | |
The item (RT905977282HK) was posted on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU008819895HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002988508HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct | |
The item (RU012584216HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004803705HK) was delivered on 23-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002211546HK) was tendered for delivery on 10-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU000723318HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 5-Sep | |
The item (RA280475445RU) was delivered on 24-Oct | |
The item (RX001668989HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep | |
The item (RU002941664HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because it was unclaimed. The item was returned to sender | |
The item (RU003279006HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-Oct | Пункт (RU003279006HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 19-окт |
The item (RU011524216HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011888352HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011536280HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330721574HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RT330721574HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 4 ноября 2016 |
The item (RT330046415HK) was posted on 28-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011694285HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000762400HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Sep | |
The item (RU003458170HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU000319491HK) arrived at delivery office on 25-Aug | |
The item (RU010991225HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004334168HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX004598607HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX004024838HK) was tendered for delivery on 30-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RT330039856HK) was delivered on 4-Oct | |
iMail bag was accepted on 11-Dec-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RC429897174HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Aug | |
The item (RU000772146HK) arrived at delivery office on 31-Aug | |
iMail bag was accepted on 25-Aug-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU013193106HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004711655HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001984164HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU011195395HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002531179HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004612312HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU012125192HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT348888257HK) was posted on 7-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011224137HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU013572143HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009098109HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 23-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001195100HK) was tendered for delivery on 16-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU005296024HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RU005296024HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 1-ноября-2016 |
The item (RU000441436HK) arrived at delivery office on 30-Aug | |
The item (RU002788957HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct | |
The item (RU009992498HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009752665HK) arrived at delivery office on 30-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX002395748HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Oct | |
The item (RT321235058HK) was posted on 10-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
iMail bag was accepted on 9-Sep-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU010793145HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005591494HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU010979468HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001257192HK) was posted on 7-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU007432972HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RT340222785HK) was delivered on 19-Jul-2016 | |
The item (RU010900193HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001782873HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep | |
The item (RU009445934HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT331072439HK) arrived at AZERBAIJAN on 10-Oct | |
The item (RU000810839HK) was tendered for delivery on 31-Aug-2016 without success | |
The item (RU003470666HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 18-Oct | |
The item (RU011499936HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010871262HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002251664HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep | |
The item (RX003111147HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002181331HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep | |
The item (RU010794702HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002952242HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001348485HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Sep | |
The item (RU013024840HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002447635HK) was delivered on 20-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX005162481HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009864295HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | Пункт (RU009864295HK) был тендер на поставку в 3-декабря-2016 без успеха, потому что у получателя не было по адресу, указанному адресатом или офиса\\\’s был закрыт |
The item (RX000787273HK) was delivered on 30-Sep-2016 | |
The item (RU009643254HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | Пункт (RU009643254HK) был тендер на поставку в 3-декабря-2016 без успеха, потому что у получателя не было по адресу, указанному адресатом или офиса\\\’s был закрыт |
The item (RX004534629HK) arrived at delivery office on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU009585993HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002501605HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Oct | |
The item (RT348634495HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 3-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RT348634495HK) прибыл в офис доставка и обрабатывается для доставки адресату по состоянию на 3 ноября 2016 |
The item (RU012322921HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT333110109HK) was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX001909132HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Sep | |
The item (RU002452343HK) was delivered on 10-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU007265784HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002104533HK) arrived at delivery office on 10-Oct | |
The item (RU009432618HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RX002430541HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Oct | |
The item (RU000559090HK) arrived at delivery office on 3-Sep | |
The item (RX004388170HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX003095002HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU009963942HK) arrived at delivery office on 29-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT330034757HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct | |
The item (RU001309694HK) was tendered for delivery on 17-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU003832440HK) arrived at delivery office on 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RC042765340HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Sep | |
The item (RU010717983HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002632362HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct | Пункт (RX002632362HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 14-октября |
The item (RU012305203HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000918711HK) was delivered on 6-Sep | |
The item (RU005026265HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RX000787273HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Sep | |
The item (RU004089048HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT330004256HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 23-Sep | |
The item (RX002939586HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010019559HK) was delivered on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004347498HK) was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX005158941HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001518264HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU003485780HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct | |
The item (RU010561685HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (LK700466635HK) was tendered for delivery on 27-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU007491817HK) was delivered on 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005701036HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001389499HK) was delivered on 26-Sep | |
The item (RU010328405HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003939018HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002943387HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016 | |
The addressee requested later delivery. The item (RU006138104HK) is being held at addressee’s request | |
The item (RU010348400HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU003279006HK) was tendered for delivery on 25-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | Пункт (RU003279006HK) был тендер на поставку 25 октября 2016 года без успеха, потому что у получателя не было по адресу, указанному адресатом или офиса\\\’s был закрыт |
The item (RB936921819HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | Пункт (RB936921819HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 16 декабря 2016 |
The item (RU012527284HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000918711HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Aug | Пункт (RU000918711HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 30-августа |
The item (RU001389499HK) was delivered on 26-Sep-2016 | |
The item (RX004409382HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000630681HK) arrived at delivery office on 31-Aug | |
The item (RU009069442HK) was delivered on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RC511337340HK) arrived at delivery office on 25-Aug | |
The item (RU011247645HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005520011HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX004437940HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003477973HK) was tendered for delivery on 27-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RC072329621HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep | |
The item (RU010947068HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005011331HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU006513459HK) was tendered for delivery on 21-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU002113169HK) was delivered on 8-Oct | |
The item (RU009387485HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 7-Oct-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU008705536HK) was delivered on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT348634495HK) arrived at BELARUS on 31-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RT348634495HK) прибыл в Беларусь на 31-Окт-2016 |
The item (RT325830470HK) was posted on 30-Aug | |
The item (RU010257641HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU003654863HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX001030732HK) was delivered on 30-Aug | |
The item (RU003393655HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct | |
The item (RU014762957HK) was posted on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU009452538HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002512577HK) arrived at delivery office on 11-Oct | |
The item (RT342632046HK) was posted on 10-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU002181331HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-Sep | Пункт (RU002181331HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 25-сентября |
The item (RU013232808HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011621283HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001064206HK) was posted on 2-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU003636502HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 18-Oct | |
The item (RU011179044HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001956058HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep | |
The item (RU012521105HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002521389HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU001809531HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU005539154HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU012573301HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000817284HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU012365462HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT332513384HK) was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RT332513384HK) был опубликован 25-Окт-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RX004636676HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001565882HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Aug | Пункт (RX001565882HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 28-августа |
The item (RT330036466HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct | |
The item (RU013645146HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002837817HK) arrived at delivery office on 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001197825HK) was delivered on 16-Sep | |
The item (RU009042538HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002531179HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RX002531179HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 30-Окт-2016 |
The item (LK700455902HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Sep | |
The item (RU007332909HK) was tendered for delivery on 22-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU005201049HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU007444746HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011290618HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009663497HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX002447635HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU010192150HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330412842HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 5-Oct-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU012392542HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000665297HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Aug | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011169360HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RB934424961HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU007818457HK) was delivered on 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU004278700HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU011148563HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 13-Oct-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU008872834HK) was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU002884349HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct | Пункт (RU002884349HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 12-октября |
The item (RU007782845HK) was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU005907980HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU010012255HK) was tendered for delivery on 7-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RX003095002HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 5-Sep-2016; items to be scanned | |
The item (RU004661463HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct | |
The item (RU012519274HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU000805119HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU010480434HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU003832440HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct | |
The item (RT328788379HK) was posted on 24-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Товар (RT328788379HK) было размещено на 24-августа-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU014310886HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU010221219HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RX000889241HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 17-Aug | |
The item (RX003274437HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016 | Пункт (RX003274437HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 4 ноября 2016 |
The item (RU002056696HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep | |
The item (RX003198143HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU009059459HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT347513142HK) was posted on 7-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011254933HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT327288249HK) was delivered on 24-Aug-2016 | |
The item (RU012617118HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU008615186HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU002181331HK) was delivered on 1-Oct | |
The item (RT353221069HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004360358HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU010427045HK) was posted on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RU010427045HK) была размещена на 9-декабря-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RC011493686HK) was posted on 28-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RC011493686HK) было размещено 28-Окт-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU001600187HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep | |
The item (RU011004754HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011491005HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011708078HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002430436HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU012692241HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009721455HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011537585HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003997599HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001823547HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep | |
The item (RU012501698HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002774887HK) was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX001470345HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Sep | Пункт (RX001470345HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 1-сентября |
The item (RU002804076HK) was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success | |
The item (RU003374143HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct | |
The item (RU013232808HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003307206HK) was posted on 13-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX001021378HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Aug | |
The item (RU008688285HK) arrived at delivery office on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU002403988HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU002070295HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep | |
The item (RU013036406HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005487620HK) was posted on 2-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RU005487620HK) была размещена на 2-ноября-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU013680942HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005324357HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011859413HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003832440HK) was delivered on 31-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001876641HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep | |
The item (RC463607645HK) was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RC463607645HK) была размещена на 7-декабря-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU003915586HK) was posted on 22-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RU003915586HK) было размещено на 22-Окт-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU008960675HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT328779831HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Aug | |
The item (RX003946257HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001888636HK) was delivered on 14-Sep | |
The item (RT306655852HK) was delivered on 8-Jul | |
The item (RU013305377HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RC240416276HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU003885986HK) arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001286185HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Sep | |
The item (RU008734974HK) was delivered on 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002632362HK) was delivered on 26-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU008854155HK) was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU002181331HK) was delivered on 1-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010180973HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU007751185HK) was tendered for delivery on 23-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RX002361041HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct | |
The item (RU011858761HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU008431324HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT330037254HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct | |
The item (RU005522905HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RT329495805HK) arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 16-Sep | |
The item (RU012182671HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003912528HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU000874043HK) arrived at delivery office on 9-Sep | |
The item (RU004769071HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU002151989HK) arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct | |
The item (RU012382151HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009692697HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU012297864HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009878759HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU013469384HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016 | Пункт (RU013469384HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 13-декабря-2016 |
The item (RC854077000HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success because the addressee cannot be located | |
The item (RU008851560HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU012018661HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX003066893HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 31-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010066369HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001959828HK) was delivered on 10-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU011988608HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002141213HK) was delivered on 6-Oct | |
The item (RU012620355HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009998337HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002191395HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep | |
The item (RX002429557HK) was delivered on 31-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RT330015660HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 23-Sep | |
The item (RU006703400HK) was delivered on 17-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU005632826HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU002141213HK) was delivered on 6-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX001470345HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Sep | |
The item (RU003659295HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct | |
The item (RU000277624HK) was tendered for delivery on 23-Aug-2016 without success | |
The item (RU011936747HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU013410809HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001049915HK) was posted on 17-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RT332005002HK) was posted on 27-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU011772442HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU012844154HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU005009253HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU015118955HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RC131227197HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Sep | |
The item (RU012037691HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003307206HK) arrived at delivery office on 21-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RX001470345HK) was delivered on 6-Sep | |
The item (RU012671958HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002113169HK) was delivered on 8-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU003432583HK) was delivered on 21-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU014693063HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002113169HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Oct | |
The item (RT332924708HK) was posted on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU003262266HK) was delivered on 21-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU011855270HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001765875HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Sep | |
The item (RU012816754HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU011198750HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU012769201HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002448176HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Oct | |
The item (RU012317572HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (LK700476346HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Oct | |
The item (RU011819860HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009806496HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU005522905HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 19-Sep-2016; items to be scanned | он извлекает мешок был принят на 19-сентября-2016; документы для сканирования |
The item (RT346042535HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU010033683HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU003269159HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct | |
The item (RU008927056HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RX002756092HK) was posted on 13-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | Пункт (RX002756092HK) было опубликовано 13-окт-2016 и обрабатывается для доставки адресату |
The item (RU004179945HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU009707241HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU004201060HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002003265HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-Sep | |
The item (RU009485536HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RB935100304HK) was delivered on 8-Oct | |
The item (RU005546800HK) was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU001514302HK) arrived at delivery office on 19-Sep | |
The item (RU012179346HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU004334168HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU001670316HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep | Пункт (RU001670316HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 21-сентября |
The item (RX002215171HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Oct | |
The item (RU011164124HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Dec-2016 | Пункт (RU011164124HK) прибыл в РФ на 3 декабря 2016 |
The item (RU014310784HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU009513254HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU011959853HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002280572HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep | |
The item (RU000918711HK) was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU013336241HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 14-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU001221051HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Sep | |
The item (RU011850697HK) was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU011394445HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX004450019HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU012076752HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001828558HK) arrived at delivery office on 13-Sep | |
The item (RU011301103HK) arrived at delivery office on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU004107299HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016 | |
The item (RU001270993HK) arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep | |
The item (RU003862605HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016 | Пункт (RU003862605HK) ожидает таможенного досмотра в пункте назначения по состоянию на 27 октября 2016 |
The item (RU011873287HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RT330386820HK) was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RU010310903HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 30-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RC905399054HK) was tendered for delivery on 7-Sep-2016 without success | |
The item (RU010456316HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX004547004HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU008378411HK) was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU011973271HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001158946HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016 | |
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU003180377HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct | |
The item (RU005562524HK) was tendered for delivery on 9-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU003103619HK) was posted on 12-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee | |
The item (RX000867246HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Aug | |
The item (RT331073289HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep | |
The addressee requested later delivery. The item (RU003213367HK) is being held at addressee’s request | |
The item (RU001389499HK) arrived at delivery office on 23-Sep | |
The item (RU011216453HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX002683545HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct | |
The item (RU009796017HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002375292HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep | |
The item (RU010952712HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016 | |
iMail bag was accepted on 18-Aug-2016; items to be scanned | он извлекает мешок было принято на 18-августа-2016; документы для сканирования |
The item (RU006074960HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016 | |
The item (RU002164885HK) arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep | |
The item (RU011567724HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RX001668989HK) arrived at delivery office on 12-Sep | |
The item (RU011850697HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016 | |
The item (RU002991277HK) was tendered for delivery on 26-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee’s office was closed | |
The item (RU014665031HK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016 | Пункт (RU014665031HK) будет покинуть Гонконг для его назначения на 16 декабря 2016 |
Получено адресатом | |
Успешно вручено | |
Прибыло в место вручения | |
Ожидает адресата в месте вручения | |
Прибыло в страну назначения | |
Вылетело в страну назначения | |
Передано авиакомпании | |
Покинуло транзитную страну | |
Arrive at origin post office | |
Прибыло в транзитную страну | |
Принято в отделении связи | |
Принято | |
Информация о заказе получена перевозчиком | |
Покинуло сортировочный центр | |
Прибыло в сортировочный центр | |
Принято перевозчиком | |
Ожидание получения посылки от отправителя | |
Электронная регистрация отправления | |
Вручено адресату | |
Arrive at local delivery office | |
Undeliverable | |
Прибыло в место международного обмена | |
Покинуло место международного обмена | |
Сортировка | |
Передано в доставку по России | |
Покинуло транзитный пункт международного обмена | |
Выпущено таможней | |
Прием на таможню | |
Прошло регистрацию | |
Прибыло на территорию России | |
Передано в таможню | |
Импорт международной почты | |
Прибыла в Россию | |
Airline arrived at destination country | |
Ожидает отправки из Гонконга | |
Экспорт международной почты | |
Проверка содержимого на безопасность завершена | |
Отправка отменена | |
Передано почтальону | |
Processing,Forwarded to the postman | |
Airline departed from original country | |
Depart from transit country or district | |
Arrive at transit country or district | |
Post office collection. | |
Waiting for pickup | |
Shipment confirmation | |
Delivered. Your item was delivered at 8:27 am on July 29, 2017 in ST THOMAS, VI 00802. | |
Delivered | |
Available for Pickup | |
Arrived at Post Office | |
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility | |
Processed Through Facility | |
Acceptance |
Меня зовут Павел. Я создал Посылки, приложение для отслеживания посылок из Китая и по всему миру, скачайте Посылки для iOS or Посылки для Android. Snow Trips сайт для сравнения горнолыжных курортов по стоимости поездки, ski pass, жилья, авиаперелета. Больше всего в жизни я люблю сноубординг, кайтсерфинг и путешествия о которых я рассказываю через фото и видео в ВК и Инстаграм.
Следуйте за моими приключениями в Твиттере и Моем Блоге.